
Member 4 posts
Registered: Mar 2013
I have recently installed Linux (Mint 14 Xfce) for the first time in years, and although I am quite the noob with it at the moment, with much time and effort I have got it looking and functioning the way I want it too, and am slowly getting all of my favorite games that have native-Linux clients available working. I have Quake 2, and Quake Live working perfectly, and have nearly got Ezquake to my liking, with the exception of the mouse movement. I am using a Razer Mamba with 6400dpi, in Quake 2 and Live the mouse movement feels GREAT, but in Ezquake it feels almost too smooth for my liking, it's hard to explain but I'm sure a fellow fpser will know what I'm talking about. If you have any tips and/or tricks to resolve this issue it would be greatly appreciated if you share them with me! Thanks! 
Member 124 posts
Registered: Apr 2012
Hey there! Too smooth, eh? That's a weird way to describe it, but I'll give a shot at some suggestions! Could it be that VSYNC is on? You can tell by doing things like: 1.) If you get 15-16 ping locally, vsync is on. (start the game and type "map dm3" and press tab to see your ping) 2.) Display FPS in the HUD and see if it's equal to your monitor's vertical refresh rate. (type "show fps" in the console) Another thing is - are you using the proper driver inside of ezQuake? The best one for Linux is evdev! Set it up in the QW console like this: 1.) in_mouse 3 2.) in_evdevlist (find your mouse) 3.) in_evdevice xxx (xxx is either a path like /dev/input/event5 or part of your mouse's name like "IntelliEye"  4.) in_restart If vsync is off, and if you're already using evdev, I'm not really sure what it could be. Perhaps mouse acceleration needs to be disabled prior to running QW? There're a few ways to fix that, but the best is really to just run a separate X session for QW bereft a window manager or anything to affect performance. I can help with that too if you want :p Let me know if any of this worked!
Moderator 383 posts
Registered: Jan 2006
Member 4 posts
Registered: Mar 2013
Well I tried that and it seems the same, the m_filter is 0, and the fps is apparently 77 according to the newhud (I have it limited because you can literally hear my gpu fans if I don't), the show_fps cmd did nothing, so I would guess vsync is off, I know for a fact vsync is off outside of the game, the mouse movement is hard to explain, but it definitely doesn't feel the same as Quake 2's atm.
Administrator 1265 posts
Registered: Jan 2006
try fodquake just to check.
in ezquake you definitely should get set in_mouse3 never argue with an idiot. they'll bring you back to their level and then beat you with experience.
Administrator 1025 posts
Registered: Apr 2006
Current ezQuake has pretty shitty implementation of evdev (in_mouse 3). You need to manually chmod +r /dev/input/eventX and I guess you need to chmod +r -R /dev/input to be able to use in_evdevlist, which in turn requires root access and the last commands opens up for anyone on the computer to read your input. To check if vsync is on there's no need to look at ping etc, all you need to do is check if your fps equals (and is upper limited to) your vertical refresh rate (like 60/75/120Hz normally for TFT's). Now for the fun part: You could try "my version" of ezQuake. It's basically ezQuake with some stuff stripped out, like built in server, but has XInput2 input code, fixed gamma problems, IPv6 support and some other stuff. You'll have to compile it yourself though, but it should be easy enough  . Here's the source: https://github.com/jite/jquake(For those interested in doing it on Windows, get Visual Studio 2010, and build it just like you build ezQuake. You gonna need glew32.dll in any directory in your PATH variable, or just your quake dir  ). I'll try to help if you run into problems.
Member 4 posts
Registered: Mar 2013
Well I've been playing around, I try to get to to stay m_input 3 but it always seems to revert back to 2... :/
@ dimman: I might try that, but I am a bit of a noob like I said, compiling it myself will probably be a lengthy process haha..
EDIT: I had it working, tried to save the config, game crashed, and now my mouse is not listed by m_evdevlist.. swell.
EDIT2: I got it working again, but with in_mouse 3 the single player doesn't seem to work, and it still doesn't feel up to par with quake 2, maybe I'll try a different port..
Member 375 posts
Registered: Sep 2009
Dimman, your jQuake is running SWELL man, I builded (took me a while) here, me and Mihawk, and we both played, tested, and it's running perfectly!!! (I loved the text-colors, and of course the XInput2 mouse) keep it up!!! (QW Nickname: AL.Kernell)
Member 4 posts
Registered: Mar 2013
Any chance any1 can build it for me? Lol.. or tell me the best way to in linux..? 
Member 375 posts
Registered: Sep 2009
Any chance any1 can build it for me? Lol.. or tell me the best way to in linux..?  it was reallllllly hard to build... I had to install lots of programas, and when I thought I wouldn't be able to build, I installed xorg-dev and I did it.... download it here: http://www.mediafire.com/download.php?mcg3mian8r61korfor linux only, I didn't tryied to build in windows.... =[ (QW Nickname: AL.Kernell)
Administrator 1025 posts
Registered: Apr 2006
Any chance any1 can build it for me? Lol.. or tell me the best way to in linux..?  it was reallllllly hard to build... I had to install lots of programas, and when I thought I wouldn't be able to build, I installed xorg-dev and I did it.... download it here: http://www.mediafire.com/download.php?mcg3mian8r61korfor linux only, I didn't tryied to build in windows.... =[ No it's not really hard to build, you just gotta read the included documentation that tells you how to do it  There is a file, originating to ezquake, called compiling_on_unix.txt referencing the most necessary packages needed (libraries mostly) and how to install on different platforms. It also tells you to go to libs/PLATFORM-ARCH/ and execute the download script to get the static libs downloaded. After that there's only a couple more to add for jquake like libxinput (name differs from dist to dist), libglew/glew and perhaps one more. I should add those to the text file when I get the time to lookup what's actually needed 
Member 188 posts
Registered: Feb 2008
compiled it, runs well so far, gonna use it more.
Member 375 posts
Registered: Sep 2009
yeah, I read the .txt and also executed the download script, but here in my "Backtrack"'s Ubuntu linux I had "Unmet dependencies" many times, when I tried to install the dependencies
I managed to install most of them with the "aptitude install XXXXX" command, and some of them I had to install manually, and even after installing all of the dependencies, I couldn't compile, so I installed the big xorg-dev, and it worked!!
anyway, it's running smooth! I LOVED THE TEXT-COLORS (QW Nickname: AL.Kernell)
