
Member 628 posts
Registered: Jan 2006
yep, probably its your graphiccard running hot.
News Writer 283 posts
Registered: Jan 2007
Maybe try older catalyst drivers if they are compatible with your card (do a forum search)
Member 793 posts
Registered: Feb 2006
Member 80 posts
Registered: Jan 2006
Just before posting those images i removed and installed again my graphic card with the drivers that came in the cd. It sucked  ... So i´ve downloaded the latest drivers and they suck too. What intrigues me is that from what you can see in the pics you conclude that almost for sure that its a drivers problem. If so, why this dont happens while playing warcraft3 or watching movies with divx player? On the other hand when you are in the Quake main menu it blinks in the same way like the screens/monitors on a movie that you watch in your TV - a horizontal bar constantly moving in the Y plan (dunno if i´m explaining well...). Refresh rate????
Moderator 1329 posts
Registered: Apr 2006
What intrigues me is that from what you can see in the pics you conclude that almost for sure that its a drivers problem. If so, why this dont happens while playing warcraft3 or watching movies with divx player? Because when you are watching movies, you are basically using either CPU or VPU (video processing unit) of the gfx card with directshow or if you have Vista/W7, then EVR. I have no idea what API wc3 uses, but it's probably Direct3D or it could be OpenGL too. The problem in this case is the ATI's OpenGL ICD that is known to suck ass badly with ezQuake (or maybe even any QW-client). Those errors look definitely driver problems, not overheating or even broken card. Flashing/missing/black textures would indicate such things, or blinking pixels or triangles. Some ancient driver like 8.12 should work (maybe 9.3 too) if it supports your card.
Member 132 posts
Registered: Apr 2007
Moderator 1329 posts
Registered: Apr 2006
Looks ok, and it doesn't even have the worst possible input lag either: Comparison chart. You can select tested 120Hz monitors from the list.
Member 132 posts
Registered: Apr 2007
it doesnt have a matte screen so.. the manufacturer who releases a non tn 120hz will take it home
Member 66 posts
Registered: Feb 2006
bought this one few days ago: http://3dvision-blog.com/tag/lg-w2363d-review/
everything seems to be running as it should and i cant honestly tell the difference between this and crt.
Administrator 1864 posts
Registered: Feb 2006
Very nice test there fix, I'll need to get me a 120hz screen for qhlan 
Member 55 posts
Registered: Jan 2009
I just got the same LG today that fix has. I come straight from CRT so there is some noticeable blurring for me, but no input-lag whatsoever. After few rounds of qw I can totally recommend this for anyone looking for a 120hz tft.
Member 66 posts
Registered: Feb 2006
dmt i had the same thing in the begining but maxfps 500 seemed to take care of it, and then again i havent had crt for 2years now so its kinda hard to remember correctly how the 160hz crt felt.
only thing that irritates me atm is the switch from 4:3 to WD screen, but that should be taken care of with little practice.
Member 628 posts
Registered: Jan 2006
Counting from zero to up the LG vs the 2233RZ i believe the LG looks slight befind. But hey, its almost identical: "so I did the comparison with the Samsung 2233RZ instead, but as I’ve already compared the Samsung 2233RZ and ViewSonic VX2268WM and found they both have the same input lag, and that input lag is almost identical to that of a good CRT display"
Moderator 1329 posts
Registered: Apr 2006
Counting from zero to up the LG vs the 2233RZ i believe the LG looks slight befind. If you just continue reading, you will notice that the pic you referenced was NOT using thru mode. The following measurements were using thru mode and there were no differences in input lag according to the article. Enabling the THRU Mode on the LG completely eliminates the input lag on the LG, bringing it down to exactly the same results the Samsung is showing. So the THRU Mode on the LG does exactly what it is supposed to do – eliminate the input lag completely.
Member 132 posts
Registered: Apr 2007
Member 2 posts
Registered: Sep 2010
that this is the time to take lg or aer? lg scares just can not turn off overdrive and ghosting, and acer diagonal more
Member 2 posts
Registered: Sep 2010
Somebody will answer me? can I make the screen resolution of 800×600 4:3 120 Hz at included Tru-mode ON or other permission except 1920 x 1080?
Member 518 posts
Registered: Jan 2006
I also bought the LG W2363D. Compared to the Acer 23.6" 120hz its day and night. This one is actually smooth without hickups. I am just struggling with the touchscreen buttons which is really crap btw  but you only use it one time to setup colors so thats no biggy. I am wondering what color/brightness/contrast settings you use with this screen. It seems to bright for me which is hurting my eyes. I have lowerd contrast and brightness to 50% but still to bright :E
Member 628 posts
Registered: Jan 2006
Somebody will answer me? can I make the screen resolution of 800×600 4:3 120 Hz at included Tru-mode ON or other permission except 1920 x 1080? on 2233rz you can at least
Member 129 posts
Registered: Mar 2007
I'm finally getting off the laptop train and have ordered myself a cheapo'ish i3/gtx460 system and need a monitor. I was initially thinking of getting a cheapish 22" for now and looking at 120hz later, but a 2233RZ can be had for £185 so it hardly seems worth it.
It seems 2268 vs 2233 are roughly equivalent, with the 2233 being able to run at 120hz at non-native resolutions and the 2268 having built in speakers (slightly appeals...). Correct?
Member 284 posts
Registered: Oct 2006
Personally I would opt for the 120hz for any resolution as long as it is not stretched (if not widescreen res). The speakers on the 2268 are pure shit and I really can't understand why they would include that type of shitty speakers with a progamer targeted monitor? 2268 also has a pretty shitty stand, so if your table is not really steady, your monitor will shake with the table. My solution is a separate arm for the monitor and w/o the default stand, but that's an expensive solution and I require it for other reasons as well. I don't have any experiences with Samsung, but you could probably query some of the users here reporting having that monitor or contact snapcase on irc  Personally I'm still waiting for my 154hz tft, I can't remember if that hz would fit the bandwidth of dual dvi with 1680x resolution, but 150hz should at least iirc  Or maybe just a working 1920x1200 120hz screen, but not too big as even the 22" feels a bit too big for me as my focus is basically on like 15-17" of the screen in the middle. Maybe I gotta try to move it back a lot more, something to test today  x
Member 284 posts
Registered: Oct 2006
BenQ XL2410T http://3dvision-blog.com/benq-also-with-a-120hz-3d-capable-led-gaming-monitor-the-xl2410t/ Anybody have experiences from that monitor? One thing that I noticed there was that it has 2ms GTG vs 3ms GTG listed for the other monitors discussed here. In addition it supports Full HD and is LED backlit, however the stand and case are so bulky that you lose most of the form factor advantages of LED  Outside of those specs it would be nice to know if it supports 120hz at non-native resolutions either fullscreen (with some scaling overhead) or with black borders.
Administrator 1025 posts
Registered: Apr 2006
I'm finally getting off the laptop train and have ordered myself a cheapo'ish i3/gtx460 system and need a monitor. I was initially thinking of getting a cheapish 22" for now and looking at 120hz later, but a 2233RZ can be had for £185 so it hardly seems worth it.
It seems 2268 vs 2233 are roughly equivalent, with the 2233 being able to run at 120hz at non-native resolutions and the 2268 having built in speakers (slightly appeals...). Correct? I got the VX2268wm like a week ago, and well the stand ain't the best. But I don't have any problems with it, even with a pretty "wiggly" table. Regarding the VX2268wm vs 2233rz, the Viewsonic is newer and has better color reproduction. It's still just a TN so it wont be great, but I would have expected it to be worse actually (Had a 20" S-IPS screen earlier next to a 24" BenQ 2420HDBL, and this screen is a lot better than the BenQ.) Running other modes than 1680x1050 in 120Hz, hmm.. It kind of semi works.. Looks like screen is running 1680x1050 even if you choose 1024x768, but you get black bars on the sides. I don't regret getting this one over the Samsung that Para has. I got more than I expected even if that doesn't say much as I expected it to be real crap 
Administrator 1864 posts
Registered: Feb 2006
Black bars sounds nice 
Member 126 posts
Registered: Oct 2006
So what about the BenQ 120HZ? Any good?
Administrator 384 posts
Registered: Dec 2006
Personally I would opt for the 120hz for any resolution as long as it is not stretched (if not widescreen res). The speakers on the 2268 are pure shit and I really can't understand why they would include that type of shitty speakers with a progamer targeted monitor? 2268 also has a pretty shitty stand, so if your table is not really steady, your monitor will shake with the table. My solution is a separate arm for the monitor and w/o the default stand, but that's an expensive solution and I require it for other reasons as well. I don't have any experiences with Samsung, but you could probably query some of the users here reporting having that monitor or contact snapcase on irc  Personally I'm still waiting for my 154hz tft, I can't remember if that hz would fit the bandwidth of dual dvi with 1680x resolution, but 150hz should at least iirc  Or maybe just a working 1920x1200 120hz screen, but not too big as even the 22" feels a bit too big for me as my focus is basically on like 15-17" of the screen in the middle. Maybe I gotta try to move it back a lot more, something to test today  x I've got the 2268 and the stand is nowhere near as wobbly as the 22" HP monitor I have at work, like some guy 5m away sits down and it shakes :/ Although I agree it could be more sturdy, my old 22 Belinea TFT is better from that perspective. As for 150hz I wouldn't hold your breath, there just isn't a mainstream demand for those kind of refresh rates. In fact the only reason we got anything over 75hz was for 3d support, it just happened that hardcore gamers (like us) latched on to it for the 120hz. The extra cost of making something like that (different production processes etc) would be too much for manufacturers to bear unless they could be certain that there was a decent market for it.
Member 284 posts
Registered: Oct 2006
Personally I would opt for the 120hz for any resolution as long as it is not stretched (if not widescreen res). The speakers on the 2268 are pure shit and I really can't understand why they would include that type of shitty speakers with a progamer targeted monitor? 2268 also has a pretty shitty stand, so if your table is not really steady, your monitor will shake with the table. My solution is a separate arm for the monitor and w/o the default stand, but that's an expensive solution and I require it for other reasons as well. I don't have any experiences with Samsung, but you could probably query some of the users here reporting having that monitor or contact snapcase on irc  Personally I'm still waiting for my 154hz tft, I can't remember if that hz would fit the bandwidth of dual dvi with 1680x resolution, but 150hz should at least iirc  Or maybe just a working 1920x1200 120hz screen, but not too big as even the 22" feels a bit too big for me as my focus is basically on like 15-17" of the screen in the middle. Maybe I gotta try to move it back a lot more, something to test today  x I've got the 2268 and the stand is nowhere near as wobbly as the 22" HP monitor I have at work, like some guy 5m away sits down and it shakes :/ Although I agree it could be more sturdy, my old 22 Belinea TFT is better from that perspective. As for 150hz I wouldn't hold your breath, there just isn't a mainstream demand for those kind of refresh rates. In fact the only reason we got anything over 75hz was for 3d support, it just happened that hardcore gamers (like us) latched on to it for the 120hz. The extra cost of making something like that (different production processes etc) would be too much for manufacturers to bear unless they could be certain that there was a decent market for it. I'm fairly familiar with how 120hz came to be, and maybe in that exact light I'm hoping for some 2x75hz 3D screens  But I'm not holding my breath, nor do I have a big need for extra hz. btw. do starcraft1/2 players use 120hz monitors, what about other games? I know it doesn't matter as much as in qw, but seeing how they are averaging 200-300 apm, shouldn't they have the hz to match. Although I don't even know what fps sc2 gets  It feels so lonely being a qw player :,)x
Member 251 posts
Registered: Jul 2007
btw. do starcraft1/2 players use 120hz monitors, what about other games? I know it doesn't matter as much as in qw, but seeing how they are averaging 200-300 apm, shouldn't they have the hz to match. Although I don't even know what fps sc2 gets  It feels so lonely being a qw player :,)x From what I get from the comments in shops etc. about those monitors is, that also players of games other than QW prefer the 120 Hz models. They mention FPS as well as RTS and claim that the 120 Hz is the actual reason to buy one of those models and the "3D stuff" is more or less a gimmick.
Administrator 1864 posts
Registered: Feb 2006
"3D stuff" is more or less a gimmick. No shit 
Member 251 posts
Registered: Jul 2007
Just wanted to emphasize the 120 Hz more... 
