RocketZ, the ClanArena god himself is right now searching for a team to play in to WIN this tourney!
Do you have the right sponsor to take this SuperElitSuperStarOfAClanArenaPlayerToYourClan?
Let the fight start for the team that gets RocketZ signature for this tourney, that team WILL win

for more contact, visit or his quakenet channels:
Channels: @#qwca.fusion @#meanmachine #quakeworld #eql.qw #ezQuake @#bs.qw
"everything I do, I do it for you" bryan adams
tourney site:
tourney channel: #qwca.fusion
tourney admin: claw'unf
ps. Zalon, great job on the site, your are the king after j0ns 24/7 qizmos

Sign him up right away to enrich your lives!