User panel stuff on forum
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2011-10-13, 23:23
4 posts

Oct 2011
Hello guys

Me, and proz1 formed a clan yesterday, so we are obviously looking for some people to get into our roster.
I myself have barely played for a mounth, but im starting to get a fine knowledge of the game mechanics, i am playing above 5 hours/day at the moment, and feel like im getting better, day after day. Formerly i have been playing Counter strike on a semi high level, so i know what it would say, to be in a clan.
Proz1 have been played for one and a half year on and off, and brings some awesome experience from QuakeLive.
None of us have a big experience playing 4on4s, but we are both willing to invest the time required, and suffer the many losses there are on the way to the top.
The first goal for us as a team, would definately be, to play EQL Div. 3 next season, and be able to compete with the top teams in that div.

What we do expect from you:

-Dedication, and willing to play, as often as possible
-Be able to handle a loss, without having to cause a huge drama
-Have a microphone, and be able to speak english on a certain level (Doesn't have to be perfect, obviously, but it has to be understandable)
-We expect to play 3+ evenings/week planned. And except for that, play when we feel for it - (This could be changed ofc)
-Be able to improve what there can be improved, and be able to handle construct critics

What TTN can offer you?

-An upcoming stable team, there won't be locking down after first downswing
-A place to develop into an awesome quakeworld player
-Some Quake-hungry teammates, there wanna be the best of the best

Current roster:

-Kongen: 19 years old, from Denmark
-Proz1: 25 years old, from Denmark

So if your intrested, or have a question regarding anything, feel free to contact me on IRC were my nick are the same as here, AKA. KongeN. Or simply leave a reply here, or sent me a pm, with a short resumary of who you are, and how we can get ahold of you!
You can usually catch me on channels on quakenet such as; #TTN, #Quakeworld, #QWRookie, #slackers

Regards, jacob "Kongen" madsen.

edit: There are probably alot of grammar, and retarded spelling failures, but thats just how things is. Hope you understand it
2011-10-14, 05:16
212 posts

Apr 2006
Good luck with your new team!
You seem pretty motivated and I wish you all the best to succeed. If you find the required members and really can play 3 nights of the week, I'm sure you'll fit into div3 pretty quickly
2011-10-14, 07:43
459 posts

Mar 2008
You, young sir, is exactly what this scene needs more of.

Best of luck to you!
2011-10-14, 08:19
News Writer
1267 posts

Jun 2007
And I thought it was a spambot pasting links to trailer trash nurses

Anyway, I hope this clan is succesful!
2011-10-14, 08:58
811 posts

Jan 1970
gotta love the team name. Im tempted to apply at least. Best of luck with your team, may it be active!
2011-10-14, 09:09
890 posts

Jan 2006
Hooraytio wrote:
And I thought it was a spambot pasting links to trailer trash nurses

My thought exactly

Anyways, nice ambitions there mr.Kongen! I Like the openness with the age for example Best of luck. We need more newbs with this attitude.
Join us on
2011-10-14, 15:30
4 posts

Oct 2011
Thank you all for the positive comments
If anyone has some advise, or suggestion for anything, then i would appreciate a pm, or a comment with it included.
Except for that, i was wondering if anyone could be so kind, and help me out with setting up an IRC channel?
What im looking for here, are some help with getting Q in.
And how i make it Auto OP me in the channel, whenever im entering, so there won't be a takeover, whenever my computer crashes.
2011-10-14, 15:56
459 posts

Mar 2008
All you need to know about Q is here in these FAQs:
2011-10-14, 16:13
4 posts

Oct 2011
Rikoll wrote:
All you need to know about Q is here in these FAQs:

Thank you, problem solved!
2011-10-17, 00:05
137 posts

Sep 2006
Pls dont tempt old to much! Add a "tranny" to your teamname so he might stay away.. Hmm, or wait :F
2011-10-17, 08:02
811 posts

Jan 1970
if those trannies played lots of qw, i might get interested.. cough cough
2011-10-19, 21:30
137 posts

Sep 2006
Where did you go KongeN? We miss you over at #OldOnes :-(
2011-10-21, 03:23
4 posts

Oct 2011
hoder wrote:
Where did you go KongeN? We miss you over at #OldOnes :-(

Had some problems with my graphics card. But it's solved now :-D
Im idleing again, like a boss.

On Topic: We are still looking for a few ppl, so feel free to leave me a message, if your intrested.

Regards, Jacob
2011-10-21, 17:02
137 posts

Sep 2006
Glad to hear

And good luck with the team!
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