
Member 12 posts
Registered: Nov 2011
I'm experiencing pretty high cpu usage from nquake - really don't know what to do about it.
Any tips or trix?
I'm running w7 x64.
If I look in the windows system manager while running quake the curves are showing that the cpu usage has almost been hitting the roof...
Member 1435 posts
Registered: Jan 2006
cl_maxfps 500 or even less sys_yieldcpu 1
Member 12 posts
Registered: Nov 2011
Ok thanks -
what does the yield cpu-command mean?
Member 1435 posts
Registered: Jan 2006
Updated the documentation of sys_yieldcpu as it wasn't very explanatory.
Administrator 384 posts
Registered: Dec 2006
It's worth noting that QW is largely a cpu-limited game (unless playing at very high resolution / AA). By default it has no framelimiter (cl_maxfps 0) so high cpu utilisation is fairly normal.
Setting a limit as suggested above in conjunction with yieldcpu should see it drop off.
Member 12 posts
Registered: Nov 2011
Thanks for all replies, Unfortunately I have to report that this still didn't help me. The sys_yieldcpu was set to 1 as current value. And I also tried setting the max fps to 60 and 70. But - I still have one cpu core running at 95-100% all the time - ??? Is this something faulty in the coding or is this game just not meant to run on newer systems? I love quake and especially nquake but it feels ridiculous that I'm hogging my computer with it - I really thought that my computer would barely notice it was running at all My system is: intel i3 2130 - 3,4ghz dual core with 4 threads 8 gb ddr3 1333 corsair Asus 1gb geforce Windows 7 x64 Any thoughts? Please 
Member 811 posts
Registered: Jan 1970
hoder and i also had problems with nquake installation. hoder was helped by match_auto_record 0 and i made a new installation before knew about problems with auto record. just throwing this ouot there, maybe it helps someone or whatnot.
Member 12 posts
Registered: Nov 2011
ok, but this is not just when playing a DM game - it's all the time in the game. match_auto_record is set to 0 by default
Member 12 posts
Registered: Nov 2011
I guess quake/nquake is just not written for newer cpu:s
Member 485 posts
Registered: Feb 2006
You can try threaded optimization option in your video card drivers.
Member 12 posts
Registered: Nov 2011
Okey, does that do anything for the cpu?
The reason for me asking is that right now I'm running nquake on a laptop which is also a newer cpu but this laptop does not have an nvidia card
BUT I'm experiencing the same problem here - one core hogging at 100%
Member 485 posts
Registered: Feb 2006
I think just it lets the driver use other cores.
Anyway, the 100% utilization is normal and not a problem in itself.
Member 12 posts
Registered: Nov 2011
Ok, don't mean to sound rude - but how can 100% usage not be a problem? It can't be good in any way for the cpu
Member 133 posts
Registered: Dec 2008
Game is infinite cycle. You try to reach maximum fps so you utilize all available resources.
Member 12 posts
Registered: Nov 2011
okey, I realize that - but I have the max fps set to 70 and still, running one cpu core on 100% can't be good at all for the cpu. I tried quakelive(q3) and my cpu barely noticed it was running - but with nquake everything is on red 
Moderator 1329 posts
Registered: Apr 2006
Ok, don't mean to sound rude - but how can 100% usage not be a problem? It can't be good in any way for the cpu Depending on the process, it might appear that the process reservers full 100% of the core (or cores) but that doesn't mean the CPU is actually working at full throttle all the time. ezQuake seems to always reserve 100% CPU time on one core (majority of the games do this), but the load is nowhere near "real 100% usage". You can easily verify this on your own, just run ezQuake and see how much the CPU temp increases. Then compare the similar load to something like Prime95 or Intel burn test (single threaded) and you'll see the huge difference it makes. Regardless of the tests above, CPUs are meant to handle any and all loads, even unrealistic ones, and even under hot conditions (poor cooling) and they will not break down. There is, and will be no problems for you and/or your machine because of the load it seems to generate.
Member 12 posts
Registered: Nov 2011
Okay, I'm learning something new here that I didn't know - so you're saying that even if the cpu-meter in windows displays a certain load it doesn't always mean that it handles that load?
Again, not trying to be snobby or rude - I'm learning. Havent dealt with computers or played quake in years...
Moderator 1329 posts
Registered: Apr 2006
so you're saying that even if the cpu-meter in windows displays a certain load it doesn't always mean that it handles that load? I'm saying that 100% CPU usage (reported by Windows) does not necessarily mean the CPU is working at full throttle (ie. utilizing every execution unit there is on given CPU generating massive load). You can get somewhat high CPU usage on ezQuake by allowing the game to run at as high fps as possible (cl_maxfps 0), but even so only parts of your CPU are working fully utilized. Again, you should ignore the 100% CPU usage (per core) reported by Windows in this case.
