pleuraXeraphim  /  11 Nov 2011, 15:11
Maps...maps.... and more Maps
Finally, after a few months of hard and steady work, the maps crew have added over 400 assorted (mainly deathmatch) maps to the Maps archive over on This is the first batch of many batches to come.

The Map Screenshots project was started several months back with the aim of trawling through 5887 quakeworld maps and taking screen shots of each and every map. The screenshots project has been generously supported by the following people: Contributions

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This arduous task has now been completed and the next difficult stage of the project is to now to categorise the maps, import them to the database, rate them, add descriptions and group them.

We are currently in the process of adding a ranking system to the maps archive so that users can rate maps they like and dislike. This ranking mechanism will help make the better maps more visible in what will be a sizeable archive when complete. We will announce via news post when this feature has been completed and fully functional.

When the current phase of the project has been completed we hope to account for almost every map that was created over the past 15 years since quakeworld first came out. This will cover all singleplayer, deathmatch, team fortress, CTF and Trick/Aim maps.

As always we need help from the community so if you'd like to help out and spare a couple of hours here and there then please let myself pleura or ParadokS know.
2011-11-11, 15:33
Hey Pleura. Congratulations. I would be on board again to help some more with the project.

P.S.: Under Contribution you can only see Para's ego trip.
P.P.S.: If you check the CTF maps, there are a few non-CTF maps in it
2011-11-11, 15:47
Thanks n|x. Welcome back.
2011-11-11, 15:57
Cool What i still don't understand is why the maps archive isn't open to anyone to contribute straight on the website. :\
2011-11-11, 16:04
Well we can maybe add in extra features when we get the archive fully completed. However as it is we do have a contributions feature where you can add the readme.txt files or update descriptions etc. These contributions are then approved by an admin after. We have already received quite an amount of spam, so we need to keep a control of it. The user must be logged in to network to make contributions. Does that make sense ?

Edited by pleuraXeraphim on 11 Nov 11 @ 17:05CET
2011-11-11, 16:24
Ah now i noticed and i was a bit too quick to critiscise, although i think one should be able to add maps.

Nice work anyway!
2011-11-11, 16:46
Well, I don't

If you wan't some standard of quality you should let admins add them - it's also easier. You need special GFX setup to take sshots, take them in certain way. Also not all back end systems are automized, would take a lot of extra work to make it able to take contributions from everyone.
But you are still free to send your new map to us, and we will add it.

Edited by ParadokS on 11 Nov 11 @ 17:46CET
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