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Tournaments  /  16 Apr 2008, 00:06 4 hour race starts?
thought about it for a while and wouldnt it be cool to play 4h of straight death32c??
one server
Join at any time
20:00 >> 00:00 cet
only frags at 00:00 counts
no powerups (ffa large rules)
nazi admin sassa
maximum 32 players at the same time
map death32c
camping is allowed
good skill is allowed
no fraglimit
if you timeout/quit your frags are gone and you haveto restart
QTV for the specs

any questions?

ps. news will come on front page soon (hopefully)
2008-04-16, 00:09
forgot to add, its on monday 21 of april 20:00 CET >> 00:00 CET
2008-04-16, 10:35
i like it!

but 4h? isnt that a bit too much? 2h of straight action is more than most ppl can do

enable force respawn
2008-04-16, 12:52
if you timeout/quit your frags are gone and you haveto restart
Doesnt the server remember frags when you rejoin? I think that is better atleast...

for players could play one hour each. Using the same nick... or maybe ktx can detect that?

Besides i think it can be pure FFA, but people should still be allowed to use the team-tag, then you can do a teamrank as well. For best FFa team
2008-04-16, 13:07
willgurht, good ideas but sry this is nazi sassa rules.
No teamtag's and the server wont remember your frags if you timeout/quit

mushi u can play 30 min or 1h or 2h etc..
u dont need to play 4h straight
2008-04-16, 13:15
Sassa but it could be more interesting. All kurwas do team kurwa, all swedes team swe etc..
2008-04-16, 13:34
i wonder if there will be stats available after the rampage
2008-04-16, 13:59
fuck the stats!!
2008-04-16, 22:37
my health insurance doesn't cover this
2008-04-17, 08:33
sassa's style!!
2008-04-17, 12:07
all too easy for Scenic ;/
2008-04-17, 13:14

wouldnt it be super easy for Renzo to get the stats + frags? Besides, it will end up most ppl just idling on the server because they wont want to loose their frags.

To be honest sounds a bit silly..
2008-04-17, 13:47
wouldnt it be super easy for Renzo to get the stats + frags?

No? I have no specific tools to gather any kind of stats from any game, you need to consult someone who has made stats generator or some demo parser etc.

Also, regarding the match itself:

Server can keep the frags of disconnected players if we go for non-matchless mode FFA (all players need to type /ready before game starts, then you can come and leave as you wish). This would probably work ok as long as the server won't become empty, that's the point when match ends. I can configure timelimit to 240 minutes it's not a problem. I think I can also configure respawning so that it won't force a respawn so people can take breaks by just staying dead and not respawning.

As for the other info, just ask.
2008-04-18, 13:38
Yes but Renzo doesnt that mean new people will not be able to join mid-game, those that did not type /ready at the start?
2008-04-18, 13:46
set k_exclusive 1 // number of players gets locked on game start (0 = no, 1 = yes)

Changing that to 0 should do the trick.
2008-04-18, 17:05
just query the server for scores every 30 seconds or so. as long as people are honest in the use of the nick, it's then pretty easy to determine overall frags of everyone fairly accurately. those that drop out more often will be slightly penalized since more of their frags wont be counted.
2008-04-18, 17:50
Not accurate enough.

However, I have a suggestion: Make the server run 20 minute rounds for 4 hours and enable demo recording. Now you can get detailed statistics by using that KTlogparser or whatever it is that they use in NQR because demos contain all the info required even if players come and go. And in the end just add all the rounds together to see the final score for each player.
2008-04-18, 22:28
or just let every player join once, play their session and write down their score upon disconnect. make it a test a stamina. whoever can frag longer and more efficient than everyone else wins. that's how i understood it in the first place.
2008-04-21, 07:00
Renzo, the logparser don't support mvd logs, only ezquake logs. There is a mvdparser, but dunno what it outputs
2008-04-21, 11:13
the tourney is on HOLD
2008-04-21, 12:23
zalon wrote:

Well playback demos at speed 1000 and have ezQuake make logs of them, problem solved.
2008-04-21, 21:15
Bring back the 24h worldwide marathon!
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