
Member 48 posts
Registered: Aug 2008
We are all pretty pro in QW ofcourse..
But I was wondering if anyone have been succesful in any other game, maybe even pro?
List the game and what level you were/are at. Or if you know of any other quakeworld player (current or old) that has been succesful in other games.
Member 164 posts
Registered: Apr 2007
Correct me if im wrong, but ive heard from reliable sources that Pietro was succesfull in almost everything he took on.. from magic, to poker, to another game i dont remember the name of.
Member 518 posts
Registered: Jan 2006
Me and old quake player Optimizer played in clanbase for Call of Duty4 MW1. We joined a 2on2 league with over 6000 teams. We started kinda late so we had a lot of catching up to do. But after some months playing we reached 14th place. Then our interest kinda died out... mostly because Optimizer went to play wow instead and a new cod game was released.
I think I can manage well at any call of duty game and easily compete with the top of the scene. But have never really played in any other tourneys/leagues since then.
Member 309 posts
Registered: Sep 2006
Runner-up in Soul Blade (PSX) and 3rd place in Tekken 2 (PSX) at Gambleriada (Video games championships) in '97. I didnt play Quake at that time. I also feel quite comfy in any other FPS game (after some QW, who wouldn't ?  and played some CS 1.6 and BF:BC2 but just for fun.
Member 80 posts
Registered: Jan 2006
Pretty much all of the old players from topclans moved on to become succesful in other games.
Most of clan 9 moved to Quake2, then to Quake3arena. Players like Lakerman, Doomer, Xenon, Serox, Trinidy, Pietro all became succesful Quake3 players.
You also have the swedish clan Iceclimbers that became one of the best clans in Quake3, featuring toxic among other players that were one of the best duelplayers in Quake3 (as well as other games afterwards).
I think Angua, Xorgal, Devil, Ubermann, Nikita from old swedish clan Spartacus was part of CS clan RAF that was pretty much the first topclan in CS.
Most of the top players from Quakeworld that was in their 20's or younger pretty much all moved onto other games to start a career. Not sure what any of those do today.
I used to play Counter-strike for 2 years or something after I quit in 2002, I remember we were in the semifinals of Clanbase Opencup (think it was called this) it was basically a cup that anyone could join, which acted like a qualifier sort of to Clanbase Eurocup (where all the topclans played). One particular fine memory is a pistolround on de_nuke when we played danish topclan Amistad (was ranked among top5 of the clans back then) where I managed to win a 1on4 situation, I remember the adrenalin from that, especially since we were on LAN ;-e Fun times...
Member 811 posts
Registered: Jan 1970
Clan Z from Finland went to Counter Strike and did well there, i seem to recall.
Member 459 posts
Registered: Mar 2008
I've tried to compete in alot of different games. The ones worth mentioning is perhaps: - Elasto Mania: had the best total time & most world records in one table at some point, and first player under 42 minutes break point. Played mostly from around 1999-2001, with some short comebacks now and then. - Counter-Strike: 2nd place on clanbase ladder 5on5 for a while. Around 15th in 2on2. Guess around 2001. - World of Warcraft: 2200+ rating in arena season1 & season2 in 2on2 and 5on5. Never really got the hang of 3on3 for some reason. Played an undead rogue. Got some netherdrake flying mount thingie that flew fast. Guess around 2007? Other stuff: - 2nd place in some open for everyone Super Mario World tournament at a big mall in Oslo when I was around 10. The point was to get as much point on one of the first levels as possible. Won a free gameboy game, and picked Kid Icarus for gameboy, which was a cool game. The guy beating me was 18 years old. I was very proud I remember  - 1st place in an Elasto Mania competition at a LAN. The competition was poor. Won 24 Battery. - 2nd place in some Mafia online game. Was alot like Planetarion, except with mafias and guns and not star ships. Won free web hosting for 1 year which I never used :S - 2nd place in a Quake2 duel tournament at the same LAN. Won some t-shirt afaik. - 2nd place in CS 5on5 at the same LAN. Won another t-shirt. GG. - 1st place in a chess tournament held at my school when I was around 10-11. Competition wasn't so great, and I lost big time in the following NM (Norgesmesterskap / Norwegian Championships). Things I've tried abit but never really got a hang on for various reasons: - Quake3 - Quake Live - Left 4 Dead
Administrator 384 posts
Registered: Dec 2006
We all know plenty of former QW players who have gone on to become pro in other games like 4K, SK etc but the interesting thing is to look at current QW players and see how many of those were pro in other games but came back to QW. And by "pro" I mean genuinely pro i.e. professional gamer (div -1) not just playing to a high level (div0). Maybe some poker players I guess.
Member 485 posts
Registered: Feb 2006
Im pretty bad at QW of course, but... Won European Tribes League 2000 with Crushed Frogs. Got a box signed by the game devs for it.  Chosen SoF won some European champs in QWTF that same year. But the game was far past its prime by then tbh.
Member 485 posts
Registered: Feb 2006
Fifi and T-moe were pretty good at Quake 3?
Member 459 posts
Registered: Mar 2008
HangTime: Yes, would be nice to hear. I'm afraid that most players playing other games at such a level stick to what they do to stay at the top, or move on to new games if they get tired. But maybe there are some exceptions? Let us know!
Kalma: A friend of mine, nicked Charlie, used to be really good in tribes. I would guess around that same time? Don't know what his accomplishments were, but he played it at a high level at least.
Member 226 posts
Registered: Mar 2007
Most successfull QW-group is definetly Paragon who're Worlds #1 guild in WoW ( http://www.paragon.fi/ ). Paragon used to be the best guild (not clan) in TeamFortress back in the days (guilds were sort of clubs).
Anyway, I'm not by any means good in QW but seeing how easy most FPS games (pwnage in random fps games anyone?) are even for me it's pretty easy to see why QW players are comfortable almost in any game, fps or not.
Administrator 890 posts
Registered: Jan 2006
Nice and wide resume Rikoll you old chess master...  (pwnage in random fps games anyone?) I've been playing public Battlefield 2 on and off since its release, and can still topfrag any 64 player infantry server with one eye on the tv and one ear listening to music  Join us on discord.quake.world
News Writer 1267 posts
Registered: Jun 2007
I was super good at both Medal of honor: Allied Assault and the first Call of duty and its expansion United Offensive. It was like my team couldnt lose and almost always topfragging in ffa.
Also a pretty damn good attack helicopter gunner in bf2.
Other FPS games feel so easy compared to qw.
Member 48 posts
Registered: Jan 2010
I was quite good in SC1 back in the days, like second place in couple of tourneys  Played ALOT of duels in Diablo1 in like 2'nd clan in Poland or so  almost forgot, addicted to Sushi Cat2(115/31K hehe) and Tetris on my mobile 
Member 398 posts
Registered: Feb 2006
I have basically only played one other game, and it's called ManagerZone. It's an online manager game for football and hockey, sort of similar to Championship Manager, but online. I recently reached a ranking of 22, but I still have my best seasons ahead of me  Not bad considering there's 100 000+ people playing. I have come across a few qw players who plays/played the game. Circle (who is still playing), tiall and some other polish qw players. Anyone else who have tried it? 
Member 485 posts
Registered: Feb 2006
Rikoll: Doesn't ring a bell, but it was a long time ago. All the old websites are down too. 
Member 628 posts
Registered: Jan 2006
I've been active within Q3 scene way back during the hpw time. At that time we won the world cup HPW, and the hpw scene was quite big that time, me fazz labur etc that later on became duel kings. ~1˝ year ago i started with quakelive, cant say i got PRO, but i got myselfe a small name. Playing in Italys best quakelive team, then i went on to another team that was pretty good. me, proZaC, PURRI, ArrW - well known name within the q2/q3/qlive scene. Won a duel tournament in quakelive for ppl that are not DIV0 (div1-2). Still i won vs some of the lower div0 players in unofficial duel games. div0 = CZM Strenx Cypher av3k toxjq SK.Rapha etc. So, abit (way) behind tho  ps. Circle played Q3 for ICE CLIMERS
Member 48 posts
Registered: Aug 2008
nice resumés people got! personally I've just played QW seriously. Dota for a while, semi-serious but I quit that. And warhammer/wow but just the PVE part. Currently im giving SC2 a shot which is a really fun game, but it's hard I haven't played SC1 or anything before. do we have any high master(~1-10) or grandmaster SC2 player? well grandmaster is kind of hard I guess, 600 grandmasters in the world out of couple of million players 
Member 64 posts
Registered: Jan 2009
Me and zero have been dominating the fields of haxball for a large part of the year and pretty much revolutionized the gameplay of 3v3 and 4v4 while consistently staying in top in 2v2 aswell 8) I've even gone abroad and was just elected as an all-star in the north american haxball league =))
Member 398 posts
Registered: Feb 2006
Lol haxball 8) What do you mean with going abroad? Where? Did you go abroad to play in a haxball tournament or something? 
Member 312 posts
Registered: Feb 2006
Not that I'm bragging or anything, but it takes a pro to make it to level 38 in Plants vs Zombies Endless vases. Multiplayer games are for fags and the only game I've played besides QW is cs 1.6 with easy bots on de_dust.
Member 569 posts
Registered: Feb 2006
Back in the days, i thought i was kind of good at games. But looking back at 15 years of gaming there is not to many highlights. So no i never was 'pro', even tho i believed i was.
Early Q3-era i shared the 1st place @ birdie LAN (power was cut on closing day, after 1-1 in maps vs nutcase_of_sc). We promised we would settle this at some later point, but now it is more than 10 years and it kinda feels good to have 'won' something in gaming.
Early wc3 i managed to take a laddergame from madfrog.
I still think im a far better qw-player than i ever was on q3/wc3, but the achievments here really doesnt compare. EQL div3 win and some dm6 duel wins vs rikoll/locktar
Member 26 posts
Registered: Mar 2006
Member 64 posts
Registered: Jan 2009
Lol haxball 8) What do you mean with going abroad? Where? Did you go abroad to play in a haxball tournament or something?  The haxball leagues are usually similar to football leagues, but the american haxball league I joined is basically built like the major sports in us. So there are 2 conferences with 8 teams in each conference, you play the teams in your own conference twice and the teams in the other conference once with playoffs at the end of the regular season, my team is leading our conference ofcourse :p.
Member 174 posts
Registered: Nov 2006
Didn't Rat play on top level duels in Q3? Atleast I've heard several times that he was one of the top names. Didn't play Q3 at that point myself so dunno really how successfully he played. CS year 2000-something and did quite well in all Swedish ladders. Got to top 10ish in those ladders quite fast and before clan splitted since some people took it way too seriously. Own intrest in clan gaming died at that point  (which in a year or two lead to a qw comeback) Me and Afax represented Team Finland in QL CA aswell here some months ago, so guess that's quite ok considering how many CA players are out there. Hopefully some day in TDM and CTF aswell but can't see that happening atleast within a year or so  Wasn't there btw a cs-mode of playing that was inveted by clan Z aswell?
