50 posts
Mar 2014
Im trying to run Quake on my new phone but I cant, it doesn't find the pak0.pak and pak1.pak files
I have set it as requested on sdcard/qi4a/id1
doesnt work
im using this port:
im using these pak files:
<link to pak1.pak removed by admin>
can you please try for yourself, anyone with android device, and see if you can run it? i dont understand why i cant, i was happy to play quake on the phone, but this dont work
1265 posts
Jan 2006
try this
use FTE instead. place the pak files on the right folder, and you're done! now you can watch qtv streams or demos..
never argue with an idiot. they'll bring you back to their level and then beat you with experience.
271 posts
Feb 2006
I can't speak for DP and its fork, but the 'path' command in fte's android port will specify the full system path that its looking for data.
different android devices can report different paths, so if your guesses don't work, you should be able to find some way to the console to check.
50 posts
Mar 2014
try this
use FTE instead. place the pak files on the right folder, and you're done! now you can watch qtv streams or demos..
i want to play the game in single player
how do I do it with that port?
50 posts
Mar 2014
I was able to run the single player, but the controls are so bad

the layour is all clutered in the same space, when i try to shot i turn.
I have seen that you can bind the volume buttons. Maybe it would be cool to bind these to the strafe, so you strafe with these two gamepad style, but only using the same finger cause the 2 buttons are next to each other but its better than nothing. FPS are definitely unplayable without upper physical buttons.
I need to change the firing button tho