
Administrator 1864 posts
Registered: Feb 2006
Any player wishing to be placed in a team for EQL 12 can list their contact information here, then we will either build teams or find a team for you to join, all depending on the number of participants. Please provide the following information: 1. Your QW nickname that you use. 2. Your IRC nickname. 3. What country your playing from. 4. What irc channels you can be found in. (Could be #qwrookie or #quakeworld) Please also add a short description of your previous quakeworld/gaming endeavours.
Member 1 post
Registered: Sep 2010
1. My nickname used to be WeLLHaRD back in the day but I go by HowHard now. 2. HowHard 3. UK 4. #HoQ definitely, #qwrookie or #quakeworld I haven't played QW really since about a year after Q2 came out but I have played it the odd occasion since so to be fair I should be on one of the worst teams but I do have very good aim and should pick it up again quite quickly. I play and manage a very good QuakeLIVE team aswell so I do still have some skill  Cheers, HowHard aka WeLLHaRD http://www.HouseofQuake.com
Member 10 posts
Registered: Aug 2010
Please provide the following information: 1. buff0x. 2. buff0x / bfx - depends if somebody has stole my name 3. England 4. #qwrookie
Stopped playing quakeworld when quake3 came out (2000), but recently started playing about a week ago.
I played quakeworld for 3 years in a clan environment, then moved to quake3.
I played Quake 3 at div1/eurocup level for CTF, TDM and RA3.
When World of Warcraft came out, I went and played that and slowly stopped playing Q3 (2004/2005) since then I haven't played any FPS games on a PC, apart from singleplayer..
Member 1 post
Registered: Sep 2010
1. skilley 2. DRz_skilley 3. Germany 4. #Druidz #QWrookie Started with Enemy Territory and Et:Qw in 2007/08 and played it on a higher level. Than QL came out and i moved to it, mainly as Team Manager, im active for Druidz atm (famous for their old QW Team and ofc LocKtaR  ) coz my Team there (we play in EMS) i know the structure about it but i never played QW before only Duel and some TDM in QL.
Member 398 posts
Registered: Feb 2006
Nice to see a few new chaps out there! Hope you all will find a clan, otherwise you should form one together 
Member 17 posts
Registered: Aug 2010
1-my nick is sofiene/sofjenAHH 2-my nick in irc is sofiene 3-i play from tunisia 3-you can find me(most of the time) in #quakeworld and sometimes in #qwrokie
im a q2 player,i didnt realy played qw alot,i have some q2 skills so i must be ok in qw,i wanted to start my qw carrer in a tournament (hehe),hope i find a clan here
News Writer 1267 posts
Registered: Jun 2007
Whats your ping on a european server sofiene? Im guessing it can be kinda bad
Member 628 posts
Registered: Jan 2006
phren phren sweden 4. atm here
div2 plx!
Member 17 posts
Registered: Aug 2010
Whats your ping on a european server sofiene? Im guessing it can be kinda bad i ping like 90-100 in euro (i have an old pc,with a new one i must ping like 30-40 in euro) im used to play in 200 ping in us servers,so i will be a lot better in euro 
News Writer 438 posts
Registered: Jan 2006
Member 11 posts
Registered: Feb 2010
Mads mads- Russia #cpm.qw
Experience: not much, 2 seasons of eql in last divisions
Member 2 posts
Registered: Sep 2010
1. eThaD 2. eThaD 3. Lithuania 4. #cpm.qw
5 years of CPM. Also played in eql10 in the last division.
Member 80 posts
Registered: Jan 2006
1. nosfer4tu 2. nosfer4tu 3. Portugal 4. #qw.pt / #qwrookie
I´ve been playing qw (tdm, duel, ffa, ctf, whatever qwmod) for the last 12 years.
Member 628 posts
Registered: Jan 2006
Member 6 posts
Registered: Jan 2006
ian amsterdam usually in #paramedics on qnet i played in a couple of the qw tdm tournaments in north america, and am basically from ctf in q3/ql. based on pickups, i think i'd be fine in div2/div3, or whatever.
Member 8 posts
Registered: Feb 2010
anupko anupko RUssia #qw.ru div2plz 
News Writer 438 posts
Registered: Jan 2006
Member 59 posts
Registered: Mar 2010
1. rlx 2. rlx 3. Finland 4. #quakeworld
- +10 years qw - prefer div2
Member 23 posts
Registered: Apr 2010
1. feFFe 2. feFFe_ 3. Sweden 4. #qwrookie, #machinery
Not much experience, played some mix 4on4 - otherwise most dmm4 and 1on1. Div 3-4 I guess would suite me best.
Member 1 post
Registered: Sep 2010
1. EKSelenc 2. EKSelenc 3. Russia 4. #promode.ru No experience in QW 2 years in promode (flagmodes) A couple of WRs in Q1 speedrun  Ultimate noob in tdm obviously.
Member 1 post
Registered: Sep 2010
1. uzhas 2. ya1 3. Russia 4. #qw.ru, #adt preferred div3\div4 65ms on wg, 52 on pangela.se, 26ms playground.ru (
Member 1 post
Registered: Sep 2010
1. scam 2. scam/scamka 3. France 4. #promode.fr #qwrookie
I'm a cpm tdm player, played qw on duel and wanna try tdm. FRENCH ACCENT INSIDE \:D/
Member 6 posts
Registered: Mar 2010
1. kopytk0 2. kopytk0 3. UK 4. #quakeworld but easier to find me on WG after 21:00 UK time
DIV3 if anyone interested :]
Member 251 posts
Registered: Jul 2007
Member 9 posts
Registered: Nov 2009
Please provide the following information: 1. buff0x. 2. buff0x / bfx - depends if somebody has stole my name 3. England 4. #qwrookie
Stopped playing quakeworld when quake3 came out (2000), but recently started playing about a week ago.
I played quakeworld for 3 years in a clan environment, then moved to quake3.
I played Quake 3 at div1/eurocup level for CTF, TDM and RA3.
When World of Warcraft came out, I went and played that and slowly stopped playing Q3 (2004/2005) since then I haven't played any FPS games on a PC, apart from singleplayer.. ------------ Your Names Sounds familiar, you remember clan nEo ?
Member 10 posts
Registered: Aug 2010
Please provide the following information: 1. buff0x. 2. buff0x / bfx - depends if somebody has stole my name 3. England 4. #qwrookie
Stopped playing quakeworld when quake3 came out (2000), but recently started playing about a week ago.
I played quakeworld for 3 years in a clan environment, then moved to quake3.
I played Quake 3 at div1/eurocup level for CTF, TDM and RA3.
When World of Warcraft came out, I went and played that and slowly stopped playing Q3 (2004/2005) since then I haven't played any FPS games on a PC, apart from singleplayer.. ------------ Your Names Sounds familiar, you remember clan nEo ? ------------ Yeah, I remember nEo. Did you used to play? I remember somebody called andro of some description, I remember ranger too. Edit: I have just checked out the old nEo roster on CB, I definetly remember nEo and most of the players.
Member 9 posts
Registered: Nov 2009
Yep nEo*andro we were mainly a great CTF clan, but were very good DM'ers too. I turned to Q3 when it came out, I was a QW player before that, dabble in Q2 but did not like it much. In QW UK, i was known from Fallen Angels (UK) FA-Andro, old clan that then merged with SAS to form Denial. Anyway if you're looking for a QW clan Mob Of Oddballs are looking for a couple more members. ... #mofo on quakenet IRC.
Member 10 posts
Registered: Aug 2010
Yep nEo*andro we were mainly a great CTF clan, but were very good DM'ers too. I turned to Q3 when it came out, I was a QW player before that, dabble in Q2 but did not like it much. In QW UK, i was known from Fallen Angels (UK) FA-Andro, old clan that then merged with SAS to form Denial. Anyway if you're looking for a QW clan Mob Of Oddballs are looking for a couple more members. ... #mofo on quakenet IRC.
Andy Yeah, I remember nEo mostly for CTF. I wasn't in to CTF much then but I used to watch the games and I knew a couple of players from a clan called "e" It wasn't till after a couple of years of Quake 3 that I played CTF properly. I mostly played Ra3 and TDM before that. I remember FA and Denial too, I knew Corax from college and he was in Denail at some point. And I shall stop by the chan and see what they say, cheers.
