
Administrator 654 posts
Registered: Nov 2008
I don't think we can influence their schedule or anything about their tournament. I think everything is already planned and decided :-) let's be happy what we got, even though it may not have been optimal!
News Writer 105 posts
Registered: Sep 2014
edit: found the chatlog from Locktar's stream the other day: owsIxeJd: pretty sure my monitor was bigger than this in '96  atatmedve: i think i had a 14 inch monitor around that time SyncError: I used a 15" Vivitron eatatmedve: SyncError, why no quaddmg cup on quakecon? SyncError: Only one player wanted to play Q2. And very few wanted to play Q4. owsIxeJd: because of q2 and q4 I bet  SyncError: We weren't going to get enough participants. eatatmedve: noobs owsIxeJd: what about godofwar sanchez? SyncError: So we kept the two games that people actually wanted to play. eatatmedve: sanchez vs tox final owsIxeJd: so how about the game modes that people want to play too?  SyncError: Well we didn't want to run two Duels. SyncError: And we didn't want to not have the QL Duel Masters. SyncError: So that leaves some form of teamplay for QW. owsIxeJd: aye ofc, there would be uproar if you did that! SyncError: 4on4 would be hard to get enough teams. owsIxeJd: sure SyncError: So this makes sense. SyncError: 2on2 gets enough people, almost encourages more. owsIxeJd: tbh 4on4 would be two teams raping their way to the final SyncError: I'd always want a CTF tourney of course! But we're limited on time and space. eatatmedve: question number two: will there be custom hitsound support through the workshop? owsIxeJd: but I promise you a 1on1 would generate much more excitement SyncError: There also may be a DOOM tourney, but not sure as it hasn't been announced yet. SyncError: No new support coming for QL, only bug fixes. SyncError: No one is working on QL anymore. Fawkeyes: probably there is the time the 2on2 dudes can do a private 1on1 mini-cup? SyncError: Not on our tournament machines. Fawkeyes: damnit SyncError: It'd have to be ran out of the byoc or in the hotel rooms.  owsIxeJd: is there rental available? Fawkeyes: the top player at one place, there must be a way SyncError: No I don't believe so. In the past there have been companies that have done rentals, but I don't think any are currently lined up for this year. Fawkeyes: aight, 1on1 ql and 2on2 ql is already pure gold Fawkeyes: *qw SyncError: But it would be hard to formalize, and no idea how it would work out time wise. owsIxeJd: there are so many scores to be settled  owsIxeJd: like bogo, gt and blood_dog vs the euros on LAN 1on1 Fawkeyes: !!!
News Writer 222 posts
Registered: Jan 2013
With no tourney machines available, I guess we'll have to settle for the official 2on2.
Well, we can always hope that Izn0 delivers on this TGI anniversary event he was talking about...
Member 280 posts
Registered: Jan 2015
I don't think we can influence their schedule or anything about their tournament. I think everything is already planned and decided :-) let's be happy what we got, even though it may not have been optimal! I'll just stop by and talk. Nothing to loose.
Member 312 posts
Registered: Feb 2006
Does this really need to be on the QTV event page already? It's going to be 5 months worth of "HEY SOMETHING RELEVANT IS GOING TO HAPPEN SOON" for anyone who uses the site. People might learn to ignore the whole thing and miss out on actual matches and stuff.
Member 216 posts
Registered: Feb 2011
Well, I booked the hotel room so I'm 50% committed... Regarding flights, I know the schedule says August 4th to August 7th, but does anything actually happen on the 4th? If I arrive late the night of the 4th (which means I only miss 1 day of work on Friday), is that a problem? The post on quakecon.org says: To register for the QUAKEWORLD 2on2 TDM Open, interested competitors can visit the QuakeCon tournament area on-site in the Wedgwood Foyer from 10:00am to 6:00pm CDT on Thursday August 4th for participation availability. So I wouldn't be able to be there for on-site registration, but is it mandatory to be there for that if I'm pre-approved?  Love, BD [Edit] And also when does the day end on the 7th? Is a flight back at 8pm too early?
Member 16 posts
Registered: Feb 2016
No one will be pre-registered for the open tournament. If you want a spot you and your team mate must be there to register between 10:00 am to 6:00 pm CDT on Thursday August 4th. Things happen and people miss flights or change their mind. We have to see you there to have you registered. I suggest coming in by Wednesday if you are from North/South America, and sooner from over seas as you don't want to be jet lagged and not at the top of your game. As for Sunday the 7th, it is pretty much our tear down day. The BYOC is open until noon, but everything else closes Saturday. Traveling on this day is totally fine and you wouldn't be missing any of the event. Some people travel later in the day as many consider Saturday night the party night and need a bit if time to recover the next morning. I will make a little guide to the event in early April for those that are new. Sorry, I won't have time before then to really sit down and gather up all the information.
News Writer 305 posts
Registered: Feb 2008
SyncError & Lille : We are planning another All stars in about one to two months time: http://www.quakeworld.nu/forum/topic/6753 - perhaps you would like to run some kind of an advert? Or would like to come on to talk live on Skype about Quakecon while the cast is going on?
The cast it self is run by Andeh on SuddenDeathTV, with maybe a co caster. - So I'll have to check a bit with him how he would like it - but is this something you would be interested in doing? Previous allstars cast: https://www.twitch.tv/suddendeathtv/profile/highlights https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=raB8iC362DQ Street Vendor Crack down Princess Cop
Member 16 posts
Registered: Feb 2016
We can advertise any 2on2 tdm on the Quakecon Twitter and Facebook, but other tournaments would be on personal outlets. We would be happy to come on to the stream, but need dates and times in as much advance notice as possible to be sure we are available.
Member 1102 posts
Registered: Jan 2006
Member 23 posts
Registered: Apr 2012
Dont steal our shine! 
News Writer 305 posts
Registered: Feb 2008
We can advertise any 2on2 tdm on the Quakecon Twitter and Facebook, but other tournaments would be on personal outlets. We would be happy to come on to the stream, but need dates and times in as much advance notice as possible to be sure we are available. Cool, Probably around May, - ill get back to you =) Most likely then short prearranged questions from us that you will be able to prepare responses to before the cast, and option for you guys to add anything else you want. Street Vendor Crack down Princess Cop
Member 110 posts
Registered: Mar 2010
are those rules final? fullbright skins and weapon scripts will be allowed i guess then?
News Writer 275 posts
Registered: May 2006
Link, we are not even oldtimers anymore, we are dinosaurs. - Hooraytio
Member 61 posts
Registered: Mar 2006
QuakeWorld should be at QCON EVERY YEAR...
Really though... I've never been to QCON. Might actually go this time for once
Member 16 posts
Registered: Feb 2016
This wouldn't really be something that has anything to do with Quakecon or the tournaments. If you want stuff pushed out via a twitter post, then follow SyncError on twitter, and he can follow you back and retweet anything you put out there that would be good for the community. (Like any contests, or packs that your community decides run.) That is the best way to get anything "promoted". He may even be able to get it retweeted on the idsoftware account.
Member 16 posts
Registered: Feb 2016
Member 172 posts
Registered: Sep 2013
No one will be pre-registered for the open tournament. If you want a spot you and your team mate must be there to register between 10:00 am to 6:00 pm CDT on Thursday August 4th.
As for Sunday the 7th, it is pretty much our tear down day. The BYOC is open until noon, but everything else closes Saturday. Traveling on this day is totally fine and you wouldn't be missing any of the event.
I will make a little guide to the event in early April for those that are new. These details are very useful for planning, thanks for letting us know. I look forward to whatever more information you can provide now that it is early April. For those who have not bought tickets yet but plan to, I suggest checking out the rates available through the Quakecon planning website: QuakeCon is returning for another year at the Hilton Anatole in downtown Dallas. You can make reservations at the Hilton Anatole by calling 1-800-Hiltons (or 1-800-445-8667) or by clicking here. A special room rate of $169 per night is available for QuakeCon attendees; just mention QuakeCon 2016 when calling to reserve your room! Specifically the link they provide, which offers much better rates ($169 a night) instead of the normal ($234-284).
Member 16 posts
Registered: Feb 2016
Administrator 890 posts
Registered: Jan 2006
Thanks for the info Lilie, I've been searching for this  Join us on discord.quake.world
Member 16 posts
Registered: Feb 2016
If you plan on attending Quakecon 2016, feel free to join us on Discord: https://discord.gg/0yt6OKTnLo69e04m
Look forward to seeing more of you there!
(Edited 2016-05-03, 00:56)
Member 3 posts
Registered: May 2016
Administrator 890 posts
Registered: Jan 2006
I'm seriously planning to go. Depends if I can get a mate to play with me.
If someone is having same kind of feelings and wants to put some hours in and start to prac a lot -- feel free and msg me. Any news  kip; are you going? Join us on discord.quake.world
News Writer 222 posts
Registered: Jan 2013
To those of you going: The day before QC starts, a reunited Guns n' Roses (Axl, Slash & Duff) has a concert at Arlington, a 30 minute drive from Dallas ...
News Writer 912 posts
Registered: Jan 2006
So who can bring me a truck load of  snus anyway?
Member 110 posts
Registered: Mar 2010
any idea when-ish the games will be played?
Member 17 posts
Registered: Dec 2014
wow guys!  i enjoyed the whole QW-Part of quakecon so much! Thanks to all of you for making this happen <3 Especially i want to thank the devs for keeping ezQuake so amazing! The step to ezQ3 finally ended input issues for me (linux  ) and it plays better than ever. So special thanks to you dimman & meag (and the ones i don't know), i find that devs get most easily forgotten in all of this! THANKS <3
Member 135 posts
Registered: Jan 2006
Is there any demos available from this event? Challenge-TV is down  . I saw that there are videos on YT but I prefer to watch the demos.
Administrator 654 posts
Registered: Nov 2008
Member 280 posts
Registered: Jan 2015
I don't think we can influence their schedule or anything about their tournament. I think everything is already planned and decided :-) let's be happy what we got, even though it may not have been optimal! I'll just stop by and talk. Nothing to loose. Nothing to loose. This is, finally, my post about QuakeCon. Before I start, I would like to say that this was one of the most fun experiences of my life. Although QW just recently hijacked my free time again (and some of my not-free time, I have to admit), it happened in a very intense way, culminating in a 7 days secret trip to Dallas, USA, where I got to meet in person the people that I have been talking to on IRC, this forum, Discord, Mumble and of course on QW servers around the world. So, let's start with what matters most: CHAPTER I - THE PEOPLE (in order of appearance) MURAs soon as I saw the official announcement I instantly thought: "This is the chance to put Brazil in the QuakeWorld global scene". I always had the feeling that the Brazilian players were underestimated. Specially this guy and the now obvious GT. So, what I really wanted was to make these two guys to play together as a team in QuakeCon, and bring real challenge to the top european teams. Right from the beginning MUR accepted my sponsorship to go do QuakeCon, even though he was a little inactive, because of the lack of games in Brazilian servers. We worked hard to do the visa paperwork, which included flying to the US consulate (1 hour flight from our town), having the flights to US booked even without visa confirmation and so on. I even had to convince MUR's family that I was not a drug dealer recruiting a new mule, but unfortunately it didn't happen. I really hope we can manage to have him on QHLan. Quotes and highlights: NONE GTAfter showing the world what this guy was, by helping to organise DuelMania WorldWide, it was time to kill the criticism and the "used to high ping" theory by having him on QakeCon. When we had the bad news about MUR, I needed to get a few practice rounds with GT, in order to step in and try to do something useful in our games. I also remembered that, because of GT's movement, I had a little uncertainty about his config, client, set up, hardware or whatever, meaning that I had to be sure he wasn't cheating  . So, I went to Porto Alegre, Brazil (6 hours flight), to meet GT in person for the first time, and play some quakeworld! When I got there, I found out that not only his set up was fair, but some interesting facts: - He uses a USD 5 cheap tiny small keyboard - He never used headsets to play, he had two sound boxes below the desk, one above the other. (no L / R) - His HUD has no AMMO information Quote and highlight: - "You gotta kill the opponents also, man!", at me during some of our 2on2's. - Locktar vs GT armwrestling duel at the Media Bar DIRTBOXSo, when I arrived in Dallas, DIRTBOX, my DuelMania mate, my preferred dm4 player, my friend Marcus, the World Trashtalking Champion and the best prank caller in the world was there to pick me up in the airport. Straight to the highlights and quotes, 'cause in this case they're too many: Quote and highlight: - The Taxi Driver Fight - Telling the story of a prank call sequence in Australia to a group of quakers in the tournament room. - Locust homosexual music video [...] to be continuedBOGOJOKERThis guy is the best quakeworld teacher ever. Also my closest online quake friend. It was amazing to finally meet him in person, after 18 months of playing almost every weekend 4on4's, 2on2's, aerowalk lessons... Most of the times on voice. Very kind, calm and gentle guy. I really hope we can meet again, preferably in another LAN so we can play  Quote and highlight: - "They know what they're doing, dev.", at me when I was desperately screaming on the finals night, because the countdown started and the screen was showing the casters instead of the game. - Match vs BPS on DuelMania QCON. BLOOD_DOG(DP)When I texted him, asking him when he was arriving in Dallas so I could pick him up in the airport, I felt a little hesitation on his voice. But, then, I insisted and went to the airport to pick him up. It took me a while to understand [...] to be continuedTHIS POST WILL NOT BE CONTINUED(Edited 2019-04-06, 15:59)
