
News Writer 2260 posts
Registered: Jan 2006
Oldones => div4 (WC) Easy => div2 Hipps => div3 Mor = will be div4 Magnum = div3
need to check out about allans vittnen and lolbarn in 1 hour or so
Member 247 posts
Registered: Jan 2006
Member 8 posts
Registered: Jan 2007
So if enough people say that we are div4 you move us up despite us not winning a prac against any of the div4 teams while having even games against most of the div5 ones?
We will not stand a chance in div4.
Member 135 posts
Registered: Jan 2006
Magnum = div3 Objections? I've already objected but seems like it didn't work at all. All div3 teams please thank Sassa for incoming massive pingwhine  .
Member 198 posts
Registered: Oct 2006
Magnum = div3 Objections? I've already objected but seems like it didn't work at all. All div3 teams please thank Sassa for incoming massive pingwhine  . I will object further: Basically we didnt stand a chance on most maps against div3 teams in prac. M44 from last season was different. Now we lost our 3 best players - panic, reka and runningwild. Instead, we got 2 as good players from d2, but they have PC issues. Furthermore, the team has been inactive for almost half a year. Conclusion: I believe our place is in div4 sir!
Member 108 posts
Registered: Jan 2006
easy are better than brutal and it's just silly to demote them to div2 AV have improved but are still an okayish div5 team. not div4 also, why are LOLBARN in divrookie? they've got plenty of oldtimers. and simply having the experience they have means they have a huge advantage over those who have yet to learn how to time quads/slowspawn/the finer points of hiding on e1m2 etc - they should definitely be div5 Spell "mogul," Bateman. How do you spell mogul? M-o-g-u-l. Mo-gul. Mog-ul. Ice, ghosts, aliens-
News Writer 2260 posts
Registered: Jan 2006
All div3 teams please thank Sassa for incoming massive pingwhine  . Remember, its not mine decision, its EQL decision! Im jsut the front guy. and pingwhine is a part of QW, enojoy it 
Member 135 posts
Registered: Jan 2006
Put CB to div2. Div1 will stay 10 teams and div2 too. 
Member 6 posts
Registered: Feb 2006
Oldones => div4 (WC) Easy => div2 Hipps => div3 Mor = will be div4 Magnum = div3
need to check out about allans vittnen and lolbarn in 1 hour or so The whole of the morituiri team object to being in div4 since almost every one of us already told you that we have absolutely no chance of beating a single team in it. But as per usual the EQL admins have no intention of listening whatsoever.
Member 3 posts
Registered: Jan 2006
i'm sorry but raz has just alerted me to the fact that this is a qw league and not as i thought a chess league, i suspect my previous enthusiasm could well of influenced the EQL committee to put mor into div4, so could you now put mor in div5?, or could we change it to a chess league?, if so then we would like to be put into div3, k thx
News Writer 2260 posts
Registered: Jan 2006
we will talk about mor again 
News Writer 1267 posts
Registered: Jun 2007
chosen is still in div3? Ww have lost some of our best players, we are NOT div3 material... last season we got to finals but the div was idle and we wherent...
put us in div4!
Member 56 posts
Registered: Jan 2006
Chosen and Enemyquad should switch places.
News Writer 2260 posts
Registered: Jan 2006
horatio thnx! Csn => div4 (wildcard) mor => div5 (wildcard)
Member 231 posts
Registered: Jan 2006
About easyriders for div1 or 2... Well here is my thought:
Easyriders have been pracing some maps lately against div 1 clans as slackers1/2, fom, koff and suddendeath. All with the same outcome, we lost kinda big. We havent been playing with a full lineup of memebers since the start ,as mille (and often eta-beta) has been away from irc. I´ve spoken to mille about this matter, and he told me he will start to play again when eql starts.
3. Some of you might think we are all div1 players and so on and that might be true in some cases, but not as a team. We havent been praccing much and we wont stand a change in div1. When we hopefully get our team togather and when eql6 is finnished we might be div1 material , but for now, im sorry to break this but: Easyriders are not div1.
Best regards jon
Member 15 posts
Registered: Feb 2007
some late changes: csn div3->div4 bbb div3->div4 mor div4->div5
what we have now is: div1: 11 clans div2: 9 div3: 10 div4: 13 div5: 14 divr: 9
div4 & 5 seems overloaded, but it appears there's not much to change there:/
time's running out, so keep whining about seedings.
Member 126 posts
Registered: Jun 2007
Yay more matches in my div5, loving it 
Member 284 posts
Registered: Oct 2006
About easyriders for div1 or 2... Well here is my thought:
Easyriders have been pracing some maps lately against div 1 clans as slackers1/2, fom, koff and suddendeath. All with the same outcome, we lost kinda big. We havent been playing with a full lineup of memebers since the start ,as mille (and often eta-beta) has been away from irc. I´ve spoken to mille about this matter, and he told me he will start to play again when eql starts.
3. Some of you might think we are all div1 players and so on and that might be true in some cases, but not as a team. We havent been praccing much and we wont stand a change in div1. When we hopefully get our team togather and when eql6 is finnished we might be div1 material , but for now, im sorry to break this but: Easyriders are not div1.
Best regards jon Well I think your biggest problem has been the fact that you haven't been able to prac with a full ez lineup all that much. Almost all pracs I've seen have been with standin. But if easy is in div2 so should brutal! There is no doubt that easy > brut and brut simply isn't ready for in-shape div1.
News Writer 1267 posts
Registered: Jun 2007
i still think ENEMYQUAD is too good for div4 they will pretty much rape 80% of the clans and win vs the last 20% kinda easy they are really good these days
Member 151 posts
Registered: Feb 2006
I just hope the reason for moving GTG to div1 isn't based solely on our recent prac with SR2 and the whine emitted from that crowd. Yes, on paper we won 4-1, but in practice, 3 of those wins could've just as easily have been losses (making the end result 1-4 instead). Also, we only played dm3 once. I've no doubt we would've lost that map if we'd played it again. We competed on the same level as one of the bottom teams (no offense intended, SR2) in div1. I'm sure the same can be said for many div2 teams.
So yeah, while I think we (in our current shape) deserve to be div2, so do a few other div1 teams as well. So I can partly see why you would want to put us in div1. In the end the line has to be placed somewhere; someone has to be div2 and someone has to be div1. This change just means that we have to play with our best team and prac more often. I'm not sure that's gonna happen, since we're not in what you might call "die hard serious"-mode, but it's the only chance you'll see GTG end up better than 8th or so in div1.
In the end, who can predict the future? I'd just like to say that the EQL crew have done a good job in this season's placement, and have done a good job of listening to the players' opinions. While some teams may prove to be badly placed, I think that's only to be expected. It's not an easy job, and one I don't envy one bit, being the target of so many peoples' concerns.
Member 34 posts
Registered: May 2007
ax3 (div4) has new player Avenger (d2 div2 winner ,div0 dueler),not yet singup but soon or he will be faking ,my proposition move ax3 to div3.
News Writer 2260 posts
Registered: Jan 2006
plast and derek left magnum, the team goes back to its original division (4) EnemyQuad is promoted with Wildcard to div3
The Dojo up to div4
LOLBARN up to div5
Member 6 posts
Registered: Apr 2007
We in enemyquad did not qualify last season to move up one div. There is no extra special need to single us out for a wildcard transfer.
There are other clans in div4 that are at least on our level or better. Magnum (won 2-0 last time) and CMT(won our prac tonight 2-1) for instance and I think osams might be even better(never played). Even Jägarna that came from div5 played a very even prac vs us winning one losing one map this last week.
People seem to forget that we don't always field the best possible line-up. To be somewhat competetive in div3 the original EQ members could not play a single game. That would be very sad indeed.
Member 151 posts
Registered: Feb 2006
Gah. All these prefixes. EQ will always = Earthquake for me, just as CB will always = Campbusters. Learn your prefixes before picking clan names! 
News Writer 2260 posts
Registered: Jan 2006
Oclan from Northamerica joins div3 enemyQuad goes back to div4
Tnx for all the help I got, and I like to say that the worst ppl around today/yesterday has been the flaming Slackers (and NOT paradoks that has been very good guy) mostly Insane, murdoc, zero, eizid and purity (you can all fuckyourselves)
Slackers1 has 1 warning (before the season starts)
If your unhappy with EQL, then go start your own 4on4 tourney and stop fucking around. 4on4.slackers.dk or eizidleague.qwdrama.com
Its not only me who get to do this ungrateful job, I had the whole EQL team working the whole week with rules and putting teams in divisions.
I hope your all happy now. rules and what not will come online later this week.
Member 518 posts
Registered: Jan 2006
thanx u2 
News Writer 283 posts
Registered: Jan 2007
Cheers for all the work, appreciated
Member 6 posts
Registered: Apr 2007
Thanks guys for the work you put into this even with all the flaming going on. Div 4 and 5 will be fun. 14-15 clans, thats a lot of games to be played! 
Member 229 posts
Registered: Aug 2007
Nice work. Thanks for doing all this stuff.  TEAM QUAD [need nothing] shaga loses another friend shaga discovers blast radius QUAD
Member 811 posts
Registered: Jan 1970
thanks sassa the frontman & eql crew. btw is Skellefteå better than Umeå? 8P
