So, the sexy Åke finally set the proper bits for me to be able to post
here. Finally, my name is up here with great minds like Sassa and the
rest. Oh the joy, I have this enormous sense of self satisfaction
now that I can write electronic blog posts about this 12 year old
computer game!
Wow, the amount of drama this season has been through the
roof! That there will be whine and drama is, of course, expected. I
would also go so far and say that it is desired. This game has by
far the most whiney scene I've ever encountered, and I love every
minute of it. In general, this game has such a high percent of
retards and twisted minds that I probably wouldn't play had this
not been the case. Please note that I count myself as one of the retards,
this is not meant to offend anyone. Just sitting and smiley spamming
some game together with 10-15 people and as soon as something even
remotely funny happens just lean back and enjoy the ~5000x lines of smilies
that fly by. Of course accompanied by the message sound and a couple of
"grow up", "PLZ u r RUINING da game!" is inherently rewarding. Also
we have a lot of special characters that make this game so much more
fun and exciting. I'd say we're just a bunch of happy and emotionally
disturbed people that happened to come across each other through
the best FPS-game ever.
Well, back to NQR and the drama. In bronze we have a couple of teams that
are simply too good for this division. What, did I just say that
out loud? Yes, obviously I did. Nothing to do about that now however
and hopefully we will all learn from any mistake with the divisions
for the next tournament. Allans Vittnen will still enjoy NQR and
try to squeeze out as many points as we can, the general skill
level in bronze is fine so it is not a major problem. With all the
latest jazz about ghosting and faking we've opened up a new can
of worms. Sassa has a point in some of his posts, it is just too bad
that he can not express himself in writing without coming across like a five
year old with severe concentration issues which severely hampers his
ability to have any impact with his texts since most people write him
off as not being serious. In my opinion a clan agreeing to fakenick
a guy in an official game should get kicked out regardless. As far
as the ghosting goes I'd say that the punishment was fair. Everyone
will be using the new KTX feature of kicking the specs vs 3B in the
future anyway

The new shit
God, I'm tired of all the new shit that everyone is throwing into QuakeWorld
to make it "easier for newbies" and to "attract new people". Well, you're
all wrong. To hell with your team overlays, your gimped yawnmode (Yes, it
should be spelled YAWNmode) and everything else that will inevitably
transform this game into a faster version of Q3. This is a game
about domination. In a duel you fight for the chance to spawnfrag
the other guy and that you run him over like a tank versus a Datsun
with your 200/200 is simply part it all. "But... but, let's
beef up the GA and perhaps tinker a bit with the weapon damage and
speed" - NO! The whole point of QW is that it has the best weapon
balance and that it awards the one in control of the map so tremendously.
If you want to play some gimped version of QW on a kenya map of your choice,
that's fine but I don't want to see it as a standard server setting
and newbies should definitely not learn to play this way. Let's face it,
QW is a niche game and it will never be widely popular again. The
whole point of playing QW - for me - is the dramatic skill level that is
needed in order to compete. Anything that lowers that skill level will
make me lose interest in the game.
We can, and will, increase the number of players but gimping the game is
not the way to do it. However, I do like some of the new features regarding
eyecandy and practical stuff - just don't mess with the bloody game engine
or add stupid things like a radar! This is not Q3 or any of the other
silly FPS games that takes 15% as much skill to play as QW!
The 1on1 ladder
This was the best idea for quite some time. I just want to say that
I love you, Phil (it was you, right?) and that when someone fixes
the UI for it, things will be perfect. I think that this will get
more games played and that the general activity will rise because
of this.
Over and out, for now.






