Client software
sassa  /  22 May 2007, 03:40
KTK8 testing ezTV
King of Tuesday Kenya is the first tourney testing ezTV, (Tonight, 20-23 cet).

This is the first testing of how QuakeWorld will look in the future from a spectators point of view.

>>> For more click here
QQshka and Renzo have been trying to give the QW-spectators a new interface and its called ezTV.

How it works:
It streams the mvd-demo, which means that when your spectating you can choose whatever pov/server you want, your not depended on a cam any longer.

How to use ezTV tonight:
1, Get the latest version of ezQuake (1.8 beta2 or newer): Here
2, Put the exe file in you qw-root-folder
3, Change the name of the file to what ever you want: ezquake-gl-alpha-1.9.exe
4, Download the map: blessed and put it in your /qw-root/qw/maps/ folder
5, Click on the ezTV link for a match on the KTK8 schedule and choose to open the file with your new .exe file
6, ezQuake should by now have opened the file and directly connected you to the correct stream

(If you got any problems, please try in #qwhelp or #ezQuake)

The ezTV topic on the forum
KTK8 forum topic
ezTVjol and ezTVsuomi
Official KTK irc-channel: #kenya on quakenet
2007-05-22, 07:34
g00d w33rk sassalinnen
2007-05-22, 11:29
Just to be honest, eztv is light version of qtv, so all credits goes to Spike.
If u like it, tell thx to Spike, if not - blame me ;]
2007-05-22, 11:41
Also, keep in mind that EZTV is not yet finished bug- or featurewise, so it might do something funny and will get some needed features by the fall (I hope at least ).
2007-05-22, 12:51
Excellent work, works just fine for me. Some things that I found odd: It fucks up my hud somehow, no idea why. There are also minor lags that slow the game down, then the game speeds up for a while.

Excellent work, hopefully you will add features that GTV and other xxTV thingies have
2007-05-22, 21:45
wow; that is really nice!

its the first time i have tried any *TV clients/servers (are there others?) and im really impressed. and i could even manage to get around ezquake (pretty much first time ive used that too) without any readmes!

only one complaint: the split screen for 2 players, shouldnt that be a vertical split rather then a horizontal one? I would think it would be a bit less distracting like that. Or just make it another option
2007-05-22, 22:12
As it streams demo, that should be possible by some client commands. But anyway, we'll keep looking into it
2007-05-22, 22:16
@ Falzzi:

It shouldn't do that. Perhaps the hud thingy is related to those demohuds ezQ uses by default?


There are also minor lags that slow the game down, then the game speeds up for a while.

That shouldn't be happening either, have to check this some time.
2007-05-23, 05:43
works just fine here
2007-05-23, 08:23
This is hot ,watching qtv on 80 ping is more smooth than observeing game on 28.Amaizing it is like mvd from your local hard drive.Scr_autoid is working with all stats.Autotracking has to be toggled from menu??
2007-05-23, 10:05

You can make your own customized autotrack inside of ezQuake, hopefully we can smooth those commands in newer updates
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