The eagle has landed; I have returned from the alternate universe and am back in NYC. This QHLan was excellent. The network was flawless except for the internet connection which was supplied by Mдrsta and out of the LAN's hands. In the end, I skipped sleeping for the last 2 nights, (which maybe adversely affected the quality of the interviews but oh well) and had an absolute blast, and even met some new qwers and played a little quake

I want to thank (again) all the

organizers, SLA, GEv, QH clan, and all the people behind the scenes. The only piece of the puzzle that was missing were the Finnish div1 players. Not a single one showed up, and I am very disappointed

We'll see how the timing will be next time, I really would like for the Finns and Russians to come to QHLan. This would be the real TGI2. To their credit,



sidd did attend and made a great impact on the lan.
We also had the awesome

polish squad here,

drizzy made it from Australia by way of England (bring Reload next time!), of course

reppie and





hedgepig, and even a

portugese contingent as well spearheaded by

They were all important as they each added their own special color to the gathering. I'm probably missing someone, and for sure there could have been even more players.

Good games!