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Maps & Textures
2007-04-17, 19:38
182 posts

Mar 2006
Here is a download to 12 ID software maps I made GPL compliant (I think!) from the map sources and using textures from various sources including the QRP (old and new one) and some other texture sets ppl like Trinca, etc. have got me over time.

Maps done: START, E1M1-E1M8, DM2, DM3, DM6

Now first, I will say I will be updating these again sometime this week. There is a serious error with a single texture used on smaller buttons where I made a mistake and got the dimensions wrongs. Plus I know these don't look perfect and a some of the textures still come across me as too close to the originals.

My goals with this were 2 fold:

1. Avoiding any texture that looked like it was an ID Software texture. I'm not certain I managed to get them all.

2. More importantly, getting it done

The wads I used -- these are 256 color Quake paletted texture sets for use with Q1 map editors, for the unknowing -- (I used the Q1 map sources (download) as-is):

Download the Wad Set:

I plan on correcting any obvious errors and bad textures in these maps, but I don't plan on doing any other maps. My goal was something along the lines of approximately shareware compatibility plus the key DM maps.

I did not change any texture names in the source (nor did I even touch the map sources), so a 24-bit texture would still be 100% compatible with the maps (and hide how ugly everything is, heh).
Is that a roll of toothpicks in your pocket or are you just happy to see Sassa?
2007-04-17, 21:16
1026 posts

Feb 2006
you forgot the download link:

nice, ncie! gonna check them
from the pictures, the texture sets look ok.. nothing really weird.

you were saying something about them being compatible with the original maps? you mean people can connect to servers using these?
god damn hippies >_<
2007-04-17, 21:34
182 posts

Mar 2006
Aquashark wrote:
you forgot the download link:

Haha, I can't believe I forgot that part. Thanks.

nice, ncie! gonna check them
from the pictures, the texture sets look ok.. nothing really weird.

Needs some work still. They aren't beautiful and are a little -- uh -- fugly in some spots, but in general look no worse than someone using some really bad 24 bit textures

you were saying something about them being compatible with the original maps? you mean people can connect to servers using these?

I have not verified this yet, but intend to either today or tomorrow. I have played them in single player all the way through and everything was perfect and otherwise ran around the maps. All the indications that I have got on the very few tests I've had time to try on this is that all the origin points match (locs would work identically).

I have more to do on this end, I haven't had a chance to give them the kind of online testing they need. I have a feeling a Quakeworld server would not allow me to connect with these, though, but I have not tried yet.

I have more work to do on the testing side and some clean-up/fixes in the textures and tomorrow will probably be when I do that.
Is that a roll of toothpicks in your pocket or are you just happy to see Sassa?
2007-04-17, 21:38
1026 posts

Feb 2006
yeah.. can't connect to QW servers, gives error about different version

you should fix some sky textures.. especially dm3 cause it's too white
god damn hippies >_<
2007-04-17, 22:04
2058 posts

Jan 2006
why not try to make them faithful?
2007-04-17, 22:47
182 posts

Mar 2006
I probably could make them faithful with a lot of effort but don't have that kind of time, really I'm not saying mine are particularly great or anything.

I will post a link here of a WAD that has 100% of the QRP Textures converted into a WAD with all textures being exactly the same size as the original Quake texture for anyone interested in making clone maps from the ID sources.

I already have this somewhere, I made it yesterday.

I'll post this later this evening for anyone else interested in doing this kind of thing.

Empezar wrote:
why not try to make them faithful?

According to my understanding of how the license for the map sources work from what others far smarter than I am, no ID software "assets" can be in the GPL'd maps.

For example, the following 2 examples would be prohibited:

Any remake of the above texture would be a trademark violation, as far as I know, no matter how it is remade in a recompiled map from the ID sources (not in the QRP).

The QRP remake of the above texture is pretty clearly derived from that texture. Fine for replacement textures like the QRP, but I don't think that could be in a map recompiled from the ID sources.

I'm not expert on the GPL, this is just my understanding from reading things from what others have said like at this site and Inside3D, etc.

Oldman or Spike or those guys are probably better suited to explain this stuff.
Is that a roll of toothpicks in your pocket or are you just happy to see Sassa?
2007-04-18, 01:44
182 posts

Mar 2006
WAD of QRP textures all at proper size:
Is that a roll of toothpicks in your pocket or are you just happy to see Sassa?
2007-04-18, 09:11
1435 posts

Jan 2006
IMHO one of the best contributions to QW this year.
You sure you don't want to do dm4? :/
BTW dm6 area above RA (close to sky) is bright, in id1 dm6 it's dark.
2007-04-18, 10:35
1102 posts

Jan 2006
I say: Just put in singlecolored placeholder textures. That way the maps look less horrible and there are absolutely no problems with licenses. All important engines support loading external textures, so we could just distribute an id textures pack plus an QRP pack. That way these maps would be finished, could be accepted as "compiled GPL maps" on the servers and everyone is happy.
I don't think id will care about the textures at all, the only way to find out is trying.

Johnny_cz, nice time.

edit: I tried the pack now. The textures are horrendous, sorry. Also there are lots of "assets" remaining.
Quake 3 anyone?
Also those hideous e1m2 textures seem to come from a Star Wars game like Jedi Knight.
2007-04-18, 17:23
1026 posts

Feb 2006
even worse considering license problems: from Quake3 Arena

and yes! make all textures look like singlecolored placeholders
like you're using gl_textureless or something in EZQuake

and by the way.. the lighting isn't really faithful in some areas
Tonik's gpl'd map, dm6_gpl, had pretty good faithful lighting.. but this doesn't matter so much
god damn hippies >_<
2007-04-18, 20:27
84 posts

Jan 2006
I'm all for singlecolored textures aswell, why waste diskspace on textures that no one is going to use anyway?
2007-04-18, 21:08
182 posts

Mar 2006
JohnNy_cz wrote:
You sure you don't want to do dm4? :/
BTW dm6 area above RA (close to sky) is bright, in id1 dm6 it's dark.

I may end up doing DM4. I have read in another forum that someone else has retextured DM4 with non-ID software assets.

Plenty of sky work to do, that's for sure.

and yes! make all textures look like singlecolored placeholders smile
like you're using gl_textureless or something in EZQuake

I may try this idea out.

and by the way.. the lighting isn't really faithful in some areas

I used aguirRe's light.exe; I might recompile them with the vanilla light.exe released back in the day to see if that makes it more faithful.

Drugs-Bunny wrote:
I'm all for singlecolored textures aswell, why waste diskspace on textures that no one is going to use anyway?

Very true.

Aquashark wrote:
even worse considering license problems: from Quake3

Quake3? What's that? Never heard of it
Is that a roll of toothpicks in your pocket or are you just happy to see Sassa?
2007-04-18, 22:12
182 posts

Mar 2006
I should have a 2nd attempt done in a few hours with simple textures and I'll do all the ID maps. I believe a couple of the map sources are not compatible with the ID bsps, in particular I believe this one is not:
Is that a roll of toothpicks in your pocket or are you just happy to see Sassa?
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