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Client Talk
2009-08-14, 09:59
1435 posts

Jan 2006
Lightning sparks is a GFX effect visible when the lightning gun beam touches the wall.

Sometimes people are asking why this particular effect is disabled in the Smackdown ruleset, so let's discuss it here.

Our reason to disable it was that the effect allows you to estimate the length of the shaft beam - you shoot against a wall and if sparks are visible then the beam is long enough to reach that distance. We realize this might seem as a quite minor advantage to some, but when AMF particle effects were imported to ezQuake there was no time to discuss this matter properly, so it was disabled right away.

Lightning sparks OFF
Lightning sparks ON

Note: If you only want to say yes/no, use the poll in this thread. If you want to elaborate on the reasons you have, write them here.
2009-08-14, 10:33
85 posts

May 2007
I can't see any pros or cons generally, by allowing it. I wouldn't use it, because it's quite distracting. So I'd say no, don't allow it. Let things be just like they have been before.

ps. If you do allow it, I personally don't mind either.
Str8 Outta Ritoniemi!
2009-08-14, 10:46
1329 posts

Apr 2006
Who cares as there are absolutely no pros using it other than the graphical effect. It doesn't make you aim better at all, more like it's just one distraction more. Estimating distance? hahaha? At least that way the opponent hears you if nothing else when you go shooting walls during round to see if the LG has range or not

I have spoken, close this thread now.
Servers: Troopers
2009-08-14, 12:07
401 posts

Mar 2006
Nobody turns this on anyway.
2009-08-14, 12:18
312 posts

Feb 2006
I'd like to hear some examples where this could be used to your advantage. I'm sure there are some situations but I can't think of any
2009-08-14, 12:34
55 posts

Jan 2009
What is the function of this poll and feature? Just leave the rules be already. Adding these kinds of totally useless eyecandy features and creating polls to decide whether to allow them or not won't bring a single new player to the scene. It will most likely just piss off some old players who are used to playing the game as is and create disagreements within the very small scene. Some features might be worth it, but certainly not this one.
2009-08-14, 14:44
1102 posts

Jan 2006
Might be nice for new players as feedback until they get a feeling for it.
2009-08-14, 15:04
59 posts

Mar 2008
Good idea!
P.S. I want new explosion with a good alpha. Old explosion looks very ugly
2009-08-14, 17:36
386 posts

Apr 2006
Ezepov wrote:
Good idea!
P.S. I want new explosion with a good alpha. Old explosion looks very ugly

Use the gl explosion effects instead, then. There are a dozen or so from which to choose.
2009-08-14, 19:50
370 posts

Mar 2008
I believe it should be the players option to use it or not, I mean why not? Sure some people might not like it, and some might. If you don't like it just turn it offf .

If it is added though, it should be added as off instead of on...
2009-08-15, 10:14
59 posts

Mar 2008
Stev wrote:
Use the gl explosion effects instead, then. There are a dozen or so from which to choose.

I don't like gl explosion.
2009-08-15, 10:22
386 posts

Apr 2006
Well I don't think you can have transparency with the software effects, so you're out of luck.
2009-08-15, 15:24
370 posts

Mar 2008
Thanks for adding sparks to the latest alpha, looks good.
2009-08-15, 16:39
News Writer
438 posts

Jan 2006
I dont mind if its turned on, dont give you any advantage in my oppinion ... myself wouldnt turn it on anyway
2009-08-15, 17:54
344 posts

Apr 2007
I just think it looks kick ass, I guess the only slight advantage would be knowing that your lightning is reaching far enough..but by now, any quake player can know for certain without it.
2009-08-15, 17:58
344 posts

Apr 2007
it looks cool even in coop mods, when you see shamblers trying to get you as you dodge them and see the sparks.
2009-08-15, 17:58
344 posts

Apr 2007
2009-08-15, 18:50
370 posts

Mar 2008
Awesome pic trickle =)
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