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General Discussion
2014-04-03, 08:15
News Writer
912 posts

Jan 2006
So I want at least 2 people to run it with me as I just don't have that much time... Basically I will set it up and everyone else can do all the work Until I get 2 active volunteers I won't go ahead any further. So who's in? Email me at dirtbox[at] if you are

The format I am thinking is the tried and true best-of-three/double-elimination... First tourney will be dm2.

I will use instead of this time because of MANY limitations with (no match notifications and incorrect drawing of the losers bracket)....

OK so this just happened: feel free to sign up now in advance if you like. Make sure you actually register a Challonge account before you sign up, this will entitle you to submit your own scores

(Unless I get a minimum of 2 people to admin with/for me, I won't start the tourney)
2014-04-03, 12:43
654 posts

Nov 2008
I can help with whatever I can support you with. I've already promised high quality stream + commentary as well
2014-04-03, 17:01
News Writer
912 posts

Jan 2006
thanks andeh. i've put you down as an admin...
2014-04-04, 08:46
312 posts

Feb 2006
How did these work again? Started and finished in one day? If so, then how much spare time is there between games?
2014-04-04, 12:21
386 posts

Apr 2006
This seems to be a regular, full-length tournament which will take weeks to complete.
2014-04-04, 15:01
News Writer
912 posts

Jan 2006
It isn't a 1-day tournament. It is a regular tournament that will go for around 2 months.
2014-04-06, 09:01
News Writer
912 posts

Jan 2006
Can someone pimp this on
2014-04-06, 10:57
654 posts

Nov 2008
I need a good name for the tournament and some more information about starting date and so on before I can make a proper post on
2014-04-11, 08:38
News Writer
912 posts

Jan 2006
The tourney will start when we get 32 players registered... but I need you to pimp it to get the last 9 players we need registered
2014-04-11, 09:08
News Writer
912 posts

Jan 2006
By the way the tournament is just called claustrophobopolis by BesMella.Quake
2014-06-25, 09:20
News Writer
912 posts

Jan 2006
Registrations for Tournament #2 are now open:

2014-06-25, 16:10
10 posts

Jun 2014
I think it's ridiculous that smackdown ruleset is required for these tournaments.
2014-06-26, 08:51
News Writer
912 posts

Jan 2006
VY wrote:
I think it's ridiculous that smackdown ruleset is required for these tournaments.
It is the "standard" that all tournaments use. I actually don't agree with a lot of the stuff in the ruleset (such as banning rollalpha, yet somehow fakeshaft is allowed) and I was actually on the smackdown committee who decided on the rules... it does put everyone on a more 'even' playing field.

I used to switch between smackdown and no-ruleset (when not in tournaments) but eventually i just gave up and only play with smackdown ruleset now.
2014-06-26, 10:54
375 posts

Sep 2009
dirtbox wrote:
[quote="VY"]I actually don't agree with a lot of the stuff in the ruleset (such as banning rollalpha, yet somehow fakeshaft is allowed)

Holly shieeeet, I would love to use this cl_rollalpha to predict player movements!!!

But couldn't live without cl_fakeshaft 2 though... Specially now that it's the REAL(?) shaft for every server with antilag!
isn't it? the real one? (Considering what happens on the server side. Which is where it actually does the damage, no?)
(QW Nickname: AL.Kernell)
2014-06-26, 12:38
News Writer
912 posts

Jan 2006
You can just use cl_rollangle now already to predict opponents (but your screen will also tilt). Also there is nothing stopping you from not using the smackdown ruleset... I didn't realise there was tournies in brasil that require it...

Also cl_fakeshaft 2 isn't real when using antilag. cl_fakeshaft 1 is actually the most accurate as antilag goes off what your crosshair was pointing at
2014-06-26, 13:51
459 posts

Mar 2008
dirtbox wrote:
You can just use cl_rollangle now already to predict opponents (but your screen will also tilt). Also there is nothing stopping you from not using the smackdown ruleset... I didn't realise there was tournies in brasil that require it...

Also cl_fakeshaft 2 isn't real when using antilag. cl_fakeshaft 1 is actually the most accurate as antilag goes off what your crosshair was pointing at

Isn't it better to avoid having the beam exactly on the crosshair anyway?
2014-06-26, 13:58
375 posts

Sep 2009
dirtbox wrote:
You can just use cl_rollangle now already to predict opponents (but your screen will also tilt).
No thanks, this thing makes me dizzy, huge headache! hehe

dirtbox wrote:
Also there is nothing stopping you from not using the smackdown ruleset...
I've always used it for Ethical Principles.

dirtbox wrote:
I didn't realise there was tournies in brasil that require it...
HAhahaeh, noooo, there are no tournaments happening here (at all).... for a looong while (maybe 5 years at least).
But about 75% of the players, and 99% of the faithful ones, always use SMACKDOWN, we are always asking, to prevent frjump/scripts and cheats.

dirtbox wrote:
Also cl_fakeshaft 2 isn't real when using antilag. cl_fakeshaft 1 is actually the most accurate as antilag goes off what your crosshair was pointing at
I think you may be wrong, becouse everytime you set the command /cl_fakeshaft 2 all the KTX servers shows this message:
AL.Kernell: fakeshaft 2 (emulation of fakeshaft 0 for servers with antilag feature)
so probably, this is the "synchronized shaft for antilag" right?

EDIT: Ohhh no... i've finally understood the message: "emulation of fakeshaft 0 (ZERO)"
shieeeet, I've been misreading this for years!!! kkkkkkkkk
So, now that I understand it, I'm thinking: This fakeshaft 2 is simply stupid! Gonna use 1 from now on!
(QW Nickname: AL.Kernell)
2014-06-26, 14:22
1025 posts

Apr 2006
I do hope that tournament admins realize that they are free to put up whatever rules they want. Ruleset smackdown was created for smackdown and is just intended to be a simple way of putting all settings to comply with smackdown tournament rules.

Now all of this is done client side so it's not real protection against cheaters, however wouldn't it be nice with simplified ruleset system so that every tournament could just provide a .ruleset file that people could use to simplify settings for different tournaments?

(Edited 2014-06-26, 14:23)
2014-06-26, 14:23
News Writer
912 posts

Jan 2006
What I said about antilag hitting the crosshair isn't entirely accurate... but i also found this:
cl_fakeshaft 2: This settings is just like cl_fakeshaft 1, except that it doesn't fake the shaft to your current view, but to the view 13 ms ago.
which means that cl_fakeshaft 2 just makes it always look like you have a 13ms lg no matter what ping you have.

All I know is that all of the players who have super-shafts (milton, locust, bulat, locktar, pericles, etc) all use cl_fakeshaft 1. Even though i hate the feel of it, i forced myself to change recently and my LG definitely improved.
2014-06-26, 14:25
1025 posts

Apr 2006
dirtbox wrote:
What I said about antilag hitting the crosshair isn't entirely accurate... but i also found this:
cl_fakeshaft 2: This settings is just like cl_fakeshaft 1, except that it doesn't fake the shaft to your current view, but to the view 13 ms ago.
which means that cl_fakeshaft 2 just makes it always look like you have a 13ms lg no matter what ping you have.

All I know is that all of the players who have super-shafts (milton, locust, bulat, locktar, pericles, etc) all use cl_fakeshaft 1. Even though i hate the feel of it, i forced myself to change recently and my LG definitely improved.

Before antilag and when really active I considered myself to have a pretty good shaft, but that only applied to when using fakeshaft 0.

After antilag I think I just used 0.3 or something near that.
2014-06-26, 14:38
375 posts

Sep 2009
From what I understand (now), I think the real antilag-shaft would probably be impossible to show, becouse it's like a compensation done on the server (that varies, depending on ping?).
So the client would have to "wait" for the server to, only then, draw the beam... so, impossible! (right?) (maybe only with ping <13 and very-good-hardware)

Did I get it? =P

(Observation: What happened to this topic, I fucked up with the "One map tournaments", kkkkkkkkkkk)
(QW Nickname: AL.Kernell)
2014-06-26, 19:09
10 posts

Jun 2014
dirtbox wrote:
VY wrote:
I think it's ridiculous that smackdown ruleset is required for these tournaments.
It is the "standard" that all tournaments use. I actually don't agree with a lot of the stuff in the ruleset (such as banning rollalpha, yet somehow fakeshaft is allowed) and I was actually on the smackdown committee who decided on the rules... it does put everyone on a more 'even' playing field.

I used to switch between smackdown and no-ruleset (when not in tournaments) but eventually i just gave up and only play with smackdown ruleset now.

This is just broken logic though, in two ways. First off it's self contradictory as you point out. Why allow cl_simpleitems for everything other than dropped packs?

Second it's not uneven to begin with when the options are available to everyone. You want your screen tilting and distracting lg beams blocking your view? Cool, just don't use rollalpha or shaftalpha, I will and then we are both happy right? If it gives me an advantage why aren't you using them?

On top of that there are all kinds of random restrictions you could apply to make things more even. Why not restrict vid_displayfrequency to 60 since some people only have a 60hz monitor or laptop? I can't find a list of what smackdown limits but it should be most of the settings in the game to be logically consistent.

The reality is, the playing field is never going to be even, so people should just be allowed to use what is comfortable for them, within reason of course. The game is hard enough without being limited artificially.

Not that I expect anyone to care but I personally won't be playing tournaments with these overly conservative restrictions. I mean the choice for me is play QW with settings I like or play it with settings I don't like. Why would I ever choose the latter?
2014-06-27, 12:47
News Writer
912 posts

Jan 2006
VY - the idea was to enforce the rules so that you could only make your custom QW client (ezquake, fte) be configured to not have an advantage over someone who has an unmodified qw2.33+Qizmo as that is what the standard was when Smackdown started

Specifically with simple items, this allows you to have fullbright backpacks that can be seen in shadows which cannot be done in the original QW. It doesn't matter about simple items for all other items because they are static and everyone knows where they are already...

I could probably dig-up the orignal emails from the Smackdown committee discussing what to add in the ruleset however I removed myself during the 6 years I didn't play QW between 2006-2012 so I may be missing some stuff.

EDIT: just found this
2014-06-27, 16:09
232 posts

Feb 2006
Does Smackdown ruleset prevent you changing the skin for backpack.mdl? Cos if not, you could just use a fullbright skin
2014-07-21, 09:38
News Writer
912 posts

Jan 2006
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