Welcome all! I’m here again with a new interview. Today we will be 3: me, with famous QuakeWorld players

bps and

LocKtar. This time we will talk about their favorite maps. You will be shown how QuakeWorld players are different. I also asked about their opinion on the future of QuakeWorld and the upcoming Hymn of Hope project!
Ok so let's start. Can you tell us your favourite maps and why they are your favourite?
LocKtar: I like dm4 and dm2 the most, cus of the high difference between the maps, dm2 allows you to be very fast and precise, you have to execute jumps with high accuracy and read the game fast, as it can switch from slow to fast very fast. I also like dm2 cus of i get the most out of quake on that map, its fast paced, and alot of aim involved, and you have to adapt to your enemy all the time... if he cs (plays CS style) you have to find a way to surprise him, even if it might be hard, its always possible.
Dm4 is such a dominant map, and you really have to put energy on it to win, and gain experience.. main ingredience to get good in dm4, is to have good shaft (know the hotspots to aim at), and map knowledge, read your nmy. It’s all about that, and positioning, always have the advantage in every battle.
Bps: I prefer the openness of Aerowalk because you always have options (like 3 ways to go) compared to maps like dm4, where you're like constantly cornered. Multiple options of where to go gives a more varying play imo, which is funnier, and faster. I love the starving of enemys on aerowalk, meaning stealing rockets constantly and keeping the enemy at a distance - this way he's helpless and will slow his game down, which falls in my favor.
Ok, so we saw some huge differences in your opinions there. Now let's focus a bit on the upcoming Hymn of Hope tourney where you both singed up (and bps is also admin). Can you tell us if you are preparing somehow? And what do you think - will HoH put quake back to active progaming?
LocKtar: I will keep on playing as I am right now, my shape is very good atm so I just hope I will keep it. I like it very much, I hope the quakers will be more competitive now, and do their best to win some money. I think it’s to little cs in the quakeworld scene.
Bps: For myself I haven't really decided on how much I energy/time I will put into this. I love the idea, and really want it to work out well and evolve. I'm putting alot of effort in helping zingao administer it. But I feel it's so many leagues at the moment, and I'm not really sure where to put the focus. If any, this should probably be it. I have a big issue with how much time I can spend for qw nowadays, because of irl commitments. If I wouldn't have those commitments, I would certainly put next to all my spare time into this and aim for the title. I'm currently in a bad shape, which I regret, but can't do anything about without putting more time into the game.
Ok, thanks again for your time! We are at the end, so do you want to shout-out or highlight someone? Specially to your fans! 
Bps: The future of QW truly looks promising again, with a great influx of new, dedicated players and tournament initiatives. I think the documentary made by Defcon_5 was the defibrillator that kick-started the heart of the community, which lead to this great influx. Shout-out to my dear fanbois: apprentice Jackal, gflip and helld1amond

Thanks Zalon for his great community efforts and also Tonik, Renzo, vvd, cokeman, johnny_cz, empezar and all the other guys lurking in the shadows doing great stuff for us all!
LocKtar: I would like to say EKERÖ KOMMUN RULEZ!!!!!!!
So, that was bps and LocKtar and their point of view on QuakeWorld maps. Also I would like to remind you guys of the
Hymn of Hope season #1 registrationThanks for feedback and support!P.S: Do you want to help me? Then write me an email at jan.drly@hotmail.cz and share your ideas with me! I will be delighted with all your ideas.