I have had a huge respect for the NQR-admins through out the years, from Link and gaz legacy to this shitty decision that just made my day. Now I can flame for real instead of fucking around with innocent ppl.
The expression, it was better before, (at least in Swedish) comes in handy now.

Link did something that had not been done before, he opened the gates for odd maps, introduced CMT1-5 + TDM maps with a massive force.
The joy of the day was to head overto nqr.nu and read the latest results. It was a kind of summary from the day that had passed and if you wanted more details from each game you could just read the game-report.

Gaz has always been my hero from day one.
Taking no big projects and actually getting them right, NQR QWWC etc.
He could talk the talk AND walk the walk. (u see

We had our fights and problems but I always respected him ALOT, in NQR8 I had just joined up with

Suddendeath and we were in div2.
Just as the league started the admins had divided NQR div2 into two sections
A and
Would have left 7-8 clans in each sections and I (we) just didnt like it. I gathered signatures from 80% of the clans and flamed the .txt up gaz ass and after massive whine I finally got it my way

Kuddos gaz.
But I respected the dude, even though he was wrong he was the admin of the league I wanted to join.
The new era:




Im not saying more names since I havnt been in contact with anyone else in the admin squad, as an admin I know its not a 1 man show, its a crew decision in all cases but I will only speak of those who I have talked to.
The problem:
Ghosting, fakenicking = CHEATING
Their solution:
Point reduction
My solution:
My verdict:
F = FAILED goes out to the nqr staff for NOT taking measures for this foolish act, how will the teams playing vs these clans feel like now?
You have not JUST pointed them out as cheaters (worst than this is wallhack/aimbot) but you have told the rest of the teams, Cheat aslong as you dont get caught, and if you get caught you will get reductions in points. So you can actually gain points in cheating and then stop when you get caught?

BBB had played 4 games before that game and won 3 of them, what is not saying that they didnt cheat in those games aswell???

Bad boys and their faker should step forward and say WHO he really is.
The end:
Im not saying EQL is better or what ever. Im simply saying that this is NOT the NQR way. THIS IS SHIT!
Phrenic, molgrum, soma and hooratio, TAKE a long look at the mirror and tell me this was the best decision. I dont care what I and the NQR-crew has been through this season.
From the
JMK>>>not.nqr11.silver>>>FA>>>bloodpunch>>>A2K I REALLY havnt been angry at all in any way. This has nothing to do with that. But you guys are at the lowest point an admin can be found at.
Im not even compairing myself to you since Im not fucking perfect, who is but I would still not have made this error, might have done other errors that you havnt done but this one is by far just a SHITTY call, call it back and ban the fucking clans, they are CHEATERS!
They are like

ILF all of them or

Oblivion, fucking cheaters.
I know that the big admins



Gaz and

Vert will all at some point see this and think "omfg what a poor judgment".
Im disappointed and you have failed me for the first time.
The future:
How can we prevent this then? Its not that tough tbh, you have the tools right infront of you with ezQuake and ktx/mvdsv + QTV.
Only problem is if your name is molgrum and you prefer FTE client + FTEQTV that you wanna commercialize. Of if you are a stupid idiot that cant see the future and sitll wanna have
24/7 qizmo .
In the new HOWTO section on the forum you can find guides for QTV and latest ezQuake, dont be shy, head over there and try.
>>> LinkThat we (A2K) lost vs BBB got nothing to do with this, they played better!ps. sry that I didnt have space for comedy in this post

I will make a comedy post sooner than later

just for the ashols ready to flame zalon about my blog

) kuddos