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LAN tournaments
2022-06-02, 21:33
654 posts

Nov 2008
For people without a car or other ways to get to the LAN, ask for pickup in here.

Let us know if you have room in your car, or need a pickup, so we can list it in this post. | Official forum thread | Renting | Need a ride | Wiki page
2022-06-03, 09:06
4 posts

Dec 2013
I will pass Arlanda on my way to the venue, wednesday at about 16:00.
Can probably fit two people with luggage.

(Edited 2022-11-03, 14:03)
2022-10-23, 12:50
27 posts

Feb 2007
I'll be driving from the very south of Sweden. If someone needs a ride from anywhere along the E4 or E22 route and is willing to split the cost of petrol in a manner corresponding to the distance you ride along, please let me know. Earliest and southernmost possible pickup is Malmö in the morning of the 17th.
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