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2017-03-07, 13:52
398 posts

Feb 2006
What mouse and mouse pad would you guys recommend? I was spying at others gear a bit at QHLAN, but unfortunately forgot to test any of them...

I'm currently using a 9 year old Razer Salmosa: and a steelseries qck mini. The mouse is tiny, which I quite like, but I'm really open to try any mouse.

How about Logitech G402 Hyperion Fury? Any good? I don't want to spend too much, and it's only £30. Some feedback would be appreciated! Thank you!
2017-03-07, 14:17
152 posts

Feb 2012
Hagge wrote:
What mouse and mouse pad would you guys recommend? I was spying at others gear a bit at QHLAN, but unfortunately forgot to test any of them...

I'm currently using a 9 year old Razer Salmosa: and a steelseries qck mini. The mouse is tiny, which I quite like, but I'm really open to try any mouse.

How about Logitech G402 Hyperion Fury? Any good? I don't want to spend too much, and it's only £30. Some feedback would be appreciated! Thank you!

G402 is a good mouse, but it's kind of strange to move from small Salmosa to one of the biggest mice out there. You'll have to change the way you handle the mouse completely.

What is your hand size btw? (from the base of the palm to the end of the middle finger).

Comparable in size to Salmosa are g303/g pro, for example.

If you want to try something else entirely then hand size and grip style are kinda important to decide.
“If I wanted you to understand it, I would have explained it better.” (c) Johan Cruyff
2017-03-07, 15:48
398 posts

Feb 2006
Thanks Drake! It's definitely bigger, but not that much bigger though? Below are the sizes for both.

Razer Salmosa: 115mm (length) x 63mm (width) x 37mm (height)
G402 Hyperion: Height: (136 mm) Width: (72 mm) Depth: (41 mm)

My hand size is about 20.5 cm. G Pro seems pretty good, but £70 is a bit much for a mouse :-)
2017-03-07, 18:23
4 posts

Mar 2017
im pretty happy with zowie fk1

no drivers needed, no funny dpi buttons ect.
2017-03-07, 20:12
152 posts

Feb 2012
Hagge wrote:
Thanks Drake! It's definitely bigger, but not that much bigger though? Below are the sizes for both.

Razer Salmosa: 115mm (length) x 63mm (width) x 37mm (height)
G402 Hyperion: Height: (136 mm) Width: (72 mm) Depth: (41 mm)

My hand size is about 20.5 cm. G Pro seems pretty good, but £70 is a bit much for a mouse :-)

well, for me the difference between their size is enormous when you hold them. But for your huge hand - yeah, it doesn't matter that much, there won't be any mice that feel too big for you I guess . But then it's a hard choice since basically whatever you want is available to you, you just need to choose.

I had only one gripe with g402 and that was its "sniper button", but it wasn't major and I got around it. The mouse in itself is very good.

Check out this guy's site/reviews:

May give you some general idea what to look for.
“If I wanted you to understand it, I would have explained it better.” (c) Johan Cruyff
2017-03-08, 01:55
84 posts

Jul 2009
I have g402, I even wrote a patch for ezq so that I could bind ALL the buttons in Linux, even the dpi ones.

I think I bought like 3 of them, but in all 3 mice buttons stick sometimes. Not often, but maybe a few times a week.
All 3 have this defect.
2017-03-14, 14:58
398 posts

Feb 2006
Thanks for all your replies, that's very helpful!

@Drake I think you are very right in that changing to a G402 would've been a bit crazy. Especially due to it's weight! I literally looked through most of the mice on, great website! In the end I actually decided to go for the Zowie FK2. Only heard really good things about it, so will be really interesting to try it out once it has arrived!! It's still a bit bigger than my old Razer Salmosa, but the difference is not huge.

Now on to the mouse pad. I have the Steelseries Qck mini, which is absolutely mental considering my low sens. I think I will go for the Qck+.

Thanks again!
2017-03-15, 23:52
92 posts

Aug 2007
Logitech G pro looks nicer. I was looking for something based on PMW3366 but prices are a bit too steep. I considered DM1 PRO S but probably I will stick to my salmosa for more time as I don't play that much anymore.
2017-03-16, 01:28
653 posts

Nov 2008
Sensor wise I would recommend the g303 :-) It also appears slightly smaller than normal mice. The shape really seems weird when you look at it, but holding it in your hand it feels great.

If you get lucky, a FinalMouse Scream 1 is an amazingly good mouse. Weighs almost nothing (which feels insanely good) and has an amazing sensor. The only issue lately with FinalMouse is that their quality control has been lacking, so if you're unlucky you could get a bad unit. Luckily, all one has to do is send them an e-mail and they'll send you a new one, something I had to do once. It's still an unnecessary hassle, but once I got my perfect unit, I couldn't be happier. It's also ambidextruos which some people prefer.

The g402 is quite alright, but I just can't stand that "trigger button" on the left side of the mouse (it's supposed to be pressed by your thumb, but it's really just in the way and even more unnecessary weight on the mouse). I prefer lighter mice though, but everybody is different!

Zowie FK1 (or FK2) are also considered very good mice. I've never used one myself though, but I've only ever heard good things about it. Personally I think I'd get annoyed by the two side-buttons for left handers. But perhaps they aren't in the way.

So yeah, either one of those four would be my recommendation. Although, seeing as you thought £70 is too much for a mouse, I'm not sure... buying a good mouse these days usually means £70 or even more.

I guess you could go for a less advanced sensor or other Razer stuff that tend to be cheaper. I'm not too familiar with cheaper mice though so I can't help out then :x


EDIT: Bah, just read your last post that you already bought one This suddenly became a very unnecessary post. Hope you enjoy the Zowie one!
2017-03-16, 10:27
398 posts

Feb 2006
Not unnecessary Andeh, I might be unhappy with it and decide to go for something else Always good to have a discussion nevertheless!

Both G Pro and G303 look pretty nice. G Pro was a bit pricey, but was really considering either of G303, G203 or G300S. FinalMouse looks a bit plastic, but I guess that's why it's so light. What size is it? Didn't really manage to find any info about it.

Should get my Zowie tonight hopefully, and can't wait to try it out!
2017-03-17, 09:11
News Writer
105 posts

Sep 2014
I bought a g pro recently and to me it's clearly the best mouse I've ever used. The sensor in this thing gives me such good feedback that when I miss any shots, I know it's my fault, and that gives me a lot of confidence. The build quality is really nice too. The g303 has the same sensor, but there is a risk of getting a mouse with a rattling sensor.
2017-05-23, 16:23
2 posts

May 2017
Hi i Like f0rest mousepad most but i think mouse sinks abit on it but its best precision and speed. If you like same but higher and less responsive
i did go this and i have both
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