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Graphics Discussion
2007-09-11, 00:30
151 posts

Feb 2006
After fixing up a hud to my liking, I've found that seemingly at random intervals, the frame property for one of my groupX windows automatically resets itself to 0. I have at the moment 8 active groupX elements, 6 of them are solid black (frame 1) and two of them are supposed to be semi-transparent (frame 0.5). However, one of these two, group2 to be precise, continually resets itself to complete transparency (frame 0).

I might be able to pin down exactly when this happens tomorrow, but I was too tired to notice exactly when it happened while playing tonight. It might've been at mapchanges, it might not. Anyhoo, if anyone heard/seen/chatted/asked a gay 92-year-old homophobic about this, lemme know what you found out.

edit: If you want my cfg/hud setup just gimme a holler on irc (nick dakoth) and I can dcc it. Seems I can't find a good spot to host my stuff ever since my own httpd went down. Figures.
2007-09-11, 13:56
151 posts

Feb 2006
I might have located the problem as a residue from an earlier ezhud thingymajing (binds that weren't removed when I exited the editor). At least, once removed from my CFG, the problem did not persist.
2007-09-12, 16:31
355 posts

Jun 2006
screenshot of hud plz ?

yes i'm curious
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