
News Writer 283 posts
Registered: Jan 2007
Administrator 1265 posts
Registered: Jan 2006
woa, thanks for sharing i'll try to get it and put it on the cloud, on a service like mega or something. maybe ill try share into those new <torrent in cloud> services never argue with an idiot. they'll bring you back to their level and then beat you with experience.
Member 1102 posts
Registered: Jan 2006
The butt is not a backup, http://i.imgur.com/yhyob.gifAnd torrents die quickly if the content is not "hot". http://www.quakeworld.nu/forum/topic/5893/challengetvcom-down#94321 , you probably want https://archive.org/details/Challenge-TV_challenge-tv.com_demostorage_Quakeworld edit: Ah nice, that is actually the item I linked. Archive.org creates torrent files. 
Member 124 posts
Registered: Apr 2012
I should've read Spirit's post before posting this. :p
The ISO Hunt link doesn't work in the USA, but the archive.org one works great.
Thanks for sharing!
News Writer 912 posts
Registered: Jan 2006
I am going to start DL now and uncap my upload for the rest of the week if that helps...
Member 357 posts
Registered: Mar 2006
1st link on this post returns "Torrent has been censored, as required by US court."
Are these QW demos only?
Member 212 posts
Registered: Apr 2006
Yes! QW only and some real gems included. Complete series of 9 vs DR Rapture 99 Smackdown season 1 - 6 TGI
combined 10.283 files. Interesting to those who lost their collection or would like to see some of these classics.
Member 124 posts
Registered: Apr 2012
1st link on this post returns "Torrent has been censored, as required by US court."
Are these QW demos only? Get the torrent from the archive.org link Spirit posted  https://archive.org/details/Challenge-TV_challenge-tv.com_demostorage_Quakeworld There's also a direct http download link there.
News Writer 912 posts
Registered: Jan 2006
I have uncapped my upload and will be seeding all week
Member 88 posts
Registered: Oct 2006
is there a list of all QW demos included? I got all qw demos at some point (2003-4 ish), before dK had to clean up for disc space. But I am not sure he removed any qw demos at that point.
and if there is; can someone post it here/seperately?
Member 212 posts
Registered: Apr 2006
Here. That's the content of the zip.
Member 1102 posts
Registered: Jan 2006
Archive.org provides an archive browser, just copy a download URL and append a slash.
https://archive.org/details/Challenge-TV_challenge-tv.com_demostorage_Quakeworld https://archive.org/download/Challenge-TV_challenge-tv.com_demostorage_Quakeworld/challenge-tv.com_demostorage_Quakeworld.tar https://archive.org/download/Challenge-TV_challenge-tv.com_demostorage_Quakeworld/challenge-tv.com_demostorage_Quakeworld.tar/
PS: This forum is so god damn annoying to use. Blocking Ctrl-Tab, not making links automatically, fffffuuuu.
Administrator 1265 posts
Registered: Jan 2006
the .tar file contains 1495 innefficient .qwd demos wouldn't be best to convert these to .qwz? also, big-bag "quakeworld" folder is 13gb  would be interesting to be able to download just the classics. like a "1996-2000" folder imho  never argue with an idiot. they'll bring you back to their level and then beat you with experience.
Administrator 2058 posts
Registered: Jan 2006
Seeding on 100 mbit upload.
Member 223 posts
Registered: Aug 2011
If somebody loves research and creating folders, some tidying up in that .rar would be greatly appreciated. QuakeWorld and QuakeWorld2 folders doesn´t really make anyone happier. carrier has arrived - twitch.tv/carapace_
Member 212 posts
Registered: Apr 2006
I just realized that Ezquake somehow reads the folders when you start it. For some reason it took Ezquake ~1 minute before it started and I couldn't connect to a server, it failed every time. Even loading "map dm3" locally required about 2 minutes. What I had changed was that I put all demos from that archive to d:\quake\qw\demos\chtv-archive....when I removed it again, it's back to normal. So don't put ~16 Gig of demos into a Quake subfolder! 
Member 8 posts
Registered: Nov 2010
Maybe a bit late, but downloading and seeding here too. There is way too much history to let something like this fade into oblivion.
News Writer 283 posts
Registered: Jan 2007
Ah, maybe when I screenshot qw reads everything in /qw which is why the server thinks I'm timing out... or maybe just because the hard drive has to start again after inactivity...
Member 66 posts
Registered: Feb 2006
Member 188 posts
Registered: Feb 2008
You can find challenge-tv stuff now here too: http://demos.igmdb.org/ChallengeTV/
News Writer 912 posts
Registered: Jan 2006
I lost this file... tried the torrent again and someone is still seeding with awesome speeds too 5MB/sec! good work.
Administrator 114 posts
Registered: Sep 2013
News Writer 912 posts
Registered: Jan 2006
After download finished.... 16GB @ 5MB/sec I found the copy I originally had anyway 
Member 232 posts
Registered: Feb 2006
Member 1102 posts
Registered: Jan 2006
I lost this file... tried the torrent again and someone is still seeding with awesome speeds too 5MB/sec! good work. That's archive.org doing it's duty. 
News Writer 912 posts
Registered: Jan 2006
Archive.org seeds torrents? I initially tried getting it from Archive.org and it was as slow as hell so that is when I tried the torrent.
Unfortunately the Torrent is incomplete. It didn't contain heaps of demos that I know were previously on Challenge-TV for example the Smegged 99 Tournament which was probably the biggest most important 1on1 tourney in Australian QW history.
