
News Writer 105 posts
Registered: Sep 2014
Ok so based on the amount of signups and the range of skills, we have decided to make a 2 division, single elimination tournament. All rounds excluding the finals will be bo3, and the finals will be bo5.
Please be in irc on #thunderdome by 1810utc (2010cest). If for any reason this is not doable then please write below how we should contact you.
Here are the servers that are currently known to be hosting the map, unfortunately we could not get cb2 on all of them in time but the only problem with cb1 is the texture bug. With that said however, please play cb2 when you can If you get the texture bug (some will be black), then /gl_miptexlevel 0 then /vid_restart.
qw.baseq.fr:28501-28507 cb1 and 2, b5 and 7 nl.badplace.eu:28501-28504 cb1 and 2 quakeworld.co.uk:27500-27503 cb1 feffsson.se:28001-28010 cb1 and 2 dm2.se:28501-28503 cb2
The divisions, seedings, and brackets are as follows:
Division 1 1. bps 2. Murz1k 3. rio 4. Bulat 5. VVD 6. bls 7. baresi 8. Drake 9. azruioooo
Round 1 1. Drake 2-0 azruioooo
Round 2 2. bps 2-1 VVD 3. Murz1k 2-0 bls 4. rio 2-0 baresi 5. Bulat 2-0 Drake
Round 2 6. bps 2-0 Murz1k 7. rio 2-0 Bulat
Grand Final 8. bps 2-0 rio [26:15, 34:27] (Players agreed to play bo3 due to time constraints)
(optional) 3rd place decider 9. Murz1k 2-0 Bulat
Division 2 1a. gloomy 2a. z0mbie90 3a. tsobo 4a. SaZ 5a. 40days 6a. 23y 7a. drowsy 8a. RaggA
Round 1 1. gloomy 2-0 40days 2. z0mbie90 2-0 23y 3. tsobo 0-2 drowsy 4. SaZ 2-0 RaggA
Round 2 5. gloomy 1-2 z0mbie90 6. drowsy 2-0 SaZ
Grand Final 7. z0mbie90 3-0 drowsy
(optional) 3rd place decider 8. gloomy 2-0 SaZ
Good luck one and all!
(Edited 2016-10-15, 13:42)
Member 84 posts
Registered: Jul 2009
drowsy - tsobo 27 : 9 27 : 10
Member 43 posts
Registered: Apr 2012
rio 2 - 0 baresi (31-9, 31-8)
Member 12 posts
Registered: Aug 2016
gloomy vs 40days 2 - 0 32 - 0 28 - 8
Member 12 posts
Registered: Aug 2016
Member 84 posts
Registered: Jul 2009
* spawns are much better. I would put one on the upper heath by the rl+ya as well. * the holes in the floor are a bit annoying, you'd think you can shoot there since they are transparent. Counter-intuitive. * not sure why mega was closed off. Not important, imho. * Top lg cells is a good spot to cs, so I would move cells some place else, like the corner of the stairs, say? * other changes appear to be cosmetic. * I hate the elevator  it takes too long for it to go down, and it breaks the flow of the match, but I am just rambling. Overall it is an awesome map. It is time to replace all of dm2/dm4/dm6 with something better.
Member 12 posts
Registered: Aug 2016
good job. but i think there still a problem with rl ammo on this map. need more near the ya-quad.
Member 84 posts
Registered: Jul 2009
Yeah, I think you could move one rocket box from YA area some place else.
The map is not very rich on ammo/health, this makes it interesting. I do not think we should add more ammo though.
News Writer 105 posts
Registered: Sep 2014
Thankyou to everyone who participated last night. We had a great turnout with no walkovers, and no absentees without advanced warning.
Member 84 posts
Registered: Jul 2009
Thanks to our awesome admins!
There was no waiting for so ever. Just one match after another. It was nice.
Member 152 posts
Registered: Feb 2012
Some thoughts on the map. Talked to vvd a bit about it yesterday, and overall it's close to what drowsy wrote.
Cells above YA only help the guy in control who comes to hunt and deny YA. Some more easily accessible rockets are really missing around YA.
Basically, a big problem with the map right now is that it's kind of easy to attack the YA area and deny the yellow. If you spawn near YA and try to grab it - you have a monumental task ahead of you: pick up both YA and RL (which are not really that close together) and then somehow fight off an attacking monstrosity clad in red armor with just 5 rockets. Going towards GL simply takes too long, going for 2x5 packs near YA but on RA side - is risky and predictable.
So, yeah, drowsy's suggestion that one of the packs should be moved is IMO a very good one. Same goes for cells at the top floor above YA. VVD suggested moving them close to YA (both a rocket pack and cells). Perhaps it's not a bad idea.
Also, I maintain that it's easier to get to MH from RA than it is from YA. Which, IMO, shouldn't be the case. I'd swap mega with cyan armor.
But rest assured the map improved a lot over the previous version. New spawns are already a huge plus to gameplay. “If I wanted you to understand it, I would have explained it better.” (c) Johan Cruyff
Member 84 posts
Registered: Jul 2009
Basically, a big problem with the map right now is that it's kind of easy to attack the YA area and deny the yellow. If you spawn near YA and try to grab it - you have a monumental task ahead of you: pick up both YA and RL (which are not really that close together) and then somehow fight off an attacking monstrosity clad in red armor with just 5 rockets. Going towards GL simply takes too long, going for 2x5 packs near YA but on RA side - is risky and predictable.
Also, I maintain that it's easier to get to MH from RA than it is from YA. Which, IMO, shouldn't be the case. I'd swap mega with cyan armor.
Can we solve those two problems without redesigning the ya-ga-ya area? I dunno. Somebody should step up with ideas. It would be good to make YA area stronger. Right now it is pretty vulnerable, you do not want to hang around the YA spot for too long, and you get hit by rockets from RA. GA is as close to RA as MH. From GA you can get to RA even faster than from MH (without rj). Plus, if you swap GA and MH, then from RA area you will be able to see and spam MH. Not good, imho.
Member 152 posts
Registered: Feb 2012
Basically, a big problem with the map right now is that it's kind of easy to attack the YA area and deny the yellow. If you spawn near YA and try to grab it - you have a monumental task ahead of you: pick up both YA and RL (which are not really that close together) and then somehow fight off an attacking monstrosity clad in red armor with just 5 rockets. Going towards GL simply takes too long, going for 2x5 packs near YA but on RA side - is risky and predictable.
Also, I maintain that it's easier to get to MH from RA than it is from YA. Which, IMO, shouldn't be the case. I'd swap mega with cyan armor.
Can we solve those two problems without redesigning the ya-ga-ya area? I dunno. Somebody should step up with ideas. It would be good to make YA area stronger. Right now it is pretty vulnerable, you do not want to hang around the YA spot for too long, and you get hit by rockets from RA. GA is as close to RA as MH. From GA you can get to RA even faster than from MH (without rj). Plus, if you swap GA and MH, then from RA area you will be able to see and spam MH. Not good, imho. well, mega being in the open and easily spammable doesn't seem to hurt aerowalk, for example. And GA is slightly further away I think (not that it makes that much difference). But, yeah, maybe it's not such a big point. Mega can be left where it is. YA area is the map's current imbalance. Possibly also the ease with which LG can be denied, but this may be left as a peculiarity of the map, each map has those... VVD had an idea to actually put TWO LG's there, one closer to one side, the other closer to another, so that you don't have to make the full jump into the spam to get the lg. It may work, but feels a bit like a crutch decision. “If I wanted you to understand it, I would have explained it better.” (c) Johan Cruyff
News Writer 105 posts
Registered: Sep 2014
Honestly what about just swapping YA and RA? Currently, YA is hard to defend and easy to attack, so it makes sense to me to give that a try.
Member 152 posts
Registered: Feb 2012
Honestly what about just swapping YA and RA? Currently, YA is hard to defend and easy to attack, so it makes sense to me to give that a try. that was an idea originally proposed by Apocalypse last season. I agreed with it then, I agree with it now as well. It will solve a lot of problems, IMO. “If I wanted you to understand it, I would have explained it better.” (c) Johan Cruyff
Member 12 posts
Registered: Aug 2016
Honestly what about just swapping YA and RA? Currently, YA is hard to defend and easy to attack, so it makes sense to me to give that a try. this is not good for the teamplay on this map.
Member 152 posts
Registered: Feb 2012
Honestly what about just swapping YA and RA? Currently, YA is hard to defend and easy to attack, so it makes sense to me to give that a try. this is not good for the teamplay on this map. true, also a consideration that was taken into account. I think it's possible to have different item placements for different gamemodes?.. “If I wanted you to understand it, I would have explained it better.” (c) Johan Cruyff
News Writer 280 posts
Registered: May 2006
If nobody care to fix items positions (Lurq, hello), I'll fix it self as I want. It's hard decision for me, but current items positions are worse than before. :-(
News Writer 280 posts
Registered: May 2006
bravadob7.bspLit-file bravadocb2.lit is compartible - you can just copy bravadocb2.lit to bravadob7.lit. Waiting feedback! No constructive suggestions = this version will be official in Thunderdome 7!
Member 84 posts
Registered: Jul 2009
Can we not use an untested map in a tournament, please? The existing maps dm2/dm4/ztndm3/aero have problems too, we are not rushing to fix them (even though we should, imho).
There is no reason to hurry 1 day before the tourney. Bravado is a very good map as it is.
Personally, I haven't even gotten used to the changes between bravadob5 and bravadocb1.
PS: Just looked at it. It seems you only moved ammo around and added a second lg? That's OK then, probably. I thought you switched red and yellow around.
Member 84 posts
Registered: Jul 2009
The two cells in the centre are worse than in bravadoct1, no? Why not put them into a remote location like the stairs beside the top rl/quad?
Member 55 posts
Registered: Oct 2011
The only thing that bugs me a bit in bravadob7 is the second LG added right next to the first. I don't really understand that choice, but whatever.
The map is uploaded to the server, so if Praximus could update his first post, he would become marvellous o/ ! BaseQ.fr Administrator o/
Member 152 posts
Registered: Feb 2012
The only thing that bugs me a bit in bravadob7 is the second LG added right next to the first. I don't really understand that choice, but whatever.
The map is uploaded to the server, so if Praximus could update his first post, he would become marvellous o/ ! supposedly it's to prevent denying LG (you can now grab it without actually jumping into the spam). I also think some other solution would've been preferrable... “If I wanted you to understand it, I would have explained it better.” (c) Johan Cruyff
Member 22 posts
Registered: Jan 2016
Im with drowsy on this one. And All maps have personal issues, if we were to listen to everybody we would end up where we are today on the bravado-case, nowhere, Just hours before it kicks off. Personally i think bravado was good as it was. It is what it is. With that Said, ill play whatever you put on the table, it is your tournament after all. Just be the boss and make a decision and stick with it.
News Writer 105 posts
Registered: Sep 2014
I agree with the sentiment that we shouldn't just roll out an untested map for the tournament.
Most people that played in the one day tourney agreed that while it still had issues, cb2 was an improvement over b5. We should have stuck with cb2 or used b5 for TD7.
Member 152 posts
Registered: Feb 2012
bravadob7.bspLit-file bravadocb2.lit is compartible - you can just copy bravadocb2.lit to bravadob7.lit. Waiting feedback! No constructive suggestions = this version will be official in Thunderdome 7! constructive suggestions: 1) remove the second LG, just place the only one to where you've added a 2nd. 2) is the jumping distance between ledges near RA longer again?! If it is - it should be like in bravadocb2. There's no need to make this jump as annoying as it was in b5. (I'm not sure if it's longer or not) 3) remove the second cell from the middle, leave just 1. “If I wanted you to understand it, I would have explained it better.” (c) Johan Cruyff
News Writer 280 posts
Registered: May 2006
A bit explanation: It's new map - we can change anything before all players used it. We can't do same for old maps - it will be more hard and more players will be disagree. I made ent file for original bravadob5 and ask Lurq to use it. He made self ent file with only one my change - new spawn near ssg (+ half - spawn near YA/rockets). I said him move cells from YA-up to other place, but he refused any suggestions. We played map in one-day tourney and all was as I said - attacker from RA ez rape with LG all YA room. Cells at YA-up increased rape factor. To get LG you have to jump in hole anyway, but it's easier. In game with bps I fly over LG 3-4 times and didn't got it - bps just shoot me in back. It's so boring! Too hard to get LG and too ez to deny it - do you want other DM6??? constructive suggestions: 1) remove the second LG, just place the only one to where you've added a 2nd. Remove near RA and keep near GL? 2) is the jumping distance between ledges near RA longer again?! If it is - it should be like in bravadocb2. There's no need to make this jump as annoying as it was in b5. (I'm not sure if it's longer or not) Geometry is 100% identical to bravadocb2 by Lurq. Was changed entities only with hex editor!!! I'm a H@x0r!!! :-D 3) remove the second cell from the middle, leave just 1. This is the best suggestion for now!!! What one to keep? Near SSG or other? Somebody else agree or disagree? Or may be move one pack to YA cells?
Member 152 posts
Registered: Feb 2012
Remove near RA and keep near GL? yes. Geometry is 100% identical to bravadocb2 by Lurq. Was changed entities only with hex editor!!! I'm a H@x0r!!! :-D ok, that's great then. remove the second cell from the middle, leave just 1 This is the best suggestion for now!!! What one to keep? Near SSG or other? Somebody else agree or disagree? Or may be move one pack to YA cells? I'd just remove one of the SSG cells. Leave the other one, so there're: 1 near SSG, 1 near YA and 2 below RA “If I wanted you to understand it, I would have explained it better.” (c) Johan Cruyff
Member 84 posts
Registered: Jul 2009
Even if you decide to use it, how soon is it going to get uploaded to the servers? There is not much time left.
News Writer 280 posts
Registered: May 2006
