Ake Vader  /  24 Jun 2009, 17:59
Bethesda acquires id Software
Kotaku today reports that Bethesda Softworks' parent company Zenimax media has acquired the makers of the games in the Quake series; ID Software. ID Software are currently occupied with Rage and Quake Live, and should be looking to beef up the man power on those projects after this acquisition.

Read more on Kotaku, which features comments from people involved
2009-06-24, 18:00
Not much of a news item and it's not like we're affected by ID as much anymore, but i think it's worth mentioning.

Edited by Ake Vader on 24 Jun 09 @ 19:00CET
2009-06-24, 19:57
Unexpected move I must admit. But for me "id" ceased to exist after Quake2 anyway. If only QuakeLive had some decent movement..
2009-07-03, 11:06
I really look forward to this
2009-07-15, 06:17
maybe its time to release quake for free...
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