The dreamhack tournament was bloody FLAWLESS if you ask me!
1. LocKtar
2. Nabbe
3. bps
Was a bit annoying that Locust and LocKtar faced eachother already in the quarterfinals, i.e if Locust would have been in another group he'd probably have gotten way higher. Worth mentioning is that he didn't play THAT well during the LAN.
Even though a few names dropped out, the tournament was bloody awesome to watch, AND ESPECIALLY THE FINAL!!!
The final, played in the DreamArena Extreme THEATRE, was incredible. The place has room for 1100 people (!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!) and the main screen was bigger than my house. The commentators, 2gd and Phil, did a flawless job covering the games and every second of the games were interesting to both watch and listen to!
The entire thing was so awesome, the big theatre filled (or well not filled but yeah...) with people watching two dark loners at one computer each fighting their balls off to win the title and the streaming of the game... OMFG!!
Sadly, alot of people weren't able to watch the streaming (Afterwards I found out that pre-selected in Octoshape is the browser FireFox. Thus, people using IE would install it but still it wouldn't work. To fix this; go to the settings and select "use system standard browser" on browser settings), but the ones that actually did I'm fucking sure they were satisfied to a maximum.
I've decided that next QuakeWorld tournament at DreamHack (and probably QHLan as well), I will be attending, of course to be in the tournament as well but mostly to spectate the awesome games!
If anyone read my irc spam about recording the stream and managed to actually do so and not being total asholes, please upload it and share it to the people that didn't manage to see the stream. Besides, I'd like to see it again! 
DreamHack isn't over yet though, but the QuakeWorld tournament is. Congratulations to LocKtar!!!
3 best:
* The DreamArena Extreme
* Nabbe's very very nervous English as he was interviewed by 2gd after the game.
* THE ENTIRE TOURNAMENT!!! Cred to Vo0 and LuGia for playing the QW tourney as well.
3 worst:
* ParadokS dropping out (replaced by Vo0)
* No Phil commentary before the Finals

Cred to Adde though for making the best of it!
* The groups. Ake Vader, with all due respect, shouldn't be that far above Locust etc. ^^
3 funniest:
* Nabbe's nervousity in the interview. Has my respect for doing it, though!!!
* bps' bore at a very essential moment of the semi-final vs LocKtar on dm4. Very tight game, LocKtar hiding in RA/YA, bps chases him from above and fires rockets at LocKtar but suddenly hits the bridge and bores.
* Phil's "Hello" to the crowd when 2gd wished him welcome to the commentary position in the Finals, ROFL!
On a final note, when the time passed 00:00, my birthday began and I am officially 20 years old which means this will be celebrated with lots and lots of strong bewerage tonight
