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Server Talk
2007-10-13, 05:32
15 posts

Oct 2007
I host Spisi's Fragfest! ( a QW server using MVDSV.
Problem is when players join, their skin doesn't upload. They become the "base" skin.
Here is part of my server.cfg:

allow_download 1
allow_download_skins 1
allow_download_models 1
allow_download_sounds 1
allow_download_maps 1

How can I get the client to upload the skin?
It makes the attempt, but I get an error.
2007-10-13, 22:05
1329 posts

Apr 2006
Moved to server talk as this is server related (MVDSV).

Do you mean client should upload a skin to the server and then server would be able to upload the skin to someone else? I'm not exactly sure but I don't think this is possible with MVDSV. I'll forward this post to someone who can answer 100% sure.
Servers: Troopers
2007-10-13, 22:57
15 posts

Oct 2007
Sorry about posting in wrong section.
I'll try to be more cautious next time.

Renzo, that's exactly what I'm talking about.
Whats the fun in skins if nobody can see your skin?
2007-10-13, 23:08
1101 posts

Jan 2006
No-one will notice "custom" skins as most people use fixed skins for their opponents/teammates.
2007-10-13, 23:11
15 posts

Oct 2007

Any way to do it?
2007-10-14, 01:25
1329 posts

Apr 2006
There is one: upload all the skins to all the servers. Also make sure client has downloading of skins enabled (the command it /noskins 0 if I recall correctly). This one's a bit tough though

No need to apologize for posting to the wrong forum, the staff can easily move threads posted on wrong sections.
Servers: Troopers
2007-10-14, 19:10
15 posts

Oct 2007
2007-12-02, 03:26
228 posts

Mar 2007
Wait, isn't that how the original QW server worked? The server received new skins from clients and uploaded them to clients that were missing them. That's how I remember it anyway but that was a long time ago.

[edit] Reason I replied to this oldish thread is because there is an issue on a Painkeep server I play on and i was searching for answers to this problem. It appears the server admin should simply upload any new skins to /qw/skins/?
2007-12-18, 02:11
15 posts

Oct 2007
I run the server, when players join their skin does not upload.
How can I get their skins?
2007-12-18, 13:54
271 posts

Feb 2006
redrum wrote:
How can I get their skins?

Chances are, thier skins are a single colour... Quite probably yellow. At least that's what they see for thier corpses anyway. They probably have bright red for you. You're not missing anything... except visibility.

On a more serious note, automagic skin uploading isn't possible in any quake server/client that I'm aware of. Like I said, you're probably bright red. In all probability they don't have the skin thier config names anyway.
2007-12-18, 16:18
485 posts

Feb 2006
I think 5h17h34d is right. I remember getting all sorts of skins in the old days.
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