Age :42
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Location: ireland
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EQL  /  18 Oct 2007, 15:35
division5 taking shape
watch out for the big guns
With a good number of games under its belt division 5 in this years eql is shaping up nicely and surprisingly compared to last year it is the most active division so far.
We only have two clans yet to kick off, our americano mates the dojo and dreadful offensive squirr but hopefully before the weeks out we should see them step off the mark.

Allans Vittnen set the early pace taking a commanding lead to the top of the table with big 2-0 wins setting their stall out early for promotion, slowly but surly tho the division started to take shape with most clans actively looking to get their games played.
Vitun Kova Bosse have edged into the lead dropping only 4 maps in eight games with a close 2-0 victory over Allans Vittnen giving them a one point advantage now at the top of the table. Limbs Away have also had an impressive start loosing a close 2-1 with Vitun Kova Bosse .
Morituri have already beaten table toppers Vitun Kova Bosse and Limbs Away but the one to watch out for is Morituri v Allans Vittnen which should be a very close game and go along way to deciding who will top the table over the next few weeks. After a stuttering start Respawn Addicts are off the mark aswell now and after a few good 2-0 wins are looking in good shape.
I'll do another update as more games get played and might even try for an interview or two.

get those games played!

over and out
2007-10-19, 07:36
dojo has been practicing a lot lately, it's strange they haven't played their games =\
2007-10-23, 09:47
Probably because of the timezone issues
2007-10-24, 10:59
Nice, i like div5 article's
2007-10-25, 14:38
Thanks for the updates johnie. Hopefully we will see some more of NaFianna in the coming two weeks. Should be some cracking top of the table clashes.
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