Age :41
Group: News Writer
Location: around the world
one of the founders of
Misc  /  9 Mar 2008, 17:09
week10 of 2008
Lets round up this weeks trash.
The winner from last weeks report was Niomic that actually dispite of all the whine on the site just commentated that Big John had retired from UFC.
What should I do with you Niomic? I write the week list just to steer some shit up, but I cant follow up on your Big john comment
Lets see what we have from the week 10.
Weeks telling
You are an admin and yet after several discussion you dont know what the blog's are for, Im talking about Soma. with his comment:
soma wrote:
By now I'm actually wondering why Sassa is still allowed to post anything on at all when it's actually quite obvious that his contributions just decrease the overall quality of this portal's content.

The fight of the sites
eizid has not done a shit at qwdrama,he is concentrating on getting his skill-level up from div89 to div88 but its going slowly.

The faker
Who was the guy faking for bad boys?
Funny part is that the NQR admins havnt told me (us) yet either. But they are sure that its no1 from any other clan... hehe they just know him by some random .pl nick.
Makes me so comfortable to play in NQR, kuddos <3

Whine #1
If you use MM3 (ventrilo/teamspeak/skype/qizmo...) and dont tell the NQR admins upfront you will loose 7 points. kuddos, nice rule.

Upcoming potential
I have BIG hopes, Kryddturken have started a blog here on and I hope he will steer up some drama in the future.
Would love to see some real ashol bashing by him if he is capable of it. Just get your target, aim and shoot. The rest is for laugh.

LG of the week
Keeptor showing his skills vs zhin on dm4 with around 50% lg. impressive?

The game of the week
zhin and Keeptor were going headsup with QQ vs QQ for over 10 rounds vs each other on endif until the myth the legend the Sassa stepped in. Cold as ice and with a BIG 1 frag margin won vs zhin.
The myth stepped out and let the boys play again, until next time, remember who the undisputed heavyweight endif player is. ))

Player of the week
He might have the looks of a rockstar from the 80's but in QW he is a legend and this week he showed me some true skills that you often have hard to find among div0 players.
Im talking about our specing machine from Finland, Milton.
He showed me how to trickjump on escape2a and several other maps, kuddos.

Whine #2
Djevulsk comment >>>link.
yes u guys ghosted and u still keep on going with it? stop it! You are in the same category as ILF.

Disappointment of the week
I tried to harass j0n on last weeks blog and on other sites with his qizmo 24/7 comment but without a reaction from him where are u j0n, please lets start some serious whine.

I wanna be div0
The faker from germany, Mae.
Who is this guy? Is he a copy of the darkside of 123.
123 = luke
mae = vader
question is, who is åke?
ÅKE SKYWALKER here he comes.
Wipflash or what ever his nick is, has done nothing else than played with his balls ever since ribery was bought and the 5-0 victory in maps is not a victory for germany but a victory for ribery, I know that he wont be in the team for much longer than 2 years. ACM will take his ass once sEEdorf is gone.
Germany has now more points than Italy but just for this season and ASR will do what no1 thought was possible of them, winning CL.

I am Sam, featuring Ihalainen with his supreme talent of acting what he is.

The fight over clients
QTV + chatting with players/spec during prewar and ezQuake please release a stable version with it all so people have nothing to complain about when it comes to QTV.
I just want YAWNmode (thnx krydd) with the shitty FTE to go to sleep.
Its not the present nor the future, its the past.

Would you rather have Britney Spears than GW Bush as president of USA?
I think !fil should answer this one for us since he is deeper into the subject.

PS. this is for you all that dont read this so read it.
PS2. The headadmin seem to love my blog so kuddos to him and I love you guys trying to get this blog away.
Hate is love and when u love me I like to happy-slappy u.

Poker of the week
Flopp: Ks Js 8x
You: As Ts 4000$
E: Xx Xx 4000$
preflop: Y:80 E:280 Y:650 E:Call
flopp: Y:1200 E:ALLIN

What would you have done and what does the E have?
2008-03-09, 18:36
2008-03-09, 20:30
you cant go all in with that shit plz....

Besides the table seem a bit to big for you.
2008-03-09, 20:57
2008-03-09, 21:05
E has pocket pair that tripled up on the flop
2008-03-09, 21:06
i am really dissapointed didn't see any ashol whine on me for weeks now BG
2008-03-10, 02:06
2008-03-10, 08:06
When is your retirement due Sassa?

Bush as president and E has Ace of Hearts and Jack of Clubs.
2008-03-13, 10:32
discussing the poker hand is the only good thing there.
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