
Administrator 384 posts
Registered: Dec 2006
I guess Hook must be a marmite map, personally I'd say it is probably my least favourite map on the cycle, I probably disconnect at least 80%+ of the times it comes on. It needs more variety in textures IMO, I think the only vaguely interesting thing about the map it that it is more vertically-focused than most. Not a fan of Ultrav with a lot of players either, but since it is followed by Castle and ztndm3 it is a necessary evil.
Member 57 posts
Registered: Apr 2007
hook and skull is probably the worst maps ever created. Also, there is some more on the list that really, really should not have been created in the first place (can't remember name - will check it up later).
Member 188 posts
Registered: Feb 2008
I hopeyou didn't accidently death32c?
Member 370 posts
Registered: May 2006
I hopeyou didn't accidently death32c? ?? Monitor is broken from my pc, haven't taken the time to fix it, so not doing much atm. Custom maps for the show, episodes for the pro.
Member 188 posts
Registered: Feb 2008
I hopeyou didn't accidently death32c? ?? Monitor is broken from my pc, haven't taken the time to fix it, so not doing much atm. Seems like its gone from rotation, didn't see it once since last week. But maybe that was just bad luck  Anyway, some nice new maps up there, keep them coming 
Member 685 posts
Registered: Jul 2007
OK, I've played again since yesterday but those new Muffin maps look nice, might be good for 4on4, but for FFA it seems questionable. There's simply not enough items/weapons in a map like Ogre's Keep (CTL5) to defend yourself properly when being chased by a quadrunner. It's almost as if this was some contest to use as few items/weapons as possible in level design.
And don't take out A2, , schloss, spinev2 or rwild please. More then enough players like 'm.
Of course, you can't please everyone, I know that. Is there any chance on a map voting system in qw? I mean, if Darin's server now has the option to vote for quad on or off, I suppose that code can be adapted to vote for a map, just like in ktx?
Member 7 posts
Registered: Aug 2011
my favourite big maps: A2, spinev2, castle, efdm8, cmt4, dark-storm, fav small maps: pkeg1!!!, schloss. Ofc i like all official maps, but with 4-6 players. I hate ultrav mostly, its a camper-spammer shithole, no hp you can get there. Skull is a good duel map, but dont like in ffa too. Cmt1b, cmt3 could be a good ffa map, thats where they belongs to  BTW thx for running this great server Flepser, and Bigfoot(still banned?.... shame that they banned the most popular ffa server's admin for personal reasons...). I think a vote would be a great help to Flepser, so he can easier find out what maps the community want to play in ffa. Offtopic: there is a fag who use aimbot and plays a lot on x4ffa lately, pls ban him, and pls do something with hater spammers like Cuntor or (untor, i think he belongs to world of warcraft, not qw  Cunted! :lol:
Member 685 posts
Registered: Jul 2007
Oops....I shouldn't have told Cuntor about this forum me thinks..... Yep, I'm guilty of that.
Perhaps I can make up for that by sharing my aliases for my mousewheel in case ppl like Cuntor are online. Check it out:
alias ignore_off "ignore_opponents 0; ignore_spec 0; echo ignore OFF" alias ignore_on "ignore_opponents 1; ignore_spec 1; echo ignore ON"
bind MWHEELUP "ignore_off" bind MWHEELDOWN "ignore_on"
Member 100 posts
Registered: Mar 2008
Cunted! :lol:  Btw thx Mega
Member 188 posts
Registered: Feb 2008
Oops....I shouldn't have told Cuntor about this forum me thinks..... Yep, I'm guilty of that.
Perhaps I can make up for that by sharing my aliases for my mousewheel in case ppl like Cuntor are online. Check it out:
alias ignore_off "ignore_opponents 0; ignore_spec 0; echo ignore OFF" alias ignore_on "ignore_opponents 1; ignore_spec 1; echo ignore ON"
bind MWHEELUP "ignore_off" bind MWHEELDOWN "ignore_on" copy'n'pasted, awesome!
Member 13 posts
Registered: Feb 2009
I know no one cares about the half-dozen or so high-ping regulars, but as one of those gluttons for punishment who just plays for fun, not frags, I have to say I don't have many complaints. I like most of the maps, even the unpopular ones. I also like when I'm not the only HPB playing! And things like camping, quad hogging, Cuntor and whoever else really do not bother me. They're part of the game.
The smaller maps tend to be favorable to LPBs and dueling. Others are more balanced and make the game more fun for people like me who are at a consistent disadvantage otherwise. So I like the variety and hope that it continues. What I hate is when everyone votes past the bigger maps... I really think most of the regulars would be perfectly content to play aerowalk, pkeg1, skull, and dm4 over and over. Of course those are the ones I get creamed on and don't want to play on for more than 15 minutes at a stretch.
I do much better on the bigger ones that feel more like singleplayer, with corners you have to peer around, separate sections, some space and verticality, a mix of armor & weapons & quad, and places where I can always find some jackass camping...or where I can be the camping jackass until someone comes and roots me out. Basically anything where I don't get killed right after I spawn, where I can pick up a rocket launcher, and where we can surprise each other. So e1m5, e4m3, a2, and cmt4 are my favorites, as long as there are enough people on. schloss is good, and I usually enjoy rwild and dark-terror-ffa. In between the extremes are castle, ultrav, ztndm3+4, hook, and spinev2...they're all so-so, but like head-shot, I wouldn't miss them terribly if they went away. I think they serve a purpose, though...when they come up, hardly anyone drops. It's like, no one is super jazzed about them, but they're good enough for every kind of player.
The only one I think kinda sucks is whatever that maze is with all the wall switches...
Member 101 posts
Registered: Oct 2007
dm2 dm3 dm4 dm6 ultrav castle ztndm3 dark-terror-ffa ztndm4 head-shot pkeg1 cmt4 e1m2 e1m5 e4m3 aerowalk e3m1 skull dark-storm-ffa hook schloss a2 rwild spinev2 efdm8
As you can see it's mostly small maps, what I believe the least popular maps are DM3, E1M2, E3M1, A2 and SPINEV2. I'll add those new maps soon, though I'll keep forgetting their names. head-shot isnt on the server? i feel like a bunny wabbit frozen in the head lights of life  ...Soundcloud Page - Hardcore Jungle - https://soundcloud.com/peterbisseker
Member 13 posts
Registered: Feb 2009
Nope, it has been replaced by Ogre's Keep, the one I think sucks balls 
Member 139 posts
Registered: Feb 2011
Member 7 posts
Registered: Aug 2011
Put E1M7 on there you measly cunt.
Member 7 posts
Registered: Aug 2011
I may be a FUCKING CUNT, but there are many that would agree that your maplist is SHIT.
Member 188 posts
Registered: Feb 2008
I miss e4m3 and death32. A nice map could be cleaver (likely the most played map on euroquake for some time). Personally I liked to play e1m2 and dm3.
Member 685 posts
Registered: Jul 2007
Nope, it has been replaced by Ogre's Keep, the one I think sucks balls  It doesn't suck balls, but for ffa it doesn't seemed to have enough guns. In ffa people like to be able to get powerful weapons FAST. At least that's how I liked it and that's why maps like aero are still popular in ffa. Ogre's Keep seemed to be tailored more to the dm3 types of players and you really need to know where you're going. I kinda like maps that you don't really need to know that well in order to get some frags. I was impressed with the build quality of Ogre's Keep though... a lot.
Member 258 posts
Registered: Feb 2006
How about lowering the maxplayers again? 16 kind of sucks with small maps in rotation.
Administrator 384 posts
Registered: Dec 2006
12 would be a good limit. xmas maps should be removed, it is February
Member 370 posts
Registered: May 2006
Hey there, as everybody might know by now I'm not capable of making any changes to the servers (due to some crazy ass trip). And since Bigfoot, the big shot for maintaining the servers at the moment, is temporarily out of order due to some shizzle for nizzle. I'm afraid we can't make any changes to the mappool for the time being. Ofcourse I agree that hohoho.bsp should've been removed quite some time ago and I'm unaware of the current maxplayers settings, I'm not sure if I put it to 16 myself or that Bigfoot did it. For people who like to see bigger maps, I love the bigger maps myself as well, but the problem is that too many people just drop from the server because of them and playing big maps with 6 people isn't really something interesting to most. I have to add though that I thought e4m3 was still in the rotation. That's it for now folks, you can still always send me an e-mail at flepser _at_ gmail _dot_ com (or whatever crytip description) or try to contact bigfoot  Custom maps for the show, episodes for the pro.
Member 685 posts
Registered: Jul 2007
Keep the max players at 16 I'd say, since there's not exactly a lot of servers ffa players can go to.
Member 13 posts
Registered: Feb 2009
Any word from bigfoot? I think it's time to retire Ogre's Keep. I don't think I've seen anyone attempt to play that map in months. Who's with me?  I understand that some people drop when there are big maps, but if the alternative is playing aerowalk and dm4 and whatever other spam/spawnkill maps over and over, I don't have much sympathy. It's tricky though because if there are too many unpopular maps in a row, everyone leaves, and if there's one unpopular map in the middle of popular ones, it gets voted through... probably there's no magic formula. Update 5/2012: the new rotation is better, and I like some of the new maps. I'm still sick of aerowalk & dm4, however. I don't mind that they exist, but it's really annoying that more than half the time, people skip every other map just to get to these ones. I won't name names, but I also notice that certain regulars who always bitch about having to play maps they want to skip tend to fare much worse on those maps than they do on the little maps. Maybe that's why I like those bigger maps better...us HPBs survive long enough to score. If I could change one thing though it wouldn't be the map rotation so much as the lightning gun's duration and range. Who's with me? (Edited 2012-05-22, 13:53)
Member 188 posts
Registered: Feb 2008
I have to say I really enjoy the maplist it has at the moment. IMO a good mix.
Member 92 posts
Registered: Aug 2007
Member 87 posts
Registered: Apr 2011
I have to admit e3m2 was a mistake. Too easy to camp that roof. Sorry about that. I'll stick with the Underearth though. Love it.
Slopy? What kind of a map is that? Really
Member 60 posts
Registered: Nov 2010
I'd throw in some maps (whole Para's list for example) and then somehow count skip votes and/or actual skips and remove maps from rotation according to this information. But this requiers additional coding/log parsing which, I guess, is not likely to happen.
Member 13 posts
Registered: Feb 2009
My observation/theory is that about 80% of players are usually in a mood to skip every map where the frags don't come fast and furious. If a big map doesn't get voted out in the first 30 seconds, either people like it, or there are enough players to make it exciting enough to stick around. I notice that happens a lot with Lava Station.
Timon - the problem with your idea is that it would result in just the small maps. There is already an xs4all FFA small maps server that nobody uses!
I think we should eliminate voting altogether... you have to play or leave. Use the small map server or enjoy the variety on the main one.
(Edited 2012-11-07, 23:20)
Member 212 posts
Registered: Apr 2006
New posts every day...but only the offer of great new shoes. Mods, please delete this crap!  Where is everybody?
Member 13 posts
Registered: Feb 2009
If anyone cares, here's the current rotation (sorry I don't know them by short name): Powder Keg Aerowalk Dark Storm Slopy Ultraviolence Cleaver Love Blood Run The Underearth Lava Station The Bad Place Andromeda Nine Claustrophobopolis The Ogre Citadel The Elder God Shrine The Dark Zone Dark Terror Castle of the Damned The Values of Zin Death32c The small maps server that nobody plays on (same URL, but port 27501) has this rotation: A2:Return to Atlantis Punishment The Vomitorium Schloss Adler The Bad Place The Dark Zone Spine v2 Skull Hunt Blood Run The Steeler Aerowalk Powder Keg Pain Giver Doomed I wouldn't mind seeing some of those back in the main server's rotation, because Powder Keg - Aerowalk - skip skip - Ultraviolence - skip skip skip skip - The Bad Place - skip - Claustrophobopolis - skip skip - The Dark Zone - skip skip skip skip skip drives me up the fuckin' wall. I'm not sure if anyone has noticed I have an opinion about this.  Also I think it's safe to say that having a rotation of only small maps on a different port has failed.
