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Client Talk
2008-09-11, 02:33
19 posts

Mar 2008
I have a problem in ez-quake where my mouse freezes completely for about half a second or a second, about twice a minute. Now I play Urban Terror all the time with no mouse problems there, so it's definitely an ez-quake issue.

Also, when I type in the console or T chat, often times the text doesn't appear on the screen as fast as I am typing it - it might even lag a couple words behind. I can live with that, but I mention it because I think it could be linked to the mouse input problem.

Anyone have any ideas on how to troubleshoot this?
2008-09-11, 09:59
1435 posts

Jan 2006
2008-09-11, 11:26
793 posts

Feb 2006
i get timeouts and mouse freezes whenever my laptop overheats. but i get them in all games and even when not running any game. if you only get this in qw try to change settings.
2008-09-12, 03:13
19 posts

Mar 2008
sys_yieldcpu 0 seems to have *maybe* fixed the problem

sys_highpriority gave me extreme lag when I tried it
2008-09-12, 10:07
174 posts

Nov 2006
Did you try the value of sys_highpriority -1 also? *notice the minus* Since if shouldn't really lag your computer more atleast.
2008-09-12, 20:05
19 posts

Mar 2008
But it also shouldn't conceivably help since -1 means less priority. But, granted, perhaps my input is lagging because ez-quake is taking too much priority from windows or something... But it doesn't matter since sys_yieldcpu 0 seems to solve it. I'll know more clearly after trying it out some more.
2008-09-15, 18:03
19 posts

Mar 2008
sys_yieldcpu 0 did not solve it. The problem appears to be my binds like:

bind mwheeldown "impuse 3; wait; impulse 4; wait; impulse 5; wait; impulse 6; wait; impulse 7;"

That bind and a couple other similar binds seem to gum up the input on quake and make my mouse input not work for a second once or twice a minute.

I'm going to try to edit the actual mod I play to add a "best weapon" command, which I could then use in place of my lag-causing binds.
2008-09-15, 18:46
344 posts

Nov 2006
why not use

bind wheeldown "impulse 3 4 5 6 7"

2008-09-16, 08:41
19 posts

Mar 2008
I tried that and it doesn't seem to work at all. I could try it again and write down exactly what happens, but, basically it would only go to weapon 3 even if i had weapon 7. And then I tried doing it the other way and it would still go to the wrong weapon.
2008-09-16, 08:51
1102 posts

Jan 2006
Are you using the latest version of ezQuake?
2008-09-16, 20:02
19 posts

Mar 2008
Come to think of it, no. lol. Guess I should.
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