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Graphics Discussion
2006-03-01, 00:38
16 posts

Feb 2006
Hi folks,

i'm assembling an eye candy qw client based on ezQuake for our next lan party. All i'm missing are some nice HUD weapon graphics (on the right side of your hud by default) like the ones in this screenshot:

(ok, it's quite small but you might recognize them...

Would be cool if anyone has them or could give me a link.

2006-03-01, 01:42
1754 posts

Jan 2006
2006-03-01, 13:38
16 posts

Feb 2006
Plague's PAK page is really great. He has some very nice stuff. Unfortunately there is no single HUD graphics element downloadable, so this won't help me at all. :-/
I'm actually looking for .tga or .png graphics (inv*) that i can put in the textures/wad directory that look like miniature version of the actual weapons with transparent background.. has some nice HUD graphics too, but i really want those slightly different weapon icons as seen on the screenshot above.

Maybe someone else?

Aquashark tried to help me with a high res player model/skin and told me about the qrack engine where i incidentally found exactly those HUD elements that i was looking for. :-)
If anyone is interested in it:
Qrack engine mainpage
Qrack PAK file including the HUD elements

So, the search is over. Thanks anyways. :-D
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