
Member 130 posts
Registered: Jan 2006
I would like to find out what will the two additional maps in the next EQL be.
The sooner the map pool is decided/released the more play the maps will get before the official games start.
Member 693 posts
Registered: Jan 2006
DM2 DM3 E1M2 DM3 E1M2 edit: Seriously, please don't include CMT4 again. Please. CMT1b can stay, but please get rid of that abomination of a UK map! 
Member 31 posts
Registered: Oct 2009
Bring back the episode maps instead of that custom kenya shit 
Member 462 posts
Registered: Jan 2006
I think the scene wants no additional maps. http://www.doodle.com/qckphwwun5mm48ss
Member 226 posts
Registered: Mar 2007
I think most people who've played that map agree that it has the most potential outside TB3
Member 459 posts
Registered: Mar 2008
CMT4 & CMT3! Or well, ideally e1m3 & e3m7, but that won't happen 
Member 59 posts
Registered: Mar 2010
No CMT thanks. I vote for TB3.
Member 55 posts
Registered: Jan 2009
News Writer 1267 posts
Registered: Jun 2007
As a player I would want: TB3
From an admin perspective: At the moment, Im not sure. What would please most players? Is the poll blaze posted valid? Are any other maps being pracced or mixed?
Member 485 posts
Registered: Feb 2006
Tried really hard to learn ctm1b and still got humiliated on it. :< Preferably TB3, but at least no new custom maps.
But yeah, you might as well decide the maps now. Opinions aren't going to change much anyway.
Member 119 posts
Registered: Sep 2007
yea.... i can't take this shit seriously anymore, new players have had to learn tb3 aswell and get humiliated on it, maps are maps, your personal feelings don't make the maps different. do whatever you want, it's been made pretty clear over the years what people feel like playing more.
Member 485 posts
Registered: Feb 2006
Well it wasn't a serious comment --> ":<" I got humiliated by players who had played it less than me. :<
It's a fine map, but that doesn't matter. TB3 rounds are more fun.
Yada, yada... use search for debate.
Member 251 posts
Registered: Jul 2007
Like niw said, a map like E2M2(TDM) would be okay, but please no CMT maps.
Member 119 posts
Registered: Sep 2007
Well it wasn't a serious comment --> ":<" I got humiliated by players who had played it less than me. :<
It's a fine map, but that doesn't matter. TB3 rounds are more fun.
Yada, yada... use search for debate. yea i get what you mean, its more directed towards the general idea that people will dismiss a map due to personal feelings and sentiments, this debate has been done to death like you said so whatever, theres not much more to say ;p
Administrator 335 posts
Registered: Jan 2006
exmxTDM in regular games, TB3 for decider 
Member 1435 posts
Registered: Jan 2006
Yes, maps should be announced as soon as possible, yesterday was too late.
What I would see as "healthy" for QW would be one new map in every season. I think learning new map is fun, because in quite a small amount of time you notice that you learned lots of stuff -> good feeling. Compared to TB3 where after some time the learning process for many players stalls and does not give anything new anymore (of course I realize this is not the case for absolutely everyone). So pick ANY new map and announce it right now.
Member 212 posts
Registered: Apr 2006
What Paradoks said! All episode maps + dmx (including dm1, dm5, dm6) chooseable for homemap, decider on a randomly chosen tb3 maps (or both teams agree on one).
Administrator 384 posts
Registered: Dec 2006
I'd like to see:
dm3 e1m2 cmt1b cmt3 cmt4
Realistically however dm2 is too popular to drop, so perhaps allow it and add some spice with additional maps. I dunno, exmytdm, grim maybe (doesn't feel fun to play but conceptually it might work).
What I'd like to see is a bit more variety in terms of actually getting people to think outside the box in terms of kenya maps (heck all maps in general), rather than just having them taking the same homemap all the time.... we've seen kenyalovers taking the same map several times e.g. cmt1b etc a lot but it would be nice to have to learn some extra maps.
Heck I'd maybe even go so far as to say I'd like to see a system whereby restrictions are placed on homemap choice, i.e. you can only pick any given map x times or whatever during regular season. Just mixes things up a little bit (some might say lotto), makes you think tactically about whether you want to 'waste' your #1 map against a clan you feel you have no chance to beat / feel you should destroy on any map. A bit controversial though.
Obviously some schools of thought would view this as decreasing the quality of games, and in the short term it probably would, since instead of seeing dm3gods pick dm3 12 times we only get to see them pick dm3 5 times, or whatever. Depending on how big the map pool is of course it might even itself out a little with enemy map picks but who knows. But on the flipside it would mean that we get to see dm3gods playing and improving on other maps, to me that's just as interesting, watching elite clans developing their game on 'weird kenya shit', rather than seeing them play dm3 for the 500th time.
Member 212 posts
Registered: Apr 2006
I'm really surprised by the man who once said "I'd be OK if dm3 was the only map ever played" ;-) Your suggestion is exciting and new, but I don't think it would serve as a decent ruleset for "THE LEAGUE" that claims its winner is the best qw clan. We all know that in the end it comes down to those 3 maps because all others are a nuisance to some, and even those who like a few never really accepted those as decisive when it came to the question "who's the best". You know me and my personal love for some obscure maps and i'd definitely would like them to see being played again, and maybe some custom maps as well. But with just one league going I don't think it's going to happen. A league with some sort of "serious factor" should remain, this is now the EQL, an 2nd league with an increased map pool and maybe some picking limitations as suggested by you, would be a welcome alternation to me and some others, too, I'm sure.
Member 212 posts
Registered: Apr 2006
Are any other maps being pracced or mixed? The plebs play what the crown tells them to. If EQL team decides to play hohoho next season, you will see this map being pracced. From what I've seen, people will always play 4on4s on maps which are "important" or in this case "official". Sometimes it's hard enough to get a 4on4 going, some just don't want to "waste" their time on a map purely for fun when you could very well use it for prac-time on an official map. I'd love to see/play games on e2m2, e2m7, e3m7, e3m3 and a few others again, but I don't think it will happen unless mappool is re-opened.
Moderator 383 posts
Registered: Jan 2006
Personally, I would love to see some cmt1b/cmt3 or e2m2(not tdm) action in eql.
Maybe it is a good idea to have only tb3 for decider.
Member 26 posts
Registered: Jul 2007
How about taking one Kenya map and force it to be played on each regular season game? Would that lead to people actually learning some strategy and tactics?
Let the loser decide next and then if needed, the Kenya winner picks last...
Member 48 posts
Registered: Sep 2007
All episode maps and dm maps. Can't be less kenya then that and still give a nicer bigger selection of maps.
Administrator 384 posts
Registered: Dec 2006
I'm really surprised by the man who once said "I'd be OK if dm3 was the only map ever played" ;-) Well obviously, I'd still play even if it was tb1, but that doesn't mean to say I don't want some variety as well, providing that reasonable selections are made (and this is where it can get controversial/tricky - a map one man views as hell incarnate, is another's paradise). What I find really annoying however is that tb3 are seen as 'untouchable', yet it is fine to debate the merits of other maps being included. Why does say, cmt1b need to be justified compared to say, dm2? I don't believe dm2 offers anything fundamentally better for 4on4 play other than the fact that most players are experienced at it - and if that's to be an assessment criteria, surely there is no logical way out but to restrict the map pool to purely dm3, since that map has the greatest playtime/experience?
Member 485 posts
Registered: Feb 2006
There might be some Poles who have played more dm2 than dm3? It's also played a lot 2on2 and 1on1 and that counts. You might have a better shot at "attacking" e1m2 instead, if you wanna have a go at a TB3 map. Probably a waste of time though. 
Member 309 posts
Registered: Sep 2006
C'mon that dm2 as the kurwa map is the relic of the past. I personally don't like dm2 anymore  DC's new favourite map is now e1m2 (antilag boomstick support helps a bit)
Member 212 posts
Registered: Apr 2006
What I find really annoying however is that tb3 are seen as 'untouchable', yet it is fine to debate the merits of other maps being included. Why does say, cmt1b need to be justified compared to say, dm2? In German we have a word "Betriebsblindheit" which literally translates to corporate blindness and it basically means you do the same things you have always done because you have done them forever :-)
Administrator 384 posts
Registered: Dec 2006
There might be some Poles who have played more dm2 than dm3? It's also played a lot 2on2 and 1on1 and that counts. You might have a better shot at "attacking" e1m2 instead, if you wanna have a go at a TB3 map. Probably a waste of time though.  True, but in terms of 4on4 across the whole scene, according to stats website dm3 has been played way more than all other maps combined (more than double dm2 count). Just because a map has been played a lot in 1on1/2on2 shouldn't matter, I mean in total dm4 has been played WAY more than any of tb3, but people aren't considering that for 4on4.
Member 485 posts
Registered: Feb 2006
Level of play (experience argument) on dm2 4on4 is higher than it would be without all the 1on1 and 2on2.
News Writer 1267 posts
Registered: Jun 2007
Im not sure it would be a good thing to remove DM2 since no new map offers what DM2 does: 2 rls, no pent/lg. TB3 offers 3 completely different settings whereas almost every custom map, that has been tried in leagues lately, has got all items and resemble DM3. When making a new map it is hard to not making it resemble an already known map but it shouldnt be impossible to come up with a new concept? Try adding 2 lgs? 2rls+1lg? 2 ra? I dont know but i think there could be some combinations that arent exactly as one of the TB3 maps that could actually work.
I guess you could make a better version of any map but is that what we want? Sure some maps have risen in popularity once we introduced them in a league but it is still hard to get ppl to prac them and once the league is over absolutely noone plays them. Players cant just sit and wait for a league to decide for them, if you like a map then show it by playing it. Thats how cmt1b got into EQL lately anyway.
