A top quality production from Jissse. The graphics settings and overall visual effects of this movie are flawless. The soundtrack sets the pace of the movie and suits this setting nicely. I'm not a big fan of the veeryyy long outro's that other QuakeWorld movies tend to share, but Jissse made it work here I think. Was a nice way to wind down after the fast paced frag action.

A must see gem for any QuakeWorld movie fan!
Unique views: 2825
(6 votes)
Added by: ParadokS
Added date: 2012-12-10
Release date: 2012-12-08
Author: Jissse
Category: Movies
Direct link
Mirror #1 - Maverick Servers
2012-12-10, 21:42
freaking awesome graphics and music synch!!!
good job!
2012-12-10, 22:12
Very nicely made! Keep em coming!
2012-12-10, 22:13
cool movie and nice editing!
2012-12-10, 22:44
very cool.
2012-12-11, 20:17
Nice movie
2012-12-25, 21:47
qw still alive 8) & waiting for more...
2013-02-11, 20:36
Movie seems to be gone? Doesn't work for me.
2013-02-11, 23:19
Because default hoster: 'own3d.tv' is rip.

just select the youtube tab
2013-02-14, 18:02
Thanks, i'm obviously blind.

Nice movie apart from the GFX settings - I'm all for a more classic Quake style when it comes to skins and items in movies.

Still, very refreshing to see a new QW movie, thanks Jissse!
2016-03-13, 06:14
Stream is down :<

But found it on YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CC0g6aFDq_Q
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