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Graphics Discussion
2009-08-29, 23:08
News Writer
169 posts

Dec 2007
Yea I could guess that, but still either we need that, wait a very long time or we will have to switch over to FTE just for a model which doesn't sound that great.

Guess someone needs to create an nquake version for FTE otherwise and write down a proper installation instruction etc. Many big projects coming up at exactly the wrong time.
2009-08-31, 18:27
357 posts

Mar 2006
Electro wrote:
You guys realise that FTE is drastically different, and it'd actually be a huge job to "port" across the stuff from FTE to EZQ right?

Same goes trying to port md3 in Qrack to ezQuake. Though, the code base is closer. Another option is DarkPlaces.
2009-10-02, 00:21
132 posts

Apr 2007
hm, with some updated graphics for the masses, but untouched physics, maybe we could get a spark in this old hemi..
2009-10-02, 04:24
357 posts

Mar 2006
The point IS a working player model that can be combined with nQuake and freely distributed with custom maps etc for a free download to exploit to the masses!!!!
instead lets wait for a 4096 poly grunt to get a job at {insert game company here}. A high poly model makes the rest of the game look out of place. and a lower poly workaround would work better across the board! ok :|
/soapbox off

it almost doesnt matter, since the face of FPS gamming has changed to this realism-combat mode and DM is arcade. By the time anything is "recreated" for any measure there is no audience ('cept game company X) to even use it. eh?
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