
Administrator 2058 posts
Registered: Jan 2006
First off, did you read the readme?
If you didnt, please write down step by step how you solved your issue, and I will change the config and add info to the readme.
The readme is a pretty important tool when solving issues.
News Writer 275 posts
Registered: May 2006
No sorry about that emp i did not read it....im to old and lazy....sorry :/ When i installed your new nQuake the "save settings" in the ingame menu did not help. I even changed the config.cfg and still noting changed. I tried uninstall and install several times. Then when I installed with subdir: nQuake....suddenly it was ok. On my previous installs i used Quake as subdir. I guess it did not like that i changed from default subdir? (and that is nQuake). Why that happend i dont know. Are you sure everything will work ok when you change subdir on install? Also when you install, crosshairimage is default on "3". I just dont understand why its set to that default. So when a oldtimer like me dont read readme and starts to type "crosshair 1" to get a crosshair....then i did not understand shit. My fault I guess  Crosshairimage 3 = No crosshair. Also skins would not load. Because of the r_enemyskincolor setting. When i typed: r_enemyskincolor " " ... then the skins would load. Im just asking why the defaults are set like this. Why not have default set to "crosshairimage 1" and "r_enemyskincolor" set to " ". Also some settings change. I go to config and do save settings but it changes when i execute ezquake again. I set graphics to FAITHFUL and NO TEXTURES ON. I also set to CLASSIC HUD. When i fire up quake again its on EYECANDY and NEW HUD. But again....i did not read readme  But hey, I love you all guys for making ezquake and nquake...I am just an impatient old quaker  Thanks for doing this  Povo5 charset 4ever! Link, we are not even oldtimers anymore, we are dinosaurs. - Hooraytio
Administrator 2058 posts
Registered: Jan 2006
My tips are:
1. read the readme.txt 2. read the welcome message (it has a few commands you can use). 3. if you did step 2, you would've typed "crosshairs", which would've said to use the command /crosshairimage
I tried changing the name of my nQuake folder to "shitquake". Worked fine.
Did you perhaps install nQuake into Program Files folder? The installer says not to do that.
The crosshairs are numbered after popularity on gfx.quakeworld.nu, and I liked the #3 crosshair best, so I made it the default.
I don't know why your crosshairimage 3 doesn't work. It's placed in /crosshairs folder inside /qw/nquake.pk3. It works fine for me.
The graphics settings work fine for me, even using the menu.
The skin problem is solved by reading the readme. I've never had anyone complain about the use of r_enemyskincolor. It's a pretty widely used variable, afaik.
Administrator 654 posts
Registered: Nov 2008
Im just asking why the defaults are set like this. Why not have default set to "crosshairimage 1" and "r_enemyskincolor" set to " ".
You need to understand that "crosshairimage" tries to load a specific file. Whatever you put into there, it tries to load. If you put in "crosshairimage 1" that means it tries to load the file "1". If you want it to NOT load any specific image but use the old /crosshair 1-9 ish stuff then you need to put "crosshairimage "" (NOTHING, with other words. Crosshairimage "<nothing here>"  . Anyway, seems most of your problems can be solved by just reading the manual(s). r_enemyskincolor is a way better way to go since you can decide whichever color you want using RGB. Good luck! Yours, Andeh ps. one could argue that it should be more "noobfriendly", or simply better explained in manuals/readmes. pps. An idea about your directory problem, maybe it's a cfgrelated issue? If your cfg tries to load something from nQuake/qw/* and you switched name of the directory, whatever you're trying to load won't load.
Administrator 1025 posts
Registered: Apr 2006
ps. one could argue that it should be more "noobfriendly"...
Indeed, but your still required to RTFM 
News Writer 275 posts
Registered: May 2006
I agree on all of the above  I guess RTFM is hard for an old timer who knew everything about the game...and is back like a noob  Link, we are not even oldtimers anymore, we are dinosaurs. - Hooraytio
Administrator 1025 posts
Registered: Apr 2006
I agree on all of the above  I guess RTFM is hard for an old timer who knew everything about the game...and is back like a noob  Hehe, yeah you might be forgiven  I'm planning to simplify things, things aren't really obvious at times unfortunately.
Member 286 posts
Registered: Sep 2012
Maybe you could put more stuff in the welcome message ? I don't remember what is shown, but maybe a huge splash screen with the readme would work better 
Administrator 2058 posts
Registered: Jan 2006
I've put the most important stuff in the welcome message.
Anyone that encounters problems SHOULD read the readme. That's the standard way of dealing with issues.
Putting the entire HUGE readme file into the welcome screen would be anything but noob friendly.
Member 258 posts
Registered: Feb 2006
Empezar: nQuake rsync server seems to be down, could you fix it?
Administrator 2058 posts
Registered: Jan 2006
It's because my brother (who is hosting the nQuake main mirror) has moved to Uppsala. I'm there right now helping him setup. It'll be fixed within a few days.
Member 286 posts
Registered: Sep 2012
I just discovered i can't launch the map "blessed" which is in the nquake.pk3. I have an SV_error: program error, and it seems I am not the only one. Any idea ?
[edit]I just tried to remove it from the pk3 and add a blessed.bsp i found elsewhere, it doesn't work either, maybe it's a map/client problem ?
Administrator 2058 posts
Registered: Jan 2006
Empezar: nQuake rsync server seems to be down, could you fix it? Should start working within 24 hours.
Member 73 posts
Registered: Feb 2008
I tried converting a qwd to avi using "demo_capture start 10 video.avi" but when I try to play it in vlc its black and white and the picture is "weird" and a 3sec demo becomes 300+ mb
anyone who knows what to do?
Member 286 posts
Registered: Sep 2012
300 mo for 3 seconds is pretty normal for uncompressed video, i had almost 150Go of raw video while making Sweetheart... Vlc struggles to play that kind of video ( around 300000kb/s of data ), try to compress it with virtual dub or open it in some editing software !
Member 1102 posts
Registered: Jan 2006
With 1280x720 I get about 40 Megabytes per second. That means I can capture faster than realtime (roughly 60MB/s at the moment). It is roughly 48 bytes per pixel. With 1920x1080 this leads to about 100 Megabytes per second. That is the resolution you are using to capture? Unless you target that resolution for the resulting video, there is no reason to capture in it. Personally I find 720p more to be than enough. I use it for the videos on https://www.youtube.com/user/Quaddicted and haven't had complains.
Member 286 posts
Registered: Sep 2012
I only capture in 720p too, but it's only because 1080p is too much for my computer ! It also depends of what your doing with this captured video, if it's not edited too much, 720p is way enough, if you go through lots of softwares it's always better to have the highest quality possible at the beginning, because you will always loose some on the process. And i can't replay raw 720p videos here either  And what demo_capture_fps are you using CarlJ ?
Member 121 posts
Registered: Mar 2006
Give the poor harddrive a break and use a codec with: demo_capture_codec "ffdshow" for example.
I could edit these videos with Sony Vegas and After Effects. You gotta fiddle a bit with its settings, and bitrate ofc.
You gotta have it installed though.
(I had about 28,8 MB/s with 1920x1080 60fps, 250000 kbps bitrate)... but i actually recorded with around 400..600 fps
Administrator 1025 posts
Registered: Apr 2006
I tried converting a qwd to avi using "demo_capture start 10 video.avi" but when I try to play it in vlc its black and white and the picture is "weird" and a 3sec demo becomes 300+ mb
anyone who knows what to do? What resolution did you use?
News Writer 275 posts
Registered: May 2006
My nquake crashes when trying to load Q1EDGE on servers. Not that i play that map...but thought you should know  Link, we are not even oldtimers anymore, we are dinosaurs. - Hooraytio
Member 73 posts
Registered: Feb 2008
the fps I capture with is 30 and my resolution is 1366x768
Member 73 posts
Registered: Feb 2008
I found this in another thread:
Record at a lower res like 320x240, 400x300, 512x384 (vid_mode -1;vid_customwidth 320;vid_customheight 240;vid_displayfrequency 75;vid_restart for example) and you'll probably get somewhat tolerable results.
but I get an error from nquake which said; ERROR could make compressed video stream
Edit: probably concerning the codec.....
Member 73 posts
Registered: Feb 2008
Ok, I got everything working using the xvid codec and the picture is good now and everything has a nice flow using 40fps but itīs still black and white
Member 286 posts
Registered: Sep 2012
Must be a drivers issue then. 
Member 1102 posts
Registered: Jan 2006
XviD is super super bad if you want to edit the video later. If you can, capture in H264 aka MPEG4 AVC (probably "x264" is the encoder on your system). That will be much more CPU intense but also much higher quality.
Member 73 posts
Registered: Feb 2008
this is how it looks...
Member 73 posts
Registered: Feb 2008
anyone who knows why itīs black/white?
Member 258 posts
Registered: Feb 2006
Empezar: nQuake rsync server seems to be down, could you fix it? Should start working within 24 hours. It's still down?
Member 73 posts
Registered: Feb 2008
XviD is super super bad if you want to edit the video later. If you can, capture in H264 aka MPEG4 AVC (probably "x264" is the encoder on your system). That will be much more CPU intense but also much higher quality. ok, I decided to try x264 instead and installed drivers but when I entered demo_capture_codec "x264" it didnt work. Do u have a link for the correct drivers and should i enter demo_capture_codec "x264" or demo_capture_codec "h264" or what? thanks in advance
Administrator 2058 posts
Registered: Jan 2006
Empezar: nQuake rsync server seems to be down, could you fix it? Should start working within 24 hours. It's still down? I think it should be up now.
