
Member 156 posts
Registered: Mar 2007
Is anyone out there still interested in the Omicron bots? I personally feel they are the most dynamic human-like bots for Quake. Anyway, I've been creating waypoints for some maps that Skorpion never did. Would anyone be interested in these? I could upload the .ENT files (tiny filesize) or the map files with the omicron routes already implemented if anyone is interested... I'm fairly experienced with bots and waypoints, and always observe the bots on each map before I think they are finalized. I will take requests, if anyone has a map they would like to play Omicron bots on.
Member 229 posts
Registered: Aug 2007
Dm2, dm3, dm6, aerowalk and e1m2 are most important maps for me. How is their status? Dm2 would be cool for ffa also, not just 2on2/4on4. TEAM QUAD [need nothing] shaga loses another friend shaga discovers blast radius QUAD
News Writer 646 posts
Registered: Mar 2006
uh.... werent the omicron waypointless?
Member 156 posts
Registered: Mar 2007
uh.... werent the omicron waypointless? It's true that the Omicrons are dynamic learners like the Reaper bots, but they can also use waypoints, which is just 666% better. Try using Kascam with a bot on a map without waypoints, and watch him get stuck in every corner. They will walk into random walls and get stuck without waypoints. With waypoints, they immediately know all the routes, where all the best weapons are, and even know how to use buttons with elevators/doors. I just spent the last 30 minutes getting good Omicron support in Crdm1 with success. The bots sucked on this map before waypoints were added. They now rush straight for the Quad, and know exactly how to exit the lower area using the elevator with the button.  Dm2, dm3, dm6, aerowalk and e1m2 are most important maps for me. How is their status? Dm2 would be cool for ffa also, not just 2on2/4on4. Dm1-6 already have waypionts for the Omicron bot. The waypoints are hard-coded into the progs.dat. You can find Aerowalk waypoints over at Skorpion's routes already (link above). Direct link to the Aerowalk route is here: http://www.gamers.org/pub/idgames2/planetquake/skorpion/routes/aerowalk_ent.zip Tutorial on how to install .ent files is located at Skorpion's page here: http://skorpion.planetquake.gamespy.com/route_packs.html Most popular maps that are older most likely already have routes over at Skorpion's site. There are many newer maps that do not, however. Edit: Btw, Happy l337-day Phil. 
Member 229 posts
Registered: Aug 2007
Hmm. Just extracted obots102.zip to %quakedir%/omicron and lauched the game: ezquake.exe -game omicron -listen 16 and made a multiplayer game. It didn't work, there was only nquake's addbot-commands so couldn't add any bots, 'DM2 is not a supported map'. For the next step I installed a plain ezquake and did the same thing with it, now of course I didn't have nquake's(frogbot's) addbot commands so couldn't do a thing with these. Am I doing something wrong? Finally it's time to get some rest, night night.  TEAM QUAD [need nothing] shaga loses another friend shaga discovers blast radius QUAD
Member 156 posts
Registered: Mar 2007
I don't use ezQuake, so I'm not sure why you are having problems. In Qrack, I go to Multiplayer->New Game->TCP/IP, then "Begin Game". I then load any map I want, and type "addbot" in the console (or bind a key). I just played DM2 with Omicron bots no problem. Perhaps this is an issue with ezQuake?
News Writer 646 posts
Registered: Mar 2006
Every day is 1337 day for me 
Member 156 posts
Registered: Mar 2007
Oh yeah... I see that. Cheater. 
Member 364 posts
Registered: Oct 2006
Omicron bots use NQ progs.dat. Use an NQ engine, or FTE, or ZQuake, or wait till ezQuake supports progs.dat too.
Member 103 posts
Registered: Apr 2007
Can these bots be setup to run on a dedicated server? House of Fragenstein | FFA hof.servegame.com:27500
Member 103 posts
Registered: Apr 2007
I ran the bots with zquake, but I noticed I had no hud. Absolutely nothing. I usually use ezquake, haven't used zquake in a while :rolleyes: House of Fragenstein | FFA hof.servegame.com:27500
Member 364 posts
Registered: Oct 2006
So that you can connect with a QW client? Yes, on FTE or ZQuake.
Member 156 posts
Registered: Mar 2007
So no one is interested in the Omicron Routes? I've created routes for a few modern maps, including bsp, ruins, omdm1, croctear - and I can do more. But if no one is going to download them, then I won't bother. 
Administrator 1864 posts
Registered: Feb 2006
How is these versus frogbots? Are they better?
Member 229 posts
Registered: Aug 2007
I would be interested if they would work with the latest ezquake nightlybuild.  TEAM QUAD [need nothing] shaga loses another friend shaga discovers blast radius QUAD
Member 135 posts
Registered: Jan 2006
I would be interested if they would work with the latest ezquake nightlybuild.  Agree, I would be more than interested!
Member 156 posts
Registered: Mar 2007
How is these versus frogbots? Are they better? I never got myself to play Frogbots for very long, because honestly, their navigation looked terrible. While observing a Frogbot in dm4 with KasCam, I saw it jump in lava, run sideways against walls, and navigate the map poorly overall. With good waypoints, the Omicron bots navigate like pros. I haven't once seen an Omicron bot jump in the lava, unless someone else shoots it in. I haven't compared the combat styles of both bots, but I do know the Omicron bots are nice and fair. They don't have 100% accuracy with the shotgun like the Reaperbots do (which can really piss you off), and they use their weapons just well enough for the game to be a nice challenge. You can even set the skill of the bots in increments of .1, although I personally play them on the highest skill. The only tiny complaint I have about the Omicron bots is how easy they might be on maps with all Shotguns and Nailguns - because I am pretty much more accurate than they are with such weapons. This results in me stacking up the frags faster than them each time. This doesn't matter however, because there are practically no maps out there that lack the RL and LG (and personally I think this is a good thing). Once the bots get their hands on anything better than the shotguns and nailguns, they rock 'da house - so to speak. All in all, I believe the Omicron bots are better than all the other bots I've seen out there thus far. So you guys are not interested, because EzQuake dosn't support Omicron bots? I have made waypoints for about 25 maps in the past few weeks now. Some of the maps are old classics, while others are newer "ownage" maps, like croctear, bsp, and ruins. Perhaps if Spirit would be willing to allow me to upload these maps with the waypoints, and if you guys are actually interested, then I'll upload them.
Member 364 posts
Registered: Oct 2006
A decent QW player totally pwns Omicron on any map. Omicrons do move and shoot nice, but my impression is they lack the ability to control items; they will wander pointlessly around the map until you gather some armor, come and kill them.
For illustration, I just played vs a max skill Omicron (typed "skill 100" before adding it) 41:0 on dm6 and 49:-2 on dm4. And I'm not even sure I qualify as a "decent player".
Member 156 posts
Registered: Mar 2007
A decent QW player totally pwns Omicron on any map. Omicrons do move and shoot nice, but my impression is they lack the ability to control items; they will wander pointlessly around the map until you gather some armor, come and kill them.
For illustration, I just played vs a max skill Omicron (typed "skill 100" before adding it) 41:0 on dm6 and 49:-2 on dm4. And I'm not even sure I qualify as a "decent player". You do know that the max skill is "3", right?  The Omicron bots don't roam the map "pointlessly". They will actually go for the most important items first. However, experienced online players will use bunny hopping to their advantage to get powerups before the bots do, perhaps making a match against any bot easier if it boils down to controlling items. There is currently no bot that is able to bunny hop around a map to control the items. This is why you should play the bots on maps you do non't know like the back of your hand. The Omicron's should at least provide a better challenge this way. In addition, make sure you add more bots than you feel comfortable with - so that you aren't left with much breathing space. With the proper settings, bots should at least provide somewhat of a challenge for most people. I'm not a total noob or anything - I know how to complete most race maps with bunny hopping, and I'm pretty accurate with the RL.
Member 1026 posts
Registered: Feb 2006
While observing a Frogbot in dm4 with KasCam, I saw it jump in lava, run sideways against walls, and navigate the map poorly overall. that version of the bot with kascam and shit is really really old. try the newest Frogbot Clan Arena mod by Paraboil which everyone is using.. it is included in nQuake. plus watching a bot walking on a map by itself is irelevant.. he adapts his goals according to players being present on the map (not observing). The Omicron's should at least provide a better challenge this way. have you played a max skill frogbot on aerowalk? please post the score of a 10 minutes match 
Member 156 posts
Registered: Mar 2007
Do I have to use nQuake to play the newest Frogbots? Can the Frogbot waypoints be used in a non-quakeworld engine, like Qrack? I noticed that Trinca's Frogbot routes use a qwprogs.dat file. Is there a way to get this working in Qrack? I wasn't trying to make this a bot war thread, but oh well. I'm willing to give all the Quake bots a try, and I didn't realized I had an older version of the Frogbots.
Member 1026 posts
Registered: Feb 2006
Do I have to use nQuake to play the newest Frogbots? Can the Frogbot waypoints be used in a non-quakeworld engine, like Qrack? yes. no.
Member 156 posts
Registered: Mar 2007
Do I have to use nQuake to play the newest Frogbots? Can the Frogbot waypoints be used in a non-quakeworld engine, like Qrack? yes. no. Well then... That pretty much renders the Frogbots useless for me, unfortunately. I just can't get myself to switch away from the best (imo) Quake engine simply to use one bot. 
Administrator 1864 posts
Registered: Feb 2006
You can run it in fte, and then connect with qrack
Member 1026 posts
Registered: Feb 2006
Well then... That pretty much renders the Frogbots useless for me, unfortunately. I just can't get myself to switch away from the best (imo) Quake engine simply to use one bot.  mkay.. it takes 5 minutes to try, but i guess you already have your mind set.
Member 156 posts
Registered: Mar 2007
Well then... That pretty much renders the Frogbots useless for me, unfortunately. I just can't get myself to switch away from the best (imo) Quake engine simply to use one bot.  mkay.. it takes 5 minutes to try, but i guess you already have your mind set. I'm willing to try the bot; it's just that I've already tried using nQuake in the past, and didn't really enjoy it much. I've downloaded and tried a lot of Quake Engines to find one that I like, and it's taken me a while to get all my configs exactly the way I want them. If I can't play the Frogbot in Qrack with all the hundreds of settings I've come to enjoy, then there isn't much point in trying it out in the first place. I'm sure Zalon's solution would work, but is it really necessary to download all that extra junk and launch an engine I don't use, just to play the bot in Qrack? This would also mean learning more engine-specific commands. Everything else out there works in a "standard" Quake engine like Qrack, so why doesn't the Frogbot work as well?
Member 1026 posts
Registered: Feb 2006
by following your rationale: everything else out there works in a "standard" QuakeWorld engine like EZQuake, so why doesn't the Omicron work as well?  PS: i have EZQuake, ZQuake, Qrack, JoeQuake, FTE, FitzQuake installed in the same quake dir and have no problems. plus ZQuake branched engines (Fuh -> EZ; Joe -> Qrack) have a common base for cvars and commands.
Member 364 posts
Registered: Oct 2006
Parboil used to maintain an NQ version of fbca until a couple of years ago. You could ask him on the forum for the latest version of fbca that still supported NQ.
Member 156 posts
Registered: Mar 2007
by following your rationale: everything else out there works in a "standard" QuakeWorld engine like EZQuake, so why doesn't the Omicron work as well?  My point exactly! Notice how multiple people in here don't want to give the Omicron bots a try, because they don't feel like setting up any other engine? Well... that's kind of like me for the Frogbots.  I haven't complained about these people that are unwilling to try the Omicron bots, because I feel their pain. I have no problem with them sticking with one engine. It gets ridiculous having to spend so much time setting up whatever Quake engine just to get one mod to work. PS: i have EZQuake, ZQuake, Qrack, JoeQuake, FTE, FitzQuake installed in the same quake dir and have no problems. plus ZQuake branched engines (Fuh -> EZ; Joe -> Qrack) have a common base for cvars and commands. I know that it's very possible to have multiple engines installed with no problems (I used to have many of them installed myself); I just don't have the time (or patience) to set them all up anymore. I'd rather just stick with one engine that I like these days. I'm well aware that Qrack has branched off JoeQuake - which borrowed many features from Fuhquake and EzQuake itself. I just don't feel like going back to those other engines again. By the way, speaking of the branches of Quake engines reminds me of this thread: http://www.quakesrc.org/forums/viewtopic.php?t=4551 Parboil used to maintain an NQ version of fbca until a couple of years ago. You could ask him on the forum for the latest version of fbca that still supported NQ. Actually, I believe you can download the final working version of the Frogbots that work in NQ here: http://parboil.quakeworld.ru/ The problem isn't that, however. The problem is with the waypoints coming in a Qwprogs.dat file. This means that the Frogbots will only support like 10 maps or so. If there is a way to use the Frogbots with Trinca's waypoints in Qrack (without having to download and host servers with other engines and such), then I would LOVE to give them a try. They sound promising.
Member 13 posts
Registered: Nov 2007
Omicron ! My first bot love ! Bring the waypoints !!!!!! 
