253 posts
Nov 2007
I'm using Flintheart's teamplay config and i had a problem with the "_took" script. usually it works at the beginning but later it fuck up...

I have no idea why...
I works on a server in the first battle but doesn't works in the second however i stay on the same server, don't log out just change the map. it says "unknown comman "_"" or something like that i don't remember exactly (I'm at work atm but will check at home)
Any idea?
253 posts
Nov 2007
ok, it is solved. the problem was that a "$" sign missed from the following line:
alias _took_mega2 "if $qtmegaloc2$qt != $qt$qt then _took_mega4 else _took_mega3
thanks Akken!
171 posts
Jan 2006
Oh, i'm flattered that you are using my tp config file! But it seems as if the one you are using is quite old? I have a "new" one with some goodies from other configs... (haven't really made that much my self the last 1-2 years to be frank)
Anyhow, here is the (same) url:
Some various changes/upgrades:
1. The timer is now superb! It can time rl, quad and pent... and even say when quad is out. Just use the numpads.
2. When taking an item and die after, and you press took-button, it says "took rl at rl (and died)"
3. The report rocks now. It says how many cells and rox u have, if you don't allready have rl/lg/gl.
4. If you die and press lost-button, it says dropped lg or rl
I hope you enjoy it, feel free to comment it, make suggestions etc.!
163 posts
Jan 2006
I hope you enjoy it, feel free to comment it, make suggestions etc.!
you can remove the last lines in the config:
//--- MOUSE TIMER ---\\
set _qtime 0
since they dont do anything by themselves.
the whole code looks like this:
//--- MOUSE TIMER ---\\
set _qtime 0
alias _inctimer "if $_qtime > 58 set _qtime 0 else inc _qtime 1;if $_qtime < 10 echo quad ïî 0$_qtime else echo quad ïî $_qtime;if $_qtime < 10 set _timer_quad_time 0$_qtime else set _timer_quad_time $_qtime"
alias _dectimer "if $_qtime < 1 set _qtime 59 else inc _qtime -1;if $_qtime < 10 echo quad ïî 0$_qtime else echo quad ïî $_qtime;if $_qtime < 10 set _timer_quad_time 0$_qtime else set _timer_quad_time $_qtime"
alias _qontime "say_team $\$nick $x20$x20 {$tp_name_quad} on {$_timer_quad_time}"
bind mwheelup _inctimer
bind mwheeldown _dectimer
171 posts
Jan 2006
40 posts
Jun 2007
remove from where to where?