
Member 50 posts
Registered: Mar 2014
Hi guys, trying out QW and loving it (Q3 player here since 99)) Im using ezquake client my question are: -how do I make script to shoot grenade with a key, then it switches back to the previus weapon after you stop pressing said key (not to a particular weapon, but the previus weapon you was using) -what are the best race maps beside slide ones -what are the biggest rapes on dm4 to check demos and learn spawns -how do i learn to be good in duel in general
Thanks I will think of more questions as they come
Administrator 1265 posts
Registered: Jan 2006
welcome lots of weapon scripts available on the download section. i will not give u details  learning duel: http://wiki.quakeworld.nu/Video_Content never argue with an idiot. they'll bring you back to their level and then beat you with experience.
Member 188 posts
Registered: Feb 2008
This should help you, elite player KovaaK explains how to play duel on the main duel maps.
Member 50 posts
Registered: Mar 2014
welcome lots of weapon scripts available on the download section. i will not give u details  learning duel: http://wiki.quakeworld.nu/Video_Content where is the download section
Member 286 posts
Registered: Sep 2012
I guess he's talking about that but I'm not sure, he's portuguese after all... http://www.quakeworld.nu/configs
Member 50 posts
Registered: Mar 2014
I guess he's talking about that but I'm not sure, he's portuguese after all... http://www.quakeworld.nu/configs why doesnt anyone that knows how to script tell me the script so i dont have to endlessdly search on all these files
Member 386 posts
Registered: Apr 2006
If you're using nquake, you should have aliases for several weapons built in to the config already. +sg, +ssg, +gl, +rl,, +sng and +lg should already exist and perform the function you described.
If you're not using nquake, and are instead using an unmodified, clean ezquake, then you probably should have started with nquake for many reasons.If you don't care, then here is a simple example weapon script. /alias "+gl" "set wp $weaponnum;weapon 6 5 3 2 4 1;+attack" /alias "-gl" "-attack;weapon $wp"
Then simply bind a key to +gl. If the gl (weapon 6) is not present, or is out of ammunition, the script will select progressively less desirable weapons until finally settling on the axe before attacking. If you wish to alter the script for use with other weapons, simply change the name of the alias, and the weapon-number priority listed after "weapon" in the script.
For race maps, race1, race2, race3, etc., are also challenging. They may not be present on all servers as they are relatively recent additions.
For dm4 spawnfragging, there's a famous game between griffin and paradoks out there somewhere which is utterly pointless to watch for any reason other than spawnfragging because it is clear that paradoks is just blindly rushing.
For learning duel in general, aside from recommending that kovaak playlist, I would advise not making the mistake of focusing on dm4 for learning quakeworld duel. It is highly atypical of duel play in that it is almost entirely positional. Being good on dm4 alone doesn't make you good on any of the other maps. As with almost everything in life, learn fundamentals before specialising.
Member 312 posts
Registered: Feb 2006
You can learn all spawns on all maps by typing /kill endlessly. Actually memorising them without thinking is a thing of experience.
As to how to become a decent player generally, I'd say watch a lot of demos. Don't watch them for entertainment purposes but for analytical purposes, like why is this guy doing this at that point, what did he gain from that move, what was the other guys armor/weapon/ammo status and did it affect his decision somehow etc. You can learn plenty of strategy, good positioning and decision making by watching other experienced players and thinking why are they doing stuff. With experience you can spot this stuff in more detail.
Experience is always the key and don't be dissapointed from losing in the beginning. Your opponent has probably played a similiar situation in any duel dozens of time so he has routine while you're still learning. Also a thing I've liked and still like to do is watch demos of your own games but from the eyes of your opponent. You'll see your game much more objectively and perhaps spot mistakes or general bad playing style.
Member 793 posts
Registered: Feb 2006
i don't think it's possible to switch back to 'the weapon i was using before firing gl'. there isn't actually an 'active weapon' defined at any point in the game, instead most 'fire gun' script assigns the active weapon and fire it at the same time. afterwards most just switch to axe for convenience, so you don't accidentally drop rl or something. you're better off with having a look at Stev's examples to figure out bindings that suit your own setup.
Member 386 posts
Registered: Apr 2006
That's not true anymore. $weaponnum lists the weapon currently selected by the client. There's an example of how to use it in my previous post.
Member 50 posts
Registered: Mar 2014
If you're using nquake, you should have aliases for several weapons built in to the config already. +sg, +ssg, +gl, +rl,, +sng and +lg should already exist and perform the function you described.
If you're not using nquake, and are instead using an unmodified, clean ezquake, then you probably should have started with nquake for many reasons.If you don't care, then here is a simple example weapon script. /alias "+gl" "set wp $weaponnum;weapon 6 5 3 2 4 1;+attack" /alias "-gl" "-attack;weapon $wp"
Then simply bind a key to +gl. If the gl (weapon 6) is not present, or is out of ammunition, the script will select progressively less desirable weapons until finally settling on the axe before attacking. If you wish to alter the script for use with other weapons, simply change the name of the alias, and the weapon-number priority listed after "weapon" in the script.
For race maps, race1, race2, race3, etc., are also challenging. They may not be present on all servers as they are relatively recent additions.
For dm4 spawnfragging, there's a famous game between griffin and paradoks out there somewhere which is utterly pointless to watch for any reason other than spawnfragging because it is clear that paradoks is just blindly rushing.
For learning duel in general, aside from recommending that kovaak playlist, I would advise not making the mistake of focusing on dm4 for learning quakeworld duel. It is highly atypical of duel play in that it is almost entirely positional. Being good on dm4 alone doesn't make you good on any of the other maps. As with almost everything in life, learn fundamentals before specialising. thanks this worked I have another question why during spect, the player im specting is not smooth? it feels laged, while in quake 3 it's very smooth while specting
Member 386 posts
Registered: Apr 2006
Perhaps the default ezquake config doesn't have cl_physfps_spectator 30? Try that.
Member 50 posts
Registered: Mar 2014
Perhaps the default ezquake config doesn't have cl_physfps_spectator 30? Try that. cl_physfps "77" cl_physfps_spectator "30" So isn't that. ALso, another thing ive noticed, pretty annoying, when I shoot with the nailgun or supernailgun, the fps go down a lot, its like the trails or something, some of the GFX make the fps go lower.
Member 286 posts
Registered: Sep 2012
Try cl_hidenails 1 
Member 386 posts
Registered: Apr 2006
For a less drastic approach to the nail problem, ensure gl_nailtrail is set to 0.
As for the spectator framerate, I'm not sure. Are you running a clean, default ezquake config? Perhaps if you shared it someone might have better luck diagnosing the problem.
Administrator 2059 posts
Registered: Jan 2006
If you're using nquake, you should have aliases for several weapons built in to the config already. +sg, +ssg, +gl, +rl,, +sng and +lg should already exist and perform the function you described.
If you're not using nquake, and are instead using an unmodified, clean ezquake, then you probably should have started with nquake for many reasons.If you don't care, then here is a simple example weapon script. /alias "+gl" "set wp $weaponnum;weapon 6 5 3 2 4 1;+attack" /alias "-gl" "-attack;weapon $wp"
Then simply bind a key to +gl. If the gl (weapon 6) is not present, or is out of ammunition, the script will select progressively less desirable weapons until finally settling on the axe before attacking. If you wish to alter the script for use with other weapons, simply change the name of the alias, and the weapon-number priority listed after "weapon" in the script.
For race maps, race1, race2, race3, etc., are also challenging. They may not be present on all servers as they are relatively recent additions.
For dm4 spawnfragging, there's a famous game between griffin and paradoks out there somewhere which is utterly pointless to watch for any reason other than spawnfragging because it is clear that paradoks is just blindly rushing.
For learning duel in general, aside from recommending that kovaak playlist, I would advise not making the mistake of focusing on dm4 for learning quakeworld duel. It is highly atypical of duel play in that it is almost entirely positional. Being good on dm4 alone doesn't make you good on any of the other maps. As with almost everything in life, learn fundamentals before specialising. thanks this worked I have another question why during spect, the player im specting is not smooth? it feels laged, while in quake 3 it's very smooth while specting the alias on_spec_enter (which is executed every time you join a server as spec i think) enables vid_vsync for me when I'm spectating, perhaps that has got something to do with it? (my config is based on nQuake so i think it's the same there) One thing you could try, to confirm that it is some kind of setting problem, is to load your own config again while spectating and see if it's smooth then. Does it make a difference if you spectate directly on the server compared to if you spectate via QTV? www.facebook.com/QuakeWorld
