
Member 49 posts
Registered: Oct 2011
Having some finger trouble getting this to run, I placed the pk3 in both my qw then my ezquake dir, when i try to exec hud.d it cannot load. so not sure what to, I also copied the hud.cfg from an earlier page and placed that in my doc/ezquake/. executing this gives me a better hud than the standard but with none of your sleek icons, it will do for now but any help would be appreciated thanks guys.
Member 186 posts
Registered: Jan 2008
@stayout that has nothing to do with my hud that something in the server program i think. @Nuke did you make sure it was exec hud. d and not exec hud. cfg. About the icons, are you using nquake? if so I made a new readme but did never update the pak http://data.fuskbugg.se/skalman02/37ae9b7e_readme.txt
Member 49 posts
Registered: Oct 2011
yes I am using nquake, the readme worked very well and fixed the problem thanks again for the awesome hud 
Member 186 posts
Registered: Jan 2008
Awesome I´m glad you like it!
Member 51 posts
Registered: Oct 2011
Great hud, I'm loving it. Decided to make my own modification of it (First time modding a hud so it isn't amazing). If anyone ever so desires the cfg for it, then you can download it hither: [link]
Member 186 posts
Registered: Jan 2008
Nice one! I see that you don't use my simple items, can I ask why? 
Member 40 posts
Registered: Feb 2009
How can I modify Murdoc's cfg not to see the armor/face/clock icons? I would like to have only the bars without the icons. Thank for your help, gr8 job m8!
Member 51 posts
Registered: Oct 2011
How can I modify Murdoc's cfg not to see the armor/face/clock icons? I would like to have only the bars without the icons. Thank for your help, gr8 job m8! Open hud_md.d with notepad++ and look through the subheadings such as "face" "clock" and edit the _show command to "0". (P.s: not actually tested it, remember to also save a backup).
Member 186 posts
Registered: Jan 2008
That wont work, the bars are aligned to the face/armor i think
Member 40 posts
Registered: Feb 2009
Strange... http://www.quakeworld.nu/forum/viewtopic.php?id=503&p=8 Your 281 post on the top of the page. There is no icon for healt and armor.
Member 186 posts
Registered: Jan 2008
Thats hud.d Try this one. // // Head Up Display Configuration Dump //
scr_newhud "1" hud_ammo1_align "right" hud_ammo1_align_x "after" hud_ammo1_align_y "center" hud_ammo1_digits "3" hud_ammo1_frame "0" hud_ammo1_frame_color "0 0 0" hud_ammo1_item_opacity "0.5" hud_ammo1_order "10" hud_ammo1_place "gun2" hud_ammo1_pos_x "0" hud_ammo1_pos_y "0" hud_ammo1_scale "0.4" hud_ammo1_show "1" hud_ammo1_style "0" hud_ammo2_align "right" hud_ammo2_align_x "after" hud_ammo2_align_y "center" hud_ammo2_digits "3" hud_ammo2_frame "0" hud_ammo2_frame_color "0 0 0" hud_ammo2_item_opacity "0.5" hud_ammo2_order "8" hud_ammo2_place "gun4" hud_ammo2_pos_x "0" hud_ammo2_pos_y "0" hud_ammo2_scale "0.4" hud_ammo2_show "1" hud_ammo2_style "0" hud_ammo3_align "right" hud_ammo3_align_x "after" hud_ammo3_align_y "center" hud_ammo3_digits "3" hud_ammo3_frame "0" hud_ammo3_frame_color "0 0 0" hud_ammo3_item_opacity "0.5" hud_ammo3_order "8" hud_ammo3_place "gun6" hud_ammo3_pos_x "0" hud_ammo3_pos_y "0" hud_ammo3_scale "0.4" hud_ammo3_show "1" hud_ammo3_style "0" hud_ammo4_align "right" hud_ammo4_align_x "after" hud_ammo4_align_y "center" hud_ammo4_digits "3" hud_ammo4_frame "0" hud_ammo4_frame_color "0 0 0" hud_ammo4_item_opacity "0.5" hud_ammo4_order "10" hud_ammo4_place "gun8" hud_ammo4_pos_x "0" hud_ammo4_pos_y "0" hud_ammo4_scale "0.4" hud_ammo4_show "1" hud_ammo4_style "0" hud_ammo_align "right" hud_ammo_align_x "after" hud_ammo_align_y "center" hud_ammo_digits "3" hud_ammo_frame "0" hud_ammo_frame_color "0 0 0" hud_ammo_item_opacity "0.99" hud_ammo_order "7" hud_ammo_place "health" hud_ammo_pos_x "32" hud_ammo_pos_y "0" hud_ammo_scale "1" hud_ammo_show "0" hud_ammo_style "0" hud_armor_align "center" hud_armor_align_x "center" hud_armor_align_y "center" hud_armor_digits "3" hud_armor_frame "0" hud_armor_frame_color "0 0 0" hud_armor_item_opacity "0.95" hud_armor_order "7" hud_armor_pent_666 "1" hud_armor_place "bar_armor" hud_armor_pos_x "0" hud_armor_pos_y "0" hud_armor_scale "1" hud_armor_show "1" hud_armor_style "0" hud_armordamage_align "right" 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"center" hud_bar_health_align_y "center" hud_bar_health_color_mega "64 96 128 128" hud_bar_health_color_nohealth "128 128 128 64" hud_bar_health_color_normal "32 64 128 128" hud_bar_health_color_twomega "128 128 255 128" hud_bar_health_color_unnatural "255 255 255 128" hud_bar_health_direction "1" hud_bar_health_frame "0" hud_bar_health_frame_color "0 0 0" hud_bar_health_height "24" hud_bar_health_item_opacity "0.99" hud_bar_health_order "5" hud_bar_health_place "group2" hud_bar_health_pos_x "0" hud_bar_health_pos_y "0" hud_bar_health_show "1" hud_bar_health_width "155" hud_clock_align_x "right" hud_clock_align_y "console" hud_clock_big "0" hud_clock_blink "0" hud_clock_format "3" hud_clock_frame "0" hud_clock_frame_color "0 0 0" hud_clock_item_opacity "0.99" hud_clock_order "8" hud_clock_place "screen" hud_clock_pos_x "-5" hud_clock_pos_y "-15" hud_clock_scale "1" hud_clock_show "1" hud_clock_style "0" hud_democlock_align_x "right" hud_democlock_align_y "console" hud_democlock_big "0" 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"0" hud_sigil2_frame_color "0 0 0" hud_sigil2_item_opacity "0.99" hud_sigil2_order "1" hud_sigil2_place "sigil1" hud_sigil2_pos_x "0" hud_sigil2_pos_y "0" hud_sigil2_scale "1" hud_sigil2_show "0" hud_sigil2_style "0" hud_sigil3_align_x "after" hud_sigil3_align_y "top" hud_sigil3_frame "0" hud_sigil3_frame_color "0 0 0" hud_sigil3_item_opacity "0.99" hud_sigil3_order "2" hud_sigil3_place "sigil2" hud_sigil3_pos_x "0" hud_sigil3_pos_y "0" hud_sigil3_scale "1" hud_sigil3_show "0" hud_sigil3_style "0" hud_sigil4_align_x "after" hud_sigil4_align_y "top" hud_sigil4_frame "0" hud_sigil4_frame_color "0 0 0" hud_sigil4_item_opacity "0.99" hud_sigil4_order "3" hud_sigil4_place "sigil3" hud_sigil4_pos_x "0" hud_sigil4_pos_y "0" hud_sigil4_scale "1" hud_sigil4_show "0" hud_sigil4_style "0" hud_speed2_align_x "center" hud_speed2_align_y "bottom" hud_speed2_color_fast "72" hud_speed2_color_fastest "216" hud_speed2_color_insane "229" hud_speed2_color_normal "100" hud_speed2_color_stopped "52" 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hud_teamholdbar_frame_color "0 0 0" hud_teamholdbar_height "8" hud_teamholdbar_item_opacity "0.99" hud_teamholdbar_onlytp "0" hud_teamholdbar_opacity "0.8" hud_teamholdbar_order "0" hud_teamholdbar_place "top" hud_teamholdbar_pos_x "0" hud_teamholdbar_pos_y "0" hud_teamholdbar_show "0" hud_teamholdbar_show_text "1" hud_teamholdbar_vertical "0" hud_teamholdbar_vertical_text "0" hud_teamholdbar_width "200" hud_teamholdinfo_align_x "left" hud_teamholdinfo_align_y "bottom" hud_teamholdinfo_frame "0" hud_teamholdinfo_frame_color "0 0 0" hud_teamholdinfo_height "8" hud_teamholdinfo_item_opacity "0.99" hud_teamholdinfo_itemfilter "quad ra ya ga mega pent rl quad" hud_teamholdinfo_onlytp "0" hud_teamholdinfo_opacity "0.8" hud_teamholdinfo_order "0" hud_teamholdinfo_place "top" hud_teamholdinfo_pos_x "0" hud_teamholdinfo_pos_y "0" hud_teamholdinfo_show "0" hud_teamholdinfo_style "1" hud_teamholdinfo_width "200" hud_teaminfo_align_right "0" hud_teaminfo_align_x "right" hud_teaminfo_align_y "center" hud_teaminfo_armor_style "3" hud_teaminfo_frame "0.2" hud_teaminfo_frame_color "20 20 20" hud_teaminfo_item_opacity "0.99" hud_teaminfo_layout "%p%n $x10%l$x11 %a/%H %w" hud_teaminfo_loc_width "5" hud_teaminfo_low_health "25" hud_teaminfo_name_width "6" hud_teaminfo_order "0" hud_teaminfo_place "" hud_teaminfo_pos_x "0" hud_teaminfo_pos_y "0" hud_teaminfo_scale "1" hud_teaminfo_show "0" hud_teaminfo_show_enemies "0" hud_teaminfo_show_self "1" hud_teaminfo_weapon_style "0" hud_tp_need "0" hud_tracking_align_x "center" hud_tracking_align_y "before" hud_tracking_format "Tracking %t %n, [JUMP] for next" hud_tracking_frame "0" hud_tracking_frame_color "0 0 0" hud_tracking_item_opacity "0.99" hud_tracking_order "9" hud_tracking_place "face" hud_tracking_pos_x "0" hud_tracking_pos_y "0" hud_tracking_scale "1" hud_tracking_show "0" hud_vidlag_align_x "right" hud_vidlag_align_y "top" hud_vidlag_frame "0" hud_vidlag_frame_color "0 0 0" hud_vidlag_item_opacity "0.99" hud_vidlag_order "9" hud_vidlag_place "top" hud_vidlag_pos_x "0" hud_vidlag_pos_y "0" hud_vidlag_show "0" hud_vidlag_style "0" hud_recalculate
Member 40 posts
Registered: Feb 2009
Thank you so much!!!! That's what I wanted! Unfortunately I have to use -no24bits because my laptop cannot handle the 24bit textures with enough fps and the face/armor etc icons were so ugly! Thanks again, this is definately a masterpiece!
Member 186 posts
Registered: Jan 2008
Member 2 posts
Registered: Oct 2011
[16:04] <Rauvz> dm4 is hell [16:04] <Rauvz> dm6 is purgatory [16:04] <princess_faerie> dm2 is the waiting room? 
Member 21 posts
Registered: Mar 2006
Member 192 posts
Registered: Mar 2006
link dead ? 
Member 186 posts
Registered: Jan 2008
Can't login to the gfx site for some reason?
Member 192 posts
Registered: Mar 2006
I want that !! 
Member 15 posts
Registered: Jul 2007
Link still dead 
Member 186 posts
Registered: Jan 2008
I can't log on to the gfx site still and I don't have any other place to upload it. If anyone has feel free to tell me here or on irc.
Member 51 posts
Registered: Oct 2011
I can't log on to the gfx site still and I don't have any other place to upload it. If anyone has feel free to tell me here or on irc. I've got the original files and I can upload it to my Mediafire account if you want.
Administrator 1864 posts
Registered: Feb 2006
I can't log on to the gfx site still and I don't have any other place to upload it. If anyone has feel free to tell me here or on irc. What is the problem?
Member 186 posts
Registered: Jan 2008
I get this error:
Warning: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at /var/www/web/quakeworld.nu-gfx/_gfx/functions.php:12) in /var/www/web/quakeworld.nu-gfx/login.php on line 35
Member 628 posts
Registered: Jan 2006
If someone has a nice host that's online for a longer amount of time, please host it and dithes can update his first post with that. For the time beeing, here you go. Grab dithes hud: here
News Writer 493 posts
Registered: Jan 2006
Why don't you just upload it to gfx.quakeworld.nu ?? What's the problem?
Member 186 posts
Registered: Jan 2008
I get this error:
Warning: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at /var/www/web/quakeworld.nu-gfx/_gfx/functions.php:12) in /var/www/web/quakeworld.nu-gfx/login.php on line 35
News Writer 493 posts
Registered: Jan 2006
You get that simply trying to upload the file? Are you on irc?
Member 186 posts
Registered: Jan 2008
No, I get that when I try to logon to the gfx site. Yes I'm on irc.
Administrator 1864 posts
Registered: Feb 2006
No, I get that when I try to logon to the gfx site. Yes I'm on irc. Did you register? The gfx site does not share logins with qw.nu
Member 186 posts
Registered: Jan 2008
Oh that's stupid. Well fuck that then, I'm not going to register again. If anyway want to upload it there feel free to do so.
