pleuraXeraphim  /  16 Feb 2008, 18:24
NQR League Reviews/Predictions
The points system has been changed for the NQR league. Please read about this on the main news section here

Also there are now two League reviews available for the Gold and Rookies division.

To read Soma's gold league review please go here
To read pleuraXeraphim's rookies league review go here

Silver and Bronze reports are still to come so keep an eye out. Comments can be left here. And remember please start playing your games.
2008-02-16, 21:17
Good predictions / overviews from both. It's really hard to get pracs in the rookie div so no idea how the other teams will perform..hopefully no clan will drop out and we'll get plenty of matches played instead of 100s of wos..
2008-02-17, 14:36
Gold cup will be hawt!
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