
Member 50 posts
Registered: Mar 2014
my hud is not loaded when map changes or when i enter a server so i have to do exec load alexey everytime and this is annoying
how do i make my cfg load by default? in q3 we had autoexec.cfg so u entered inside that file exec alexey.cfg then everytime u join a game it will load automatically and u dont have to do exec alexey everytime u enter server or map changes
Member 50 posts
Registered: Mar 2014
my hud is not loaded when map changes or when i enter a server so i have to do exec load alexey everytime and this is annoying
how do i make my cfg load by default? in q3 we had autoexec.cfg so u entered inside that file exec alexey.cfg then everytime u join a game it will load automatically and u dont have to do exec alexey everytime u enter server or map changes also is the hud saved inside the cfg file or somewhere else separately?
Administrator 284 posts
Registered: Sep 2015
my hud is not loaded when map changes or when i enter a server so i have to do exec load alexey everytime and this is annoying
how do i make my cfg load by default? in q3 we had autoexec.cfg so u entered inside that file exec alexey.cfg then everytime u join a game it will load automatically and u dont have to do exec alexey everytime u enter server or map changes Quakeworld clients have this too, but if you have installed nquake then it has its own autoexec.cfg file that does the following: exec default.cfg exec configs/preset.cfg exec configs/platform.cfg exec configs/config.cfg I think most people put their own personal config in configs/config.cfg, that way it is executed after the default nquake settings. (Everyone else - please correct me if this is incorrect, it comes up quite often so it would be good to get a standard answer to it)
Administrator 2059 posts
Registered: Jan 2006
Your whole config is saved in quake/ezquake/configs if you use the cfg_save command.
cfg_save will save to config.cfg cfg_save akevader will save to akevader.cfg
Doing only cfg_save when all is looking nice should solve your problems. www.facebook.com/QuakeWorld
Member 50 posts
Registered: Mar 2014
ok so if i basically rename my alexey.cfg to config.cfg and it will autoload? what about hud? is "new hud" saved inside the cfg? ( i mean the hud_ cvars) i used hud_editor to make nice hud i use a "combined" style so i can have the old status bar icons and side weapon ammo and the new bigger clock and fps show and the q3 style blue and red scores on the lower right corner my problem with this is, i cant get rid of old hud style timer.. i mean this:
Member 50 posts
Registered: Mar 2014
btw: i have renamed my cfg to config.cfg, and it stilll wouldn't autoload..
Administrator 2059 posts
Registered: Jan 2006
The arrow is not pointing to a timer though, that's your scores? (or maybe your team's scores)
When using cfg_save then yes, config.cfg will also include hud elements. www.facebook.com/QuakeWorld
Administrator 2059 posts
Registered: Jan 2006
btw: i have renamed my cfg to config.cfg, and it stilll wouldn't autoload.. In what directory is your config located? www.facebook.com/QuakeWorld
Member 50 posts
Registered: Mar 2014
btw: i have renamed my cfg to config.cfg, and it stilll wouldn't autoload.. In what directory is your config located? nQuake\ezquake\configs this is whats happening i open game, game shows this: as u can see, the new hud is on top of old hud, that is the default new hud, i dont know why but it loads like that when my cfg has the ammo and status removed from new hub, so i have to load my cfg to make it look right like on the other pic
Member 50 posts
Registered: Mar 2014
The arrow is not pointing to a timer though, that's your scores? (or maybe your team's scores)
When using cfg_save then yes, config.cfg will also include hud elements. yes that is the score board from old hud system, i need to remove it because it look stupid since i already use new hud system for scores (blue and red like q3)
Member 50 posts
Registered: Mar 2014
mmm i think i fixed it
i moved config.cfg in qw folder too... now it seems to be loading..
i still need to remove the "0"
also can u help me with this: http://www.quakeworld.nu/forum/topic/6928
edit: aaaaaaaa fuck this
i opened the game again and the hud was still on top of the old hud
I have noticed when i joined the server in the console cvar it said this:
"execing "c:/nquake/ezquake.pk3/cfg/hud_dithes_full.cfg" "execing "c:/nquake/ezquake.pk3/configs/dm.cfg"
it seems its loading some kind of hud when i join.. maybe this is related?
Member 50 posts
Registered: Mar 2014
im sure it has something to do, everytime a map loads those cfg get loaded, and some of those cfg is a hud one
so how do i stop hud_dither from loading everytime?
Member 50 posts
Registered: Mar 2014
this is so frustrating i cant enjoy the game if everyime i have to load config manually
Member 50 posts
Registered: Mar 2014
OK, I have fixed this problem: I copy pasted my hud_* cvars in hud_dithes_full.cfg inside the ezquake.pk3 file, this confirms that the game was loading hud_dithes_full.cfg inside the ezquake.pk3 for some fuking annoying reason i would like to know why.. this can be very frustrating for new players and I still would like to know a way to remove the "0" from the old scoreboard
Administrator 2059 posts
Registered: Jan 2006
I realised the HUD loading also happens for me, i just never cared about it as i haven't modified my hud lately.  The config load gets triggered by the on_enter_* commands and to clear them you can do the following to get rid of the "dependency" to other files than your own config.cfg: alias on_enter "" alias on_enter_ffa "" alias on_enter_ctf "" To get rid of your weird frag counter: scr_drawhfrags 0 www.facebook.com/QuakeWorld
Member 133 posts
Registered: Dec 2008
Simply use command line parameters to do whatever you want
Part of my lauch cmd -userdir sss 4 +exec settings.cfg
Administrator 1265 posts
Registered: Jan 2006
nQuake's config.cfg has the following: alias on_enter "exec cfg/hud_dithes_full.cfg;exec configs/dm.cfg;vid_vsync 0.0" alias on_enter_ctf "exec cfg/hud_dithes_full.cfg;exec configs/ctf.cfg;vid_vsync 0.0" alias on_enter_ffa "exec cfg/hud_dithes_full.cfg;exec configs/dm.cfg;vid_vsync 0.0" alias on_spec_enter "exec configs/spec.cfg;vid_vsync 1.0" Those aliases are executed everytime you connect to a server. It means that the file cfg/hud_dithes_full.cfg is executed. To prevent it from happening, either delete the archive (make a copy) or remove the following from those lines: exec cfg/hud_dithes_full.cfg; exec configs/spec.cfg; never argue with an idiot. they'll bring you back to their level and then beat you with experience.
