
Moderator 1329 posts
Registered: Apr 2006
So, the initial work is done and there's already a working game mode that can be enabled using /carena, it's loosely based on current RA code but with teams. (quakeworld.fi has a build running if you really want to test it, but really this is like an alpha version) The question is, how do you players want this KTX Clan Arena to be? I don't know if it's a good idea to mimic 1:1 the existing CACE but we could do things our way. Let's get few things and sum it up. Team mode: how many players should we allow per team? Items mode: should there be any items on the field? (armors, mh) Weapons mode: all weapons available but with limited/unlimited ammo? Time mode: should there be time limit for a round? Scoring: how should the score be counted? +1 for team after a round win or add the amount of frags (let's say 3on3, winning team has 2 players left = 3-1 score to the winning team) or somehow else? Individual player scoring: should we count frags for players or should we count damage so that you can see who makes the most damage (the most work) (remember: we already have detailed ktx statistics for each player). Etc etc. I personally played clan arena like 7-8 years ago so I don't know what to think about it, that's why you players should tell us what you want and we'll think about it how it might work. * Items: no items * Timelimit: yes (tbd) * Ammo: partially limited? * Scoring: uses damage frags, so frag=0 but 100 points of damage = 1, each round gives +1 to the winning team
News Writer 2260 posts
Registered: Jan 2006
The question is, how do you players want this KTX Clan Arena to be? I don't know if it's a good idea to mimic 1:1 the existing CACE but we could do things our way. What about making it customizable? Team mode: how many players should we allow per team? 10 at the most for big 10on10 games on death32c  ? Items mode: should there be any items on the field? (armors, mh) no there shouldn't be Weapons mode: all weapons available but with limited/unlimited ammo? limited for GL and LG? Time mode: should there be time limit for a round? 5 minute limit for a round and 1 min limit when there is only one player left in each team Scoring: how should the score be counted? +1 for team after a round win or add the amount of frags (let's say 3on3, winning team has 2 players left = 3-1 score to the winning team) or somehow else? Only add the +1 for the team, the amount of frags a player does is not essential for the round scoring, its just an additional thing for stats junkies  Individual player scoring: should we count frags for players or should we count damage so that you can see who makes the most damage (the most work) (remember: we already have detailed ktx statistics for each player). this is a hard one no answer, I really dont know, shouldn't it be based by the amount of damage you do on the enemies? That sounds fair to me! Dunno what more to bring up
Member 950 posts
Registered: Apr 2006
Team mode: how many players should we allow per team? And how many teams? Items mode: should there be any items on the field? (armors, mh) no Weapons mode: all weapons available but with limited/unlimited ammo? limited grenades, separate from rockets? Time mode: should there be time limit for a round? yes, definitely, probably some way to make end happen after a while too Scoring: how should the score be counted? +1 for team after a round win or add the amount of frags (let's say 3on3, winning team has 2 players left = 3-1 score to the winning team) or somehow else? I like the idea of +score = number of players left in a team Individual player scoring: should we count frags for players or should we count damage so that you can see who makes the most damage (the most work) (remember: we already have detailed ktx statistics for each player). damage is good imo
Member 42 posts
Registered: Apr 2007
Keep the scoring as it is.
1 frag per 100 damage done to enemies + 1 frag per kill, imo that's the best way.
If you just give "frags" to the dude that kills enemies it would ruin the mixed games. Many dudes would just hide in the beginning, letting the teammates do the first work on enemies. Then come out with 200/100 and kill em off one by one and by that grab all the "frags". http://www.rocketz.se - a quakeworld blog in the 21st century
Member 357 posts
Registered: Mar 2006
Keep the scoring as it is.
1 frag per 100 damage done to enemies + 1 frag per kill, imo that's the best way.
If you just give "frags" to the dude that kills enemies it would ruin the mixed games. Many dudes would just hide in the beginning, letting the teammates do the first work on enemies. Then come out with 200/100 and kill em off one by one and by that grab all the "frags". initial spawn, player health = 200a + 100h = 300 damage points for 1 kill. Thus 300 points = 1 frag. I agree with the rest of your statement... Grenades should cost 2 rockets. Too much gl spam and poor sap wont have any rockets left 
Member 950 posts
Registered: Apr 2006
Aren't rockets unlimited?
Member 251 posts
Registered: Jul 2007
Yes they are deurk, it's just the GL which has limited ammo (in CACE). Sputnik? RocketZ is right, it's 1 frag for 100 damage done. If you kill an enemy completely alone, you'll get 4 frags (i.e. 3 frags for the 300 damage and 1 frag for the kill). At least that's the way we're used to it on the CA servers.  - Overall I agree with the things said so far. What we need however, is an easy way to vote on maps (just like in KTX) and not that loadmaps stuff in CA(CE). - Also a "competitive mode", which locks the server, when a game is running, so players cannot join mid-game. The default would be an FFA style, where a player can join whenever he wants it, unless the server is full. - A better way to choose your team, esp. when you're "late", would also be appreciated. So far this is done via "setinfo oldteam <teamcolour>" or impulse before the rounds start. Both ways suck imo. Choosing your team with a handy alias would be better and you should be able to add yourself to a team which has fewer players in-between rounds in the same way.
Member 357 posts
Registered: Mar 2006
I was just making a suggestion.  Unlimited ammo makes for spamfest. Limiting the inventory, and then depleting helps create a strategy. But again in my mod this is an Admin setting. 4 frags for 1 kill, pfft that doesnt coincide with the old frag system. The whole idea of a damage-based scoring structure is so you can be rewarded for the damage you incurred vs some camper taking a final popshot. But hey, it's whatever you're used to. Here's a brief list of some features in CAxFeatures: ========= 5 modes of gameplay: Competition Practice Last Man Standing Airshot Instagib
Ability to add custom maps for admins via external cfg. Banning capabilities via cfg files and real-time admin access. Team Camera Lock (admin command) Force teams to view ONLY teammates during match in observer modes.
Eyecam View through the eyes of person you are tracking. Direct hit counter Rockets and grenades stats if shots hit directly on opponent. Damage totals represented in stats Accumulated stats of inflicted and rendered damages of entire series. Grenades added to efficiency
Added vote delay on connection. Deters voting yes, and reloging in and cycling yes/relogon. Added new sounds Added new maps Added timeout/timein commands for match pausing Added quick stats via impulse 23 Extended spawn points for maps with less than eight positions.
The size of the team is displayed on the MOTD(menu), next to the team name ie [1] Blue Team {3} shows theres 3 players on team blue. so its easy for connecting players to see if the teams are balanced.
----changelog-----updates x After each round, observers not playing will chasecam the player with the best score, by default. x afk observers dont get the MAIN CAx MENU spammed at them, saves server bandwidth. x afk status carries over after map change, though the kick timer is reset unfortunately, but after map change afk players are pretty much observers anyways. x Rocket EFF is less obscured by rocket jumps now. x added cfg commands setammoshells, setammonails, setammorockets, setammocells x made votecc mode config file configurable x tweaked cc_vote x reorderd the rotation code, linear. x fixed the regen_ammo function to match setammo ammounts! x setcolor, forces a player to join the match in progress. x unmutall, clears out temp mutes x unbanall, clears out the temp bans x spawnnow, places all cc_queued players in current round x setccvote, cc forced votable x setcclock, locks match x added mute handling internally in the mod. x force MOTD on connection for new players x SETSPLASHDAMAGE option, (LOW) linear radius ala Quake3, (HIGH) standard Quake1.06 radiusdamage x Fixed chasemodes in practice x log ip address for connecting clients x display when someone becomes an admin/admin-level x set the amount of players spawnning per round in a cfg file for each map. x ignored admins for afk x quick stats "dmg this round" via impulse 23 x 'teams' command, shows who is on what team x better handling of AFK players. x Faster lagout response x added an "afk" command to set oneself afk x MVP player for round and match. For me the biggest bitch in the code was keeping the linklist of teams/players valid as lagouts caused all hell. That and if spawns were limited (ie 5 vs 5, only 3 players spawn at round start, then as teammates die another spawns in) That spawn-list is then rotated after each round so everyone gets a chance to spawn at round start: EXAMPLE: a team of 5 with 3 in, 2 waiting: Player 1 is the captain. round 1: 1 2 3 [4 5] round 2: 5 1 2 [3 4] round 3: 4 5 1 [2 3] round 4: 3 4 5 [1 2] round 5: 2 3 4 [5 1] round 6: 1 2 3 [4 5] round 7: 5 1 2 [3 4] round 8: 4 5 1 [2 3] round 9: 3 4 5 [1 2]  Maybe too much info
Member 251 posts
Registered: Jul 2007
I was just making a suggestion.  Unlimited ammo makes for spamfest. Limiting the inventory, and then depleting helps create a strategy. But again in my mod this is an Admin setting. 4 frags for 1 kill, pfft that doesnt coincide with the old frag system. The whole idea of a damage-based scoring structure is so you can be rewarded for the damage you incurred vs some camper taking a final popshot. But hey, it's whatever you're used to. Ah, I see. I have mistaken you then. To me it's either fine, wether you get 1 frag for 300 damage or 3 for 300 damage, as long as it's damage based at all. It's all relative in the end. 
Moderator 1329 posts
Registered: Apr 2006
Updated the servers mentioned in my signature earlier while I had the chance. People should try it out and if there are bugs or some stuff to change (I'm thinking about having limited ammo (all) instead of dmm4 mode) then it should be mentioned here.
Also you have to realize KTX CA will be "KTX CA" and not "CACE", so there could and will be some differences. It's up to the people and the fact what kind of CA they will to have. Hence the thread originally.
Edit: Interest seems to be quite high, lots of players playing or testing the requested feature. Well, this has only one possible outcome regarding future feature requests, you can all think about what it might be when the participation is this high.
News Writer 283 posts
Registered: Jan 2007
Hey, CA has had another surge in popularity - it's a great gamemode for returning or part-time players to get into with no strings attached, just quick RL/LG action.
Still, the mod being played is CACE, but I would like to set up a KTX CA server to give it some proper testing and quick bug reports on the biggest issues so it can quickly catch up to CACE, playability wise. Is there any way with the latest KTX 1.37-dev to make a CA-only KTX server, like you can with CTF?
Member 950 posts
Registered: Apr 2006
Yes there is, let me work on it today and I'll set one up (that way I'll tell you the configuration needed).
News Writer 283 posts
Registered: Jan 2007
Administrator 2059 posts
Registered: Jan 2006
Sorry to dig up an old thread, I'm just curious to know what the game breaking differences between KTX Clan arena mod and the used mods (for example in the Fusion league) are? www.facebook.com/QuakeWorld
Moderator 1329 posts
Registered: Apr 2006
Well, ideally it would be great if someone from the KTX team could integrate clan arena into stand alone KTX. The KTX team/project is pretty much abandoned, there is noone left to do anything. At some point I saw Dimman having done some changes to the KTX, but I have no clue about his activity or interest to do anything for the KTX.
Member 22 posts
Registered: May 2012
I updated cace a while back, adding sudden death support to dm2, a2, q3dm6qw, q1edge and q1_q3dm13 The source is here. Shame pro-x doesn't work correctly on mvdsv  I've had a nightmare getting fte working on a multi homed server so I've resorted to cace instead.
Member 11 posts
Registered: Jul 2014
I updated cace a while back, adding sudden death support to dm2, a2, q3dm6qw, q1edge and q1_q3dm13 The source is here. Shame pro-x doesn't work correctly on mvdsv  I've had a nightmare getting fte working on a multi homed server so I've resorted to cace instead.  Testing this version (CACE+ 1.07) in my server (quakedourados.minivps.info) now. Thx
Member 357 posts
Registered: Mar 2006
sorry to put this here but... i was looking at the midair code and seen this if ( streq( inflictor->s.v.classname, "rocket" )) midheight = targ->s.v.origin[2] - inflictor->s.v.oldorigin[2];
that determines the damage/score for midair. but logically isnt it how high the player is? that line above only shows the distance from the bottom of the player to the bottom of the rocket! ?? is midair really always instagib on hit?? EDIT hmm nvmd the midheight is just for "player go xxxx midair" msgs and frag bonus. But that look slike a bug to me so the scoring might be fubar.... lol all these years
