News Writer
1267 posts
Jun 2007
Last season info:
infoThank you:
thanksI hope that the top clans in div2 are interested in finishing this season.
Div1 is totally dead.
654 posts
Nov 2008
Really sad to hear this, but it's completely understandable. We haven't played in SD2 either. We keep in touch every day one way or another but hardly on Quake at the same time and if we happen to be, there's noone to play.
What's important is that we don't abandon 4on4 altogether. There are other ways to get games, but the clan vs clan games are very hard to make work right now. Drafts is a great idea for the active people to get to play in an organized manner!
News Writer
309 posts
Sep 2006
Thanks Hooratio for all the work you've done.
Although, we didnt agree in everything about EQL, I really appreciate your effort (I know how hard it is) and all the games we've played.
Hopefully, 4/4 will not die (I even consider buyin a new flashy monitor and come back)
Btw: you guys at CHosen had a great site where there were all games you guys played. I wonder if there are games vs DC and other clans I played - I lost all my Quake repository

News Writer
1267 posts
Jun 2007
there u go kloze, some games even have demos to download

News Writer
309 posts
Sep 2006
Excellent stuff, great site. GG!
110 posts
Mar 2010
that sucks. activity seems to have gone up a bit nowadays but dunno the lack of interest in clan play.
384 posts
Dec 2006
Although I haven't participated in EQL since 2011 I still periodically follow the scene, so thanks for you efforts over the years. I know first hand that sometimes being head admin can mean taking some tough decisions that not everyone will agree with and can sometimes even lead to abuse. But hopefully you can also be confident that you've given people a lot of joy over the years. I remember the days when you were famous for "first comment" wars with Hagge on NQR and you've come a long way since then

Likewise EQL itself has done really well to get to over 20 seasons and 10 years which makes it the longest running QW tournament I think. The format has been revised over the years but from the days when it was originally seen as a secondary tournament it has been the de facto standard for a quite a while now.
Would be great if some clever person could produce some sort of combined statistics across all seasons although with changing formats I appreciate probably not that simple!
News Writer
1267 posts
Jun 2007
I did start on an EQL BOOK OF RECORDS of sorts but my method was way too work intensive... dunno how to finish it really
110 posts
Mar 2010