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Server Talk
2013-08-27, 00:13
4 posts

Aug 2013
I am trying to put together a basic server for a few friends from my clan to use for some old school fun, and at some level i can do it. I originally intended to use Darkplaces for the server, but in the end used Proquake (as that was the only binary that ran on Debian 6 out of the box). The problem is i cant get it to use the deathmatch 2/3/4 cvars, it just uses default regardless of setting provided. The bots on the other hand work brilliantly. Rcon doesnt work, and trying to use it results in me being kicked off server (with no reason why this is happening, and proquakes documentation is useless).

Add to that the piss poor documentation on running a server in general (no discussion of what cvars can be used, nowhere seems to have anything but the most basic server.cfg, almost every server engine site has no documentation to accompany it).

So im now trying to get mvdsv to work. I have had to recompile from source since the precompiled binary refused to run. I have worked out how to build a 32bit binary on 64bit Debian. Now i have a problem with qwprogs.dat not loading, but as usual its extremely tedious to find out why (i am using the qwprogs.dat grabbed from id's Git Hub, it says its the wrong version, is their an official version for mvdsv?).

On another thread on here someone suggest to use nquakesv, but you go to the site and its impossible to find a download link for anything but the client. I dont need a client, i need the server binary.

Ive been at this for 4 days on and off and i feel like im going in ever larger circles. Can anyone suggest a good psychiatrist, preferably with a degree in how to make quake 1 servers work?

2013-08-27, 10:37
1265 posts

Jan 2006
v00d00101 wrote:

On another thread on here someone suggest to use nquakesv, but you go to the site and its impossible to find a download link for anything but the client. I dont need a client, i need the server binary.

IMPOSSIBLE you say ?

I dunno how to set bots with mvdsv... maybe someone else can help
never argue with an idiot. they'll bring you back to their level and then beat you with experience.
2013-08-27, 17:24
2058 posts

Jan 2006
I'll make it more obvious on the website.
2013-08-27, 19:03
4 posts

Aug 2013
No, dont worry i was trying to grab it from links from my dedi server, and since links doesnt support javascript i was just looking for a download link. Maybe create a no javascript page that offers the links, if the browser is detected as not capable. Many sys admins that browse from a dedi server are using text only clients, and they dont generally do js, although links does support frames , Which are of no use in this instance.

As for the bots thats fine, i worked out i just need to invoke it with '-game frikbot' to load the mod, also they are fully working.

Also im really not liking the start script that wont let me stop the server, and keeps respawning like a virus. Might have been nice to actually package it with a sysv init script, so it could be called via service or exec'd from init.d (maybe a thought for the future). Even a basic script with arguments would have done. At present the only way to kill it seems to be to chmod mvdsv non executable, which isnt ideal.

I need to look at this a bit more, because its spawning multiple servers, and using the wrong mod. Also you might want to consider using screen if its available, instead of creating something that is extremely hard to stop that spawns in the background.

I will get back to this thread after ive spent a couple of hours playing with it all tonight.

Thanks for the help.
2013-08-27, 20:02
1025 posts

Apr 2006
I guess the reason for the respawning script is that it makes it easy to restart servers with almost 0 downtime.

No need to chmod anything, just kill the scripts first and then mvdsv binary since its the scripts re-launching it.

SysV Today it's systemd that is the future Hehe, I could probably provide initscripts for both later on if someone is interested.
2013-08-27, 23:00
4 posts

Aug 2013
I did kill the scripts, then the rest and after doing a ps, i had a load new processes. I find it much better to have a control script and a seperate script to do everything else. I mean if we are really going pro, like i do with my Urbanterror servers, you go with a python wrapper that handles everything and stays resident. No fancy shellscripts, no crontab usage, hell if you are worried about the wrapper terminating you can create a second process to monitor the first and keep it active, but ive never had to do that.

In reality i will probably just write something in py to handle this. No need to have so many scripts running.

Also (please) dont start with systemd. They should have shot the guy who made that, i stand with the other 1000+ system administrators who will give that a guy a good kicking if we ever meet him. Dont fix what isnt broken, and SysV wasnt broken, where as Systemd is just a joke, that has made a simple process 100x harder, in favour of a couple of new features that werent required in the first place. I wonder how many people he paid off to get it into all the major distros, because no one in their right mind would have done it without money crossing palms. The devil of the day is Lennart Poettering, and if any one comes across him, feel free to stab him with a rusty knife, somewhere where it will take him a long time to die. He is evil incarnate, within the linux world.
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