Zalon  /  18 Jun 2009, 16:29
DreamHack - Interviews
During DreamHack, Phil did some short interviews that we now have made available in high quality at our video site.

There are two new interviews, one with DreamHack runner-up Nabbe and another one with Quater-finalist Lakso.

You can find both the Nabbe interview and the Lakso interview at QuakeWorld Videos.
2009-06-18, 17:19
what about the riosatiy interview! :d wasn't he good enough to take place
2009-06-18, 17:42
I don't have a riosatiy interview?
2009-06-18, 18:42
Yeah wtf!
I was very drunk/hangover anyways so wasn't that good of an interview.
2009-06-19, 09:15
Zalon the riosatiy interview is in the second day of phils pictures from dh ^^

hugz <3
2009-06-24, 12:44
Russian Phil should let some swede do the interviews instead. ;I Tacky english.
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