
Member 121 posts
Registered: Mar 2006
Dowload ffdshow, its an encoder/decoder of various formats and H.264 is one of them.
Adjust its settings (to select correct codec and bitrate) and use 'ffdshow' as codec in quake.
News Writer 275 posts
Registered: May 2006
ok i got PROGRAM ERROR having 9 bots and myself on dm3 ffa 20 mins cant remember the msg in the console but something with "cant edit" and some stuff. the msg got spammed like 4-5 times in the console then qw broke down  was about 14 mins into the game, camping YA/Bridge not allowed to prac cs in nquake? )))))) Link, we are not even oldtimers anymore, we are dinosaurs. - Hooraytio
Administrator 2058 posts
Registered: Jan 2006
There are a lot of ezQuake bug reports in this nQuake thread...
Member 22 posts
Registered: Jan 2013
Some minor things here that I figure I might as well share. Apologies in advance if these are known issues; a search didn't come up with any hits.
At the very least I don't think they're ezQuake bugs. :-)
I'd put these in two buckets:
1) Stuff that is triggered by "on_enter" aliases; we noticed these during a sort-of-weekly LAN that my friends have been doing.
* ctf.cfg does the "+scores" command, but the first time you connect to a CTF server it seems that command hasn't been defined yet by the time ctf.cfg is executed. Changing this to "cmd 151" works better for me.
* If we switch from our CTF server to our FFA server, the CTF binds for things like the Fkeys are still in place since ktx won't invoke "on_enter" on the FFA server. It's necessary for us to have an "on_enter_ffa" alias in our scripts that does the same thing as "on_enter".
2) Frogbot scripts.
* The game mode scripts in frogbot.pk3 are missing definitions for team names, such as "localinfo team4 red" and "localinfo team13 blue". This affects the 2on2 and 4on4 modes... added bots don't get placed onto teams.
* If you start a frogbot game through "Start Bot Match" in the Multiplayer menu, rather than through console aliases, ezQuake will try to execute scripts that are named differently that the ones in frogbot.pk3 (such as "duel.cfg" instead of "fb_1on1.cfg" ). No real reason to use the menu I guess, but if someone did stumble across that then they could be confused. I'm sure this one has already been hashed out before so I'm mostly just curious about the reason for the different script names... stuff like "duel.cfg" was too generic?
Administrator 2058 posts
Registered: Jan 2006
Great stuff Johnny.
I haven't heard any of those bug reports earlier. I'll fix them when I get my next nQuake mania.
Member 22 posts
Registered: Jan 2013
Happy to help! nQuake is super slick and has been really handy for the LAN.
Got another thing to mention while I'm here. It's a "gotcha" that has to do with default.cfg and "Save Unchanged Options" (cfg_save_unchanged).
"Save Unchanged Options" defaults to "off", which (not super-intuitively) means that it will only save variables that are different from their engine defaults. But by the time Quake has launched some vars have already been changed to a non-default value by the default.cfg in nquake.pk3.
If I change any values back to their engine defaults, they won't be saved in my config. I actually need to enable "Save Unchanged Options" to save some of the stuff I change. :-)
One way we ran into this was with r_enemyskincolor and r_teamskincolor, which are set to red and white values by default.cfg. We wanted to change these vars to "" so we could see the skins, but those values would not get saved in our configs since "" is actually the engine default.
I also kept turning off "auto save on quit", and it kept turning itself back on next time I launched Quake, for the same reason.
This could surprise folks in various other ways; for example if they set their volume to 0.7, that wouldn't be saved since it's the default value; or if they tried to change crosshaircolor to white, or set in_mouse to 1, etc.
So, yeah. This isn't a bug, but it confused me for a bit so maybe it's worth mentioning in the readme. I'm not sure if there's some better way to deal with it... maybe cfg_save_unchanged should be enabled in default.cfg? It makes the saved/exported config bigger but that's not the end of the world.
It seems like a better solution would be to not execute default.cfg if a config.cfg already exists, but I don't know if or how that could be arranged.
Administrator 2058 posts
Registered: Jan 2006
It's a mistake that the unchanged thing is set to off. I turned it on because I wanted to generate a default.cfg that only had non-standard values in it.
Member 73 posts
Registered: Jul 2008
i am trying to check out the latest nquake installer
it doesnt seem to ask for exisiting quake installation and starts to download quake shareware (bad for slow connections)
i hope there isn't too much custom stuff like console backgroungs and external textures and colored lighting, it doesnt really make the game better, especially textures, last time i checked it actually made the game look worse, i hope they are not included anymore
(Edited 2013-02-11, 08:52)
Administrator 2058 posts
Registered: Jan 2006
i am trying to check out the latest nquake installer
it doesnt seem to ask for exisiting quake installation and starts to download quake shareware (bad for slow connections)
i hope there isn't too much custom stuff like console backgroungs and external textures and colored lighting, it doesnt really make the game better, especially textures, last time i checked it actually made the game look worse, i hope they are not included anymore You're the first one to say the textures make the game look worse, so I'm sorry but you will probably need to remove the textures by hand after installing.
Member 73 posts
Registered: Jul 2008
i am trying to check out the latest nquake installer
it doesnt seem to ask for exisiting quake installation and starts to download quake shareware (bad for slow connections)
i hope there isn't too much custom stuff like console backgroungs and external textures and colored lighting, it doesnt really make the game better, especially textures, last time i checked it actually made the game look worse, i hope they are not included anymore You're the first one to say the textures make the game look worse, so I'm sorry but you will probably need to remove the textures by hand after installing. maybe not worse but it doesnt feel faithful, it feels like completely different set of textures painted over same geometry.
Member 202 posts
Registered: Dec 2006
gl_externalTextures_world 0
Member 73 posts
Registered: Jul 2008
yes also i just solved this there is an issue with r_skincolormode set to 0 by default, its impossible to set skins in the menu, they always forced to solid color skins red and white until i found this cvar that turns them off its set to 0 by default for some reason and should be something else, i currently set it to 1 and seems to let me choose different enemy/team skins now. also "green" skin seems to be missing from these skins (compared to ezquake there is a green one there too). that rent at begginning i was ranting because i have slow connection and all these bells and whistles kept me waiting much longer than i thought, it used to ask me whether i wanted to download these things, would've been a much shorter wait since i have quake installed could have just chosen to get bare ezquake install, but it kept downloading these other things, i dont mind them, still doesnt really make quake look that much better, seriously, they better resolution wise but many of these things like textures and gun models are really poorly done so its starts to look like a mod rather than a game
Member 73 posts
Registered: Jul 2008
also shaft viewmodel is completely fucked up in firing mode there is some kind of rubber band effect instead of electricity i tried to fix this by repainting the "rubber band" still looks a bit out of place, i am pretty sure it would look better by removing it
Administrator 2059 posts
Registered: Jan 2006
For the nQuake "web version" which requires java, is there no java download link anywhere on the site? Can it be arranged so that one gets the question whether one wants to download the java package automatically before commencing nQuake installation?
It worked flawlessly on my home PC but that was probably due to the fact i already had java installed. When i didn't have java i only managed to download the launch.jnlp file and was left clueless. www.facebook.com/QuakeWorld
Member 22 posts
Registered: Jan 2013
yes also i just solved this there is an issue with r_skincolormode set to 0 by default, its impossible to set skins in the menu, they always forced to solid color skins red and white until i found this cvar that turns them off its set to 0 by default for some reason and should be something else, i currently set it to 1 and seems to let me choose different enemy/team skins now Hmm. The value of 1 for that var is undefined according to the ezQuake manual. Your Quake client might explode at any moment.  To get rid of the solid color overlays you should probably do this instead: r_enemyskincolor "" r_teamskincolor "" Check the nQuake readme.txt and question #9 there.
Administrator 2059 posts
Registered: Jan 2006
On the website the "QuakeWorld network top bar" needs to be overlooked. The site for the Showdown Tournament is no longer online and when you click it now, you get to a commercial site for cellulite treatment...
QuakeWorld.nu seems to have a newer version of the top bar content. www.facebook.com/QuakeWorld
Administrator 2058 posts
Registered: Jan 2006
I've fixed all the issues except for these ones:
* Bring back the full version screen to the installer. * Update qwnet bar on website. * Make the web version download java if user doesn't have it installed.
I'll look into these things later.
I also want to update the config step in the installer with drop-down menus instead of text fields. Also I want to make the default name the Windows user.
I also changed the default values for r_enemyskincolor/teamskincolor to "" and added true fullbright skins instead.
Member 22 posts
Registered: Jan 2013
I did a test install just now, looking good but I think autoexec.cfg still has the old FBCA config file names in the frogbot aliases (bot_ffa etc).
Administrator 2058 posts
Registered: Jan 2006
I did a test install just now, looking good but I think autoexec.cfg still has the old FBCA config file names in the frogbot aliases (bot_ffa etc). Ah. Fixed.
Administrator 2058 posts
Registered: Jan 2006
On the website the "QuakeWorld network top bar" needs to be overlooked. The site for the Showdown Tournament is no longer online and when you click it now, you get to a commercial site for cellulite treatment...
QuakeWorld.nu seems to have a newer version of the top bar content. Fixed.
Member 50 posts
Registered: Oct 2009
After uninstalling nQuake (no worries, it's still there - don't ask  ) I clicked the "details" button out of sheer curiosity. Among the deleted files I found some windows "programs" menu items which should be unrelated to Quake (for instance the whole "autostart" group). Naturally I clicked the programs group in the start menu and.... the whole group is wiped! It just says <empty>. I vaguely recall (I don't use this particular computer very often) that it might have happened in the past. However, I used to uninstall nQuake on this computer before, so perhaps that's what did it? Could somebody please double check it? Perhaps it's not the nQuake uninstaller that did it, but checking the "details" of uninstallation got me thinking...
Administrator 2058 posts
Registered: Jan 2006
My folder "Startup" didn't get affected by nQuake uninstaller.
Administrator 2058 posts
Registered: Jan 2006
2013-08-04 - nQuake v2.4 for Windows
* Improved the configuration window. * You can now place pak0.pak and pak1.pak alongside the nQuake installer executable, and they will be used in the installation.
Administrator 2058 posts
Registered: Jan 2006
2013-09-14 - nQuake v2.41 for Windows
* Made the configuration window show your user name as the default player name.
Administrator 2058 posts
Registered: Jan 2006
nQonline has now been updated with an executable instead of a jnpl file.
Member 258 posts
Registered: Feb 2006
empezar: nQuake rsync server seems to be down. Could you see what the problem is? My crontab whines about it once per hour 
Member 21 posts
Registered: Mar 2006
empezar: nQuake rsync server seems to be down. Could you see what the problem is? My crontab whines about it once per hour  If you know what to do, tell me.. otherwise you'll have to wait till Wednesday :]
Member 258 posts
Registered: Feb 2006
empezar: nQuake rsync server seems to be down. Could you see what the problem is? My crontab whines about it once per hour  If you know what to do, tell me.. otherwise you'll have to wait till Wednesday :] I'm not exactly sure but "/etc/init.d/rsync start" might be enough depending on the operating system rsync server is running on.
Administrator 2058 posts
Registered: Jan 2006
Rsync server should be up now.
Administrator 2058 posts
Registered: Jan 2006
The following update to nQuake is kind of a big deal to me...  2013-10-10 - nQuake v2.5 for Windows * Added an addon page during the installation with Team Fortress, Clan Arena and high-resolution textures.* Added file associations for .qtv, .qwz, .qwd and .mvd. * Merged the download location with the mirror select page. * Fixed the bug where the installer could not detect newer versions of the installer. * Fixed the bug where the download size wasn't displayed properly.
