28 posts
May 2007
hi im tryin to host a pub server (mvdsv 2.666) from windows xp. i can get it up and running fine enough but can only connect over the lan. when trying to connect over the inernet i get the error: connection lost or aborted.
i have port forwarding all set up in my router, atleast for port 27500, which the game is on.
ive turned my firewall off.
i cant think of what else it could be? any suggestions?
151 posts
Jan 2006
1) forward port 27500 to your mvdsv PC
2) turn off firewall filtration for mvdsv.exe and for port UDP:27500 (QuakeWorld servers dont use TCP
3) be sure your mvdsv machine have access to internet thru NAT
4) run mvdsv at port 27500
if dont help - get the tcpdump program for windows and read the tcpdump's manuals. You have to be sure that UDP packets send from client-PC comes to server-PC. If they not - check your network configuration.
P.S. I assume you have real-IP in internet

kill me now and burn my soul
13 posts
Mar 2009
Seems like I have the same problem.
I can connect on my machine when I have setup the server on my machine but when a find tries to connect it shows ping of 9999 in gamespy or continously trying to connect in the quake console. I've turned my windows firewall off, added the port 28001 which my server is running for both udp and tcp in the windows firewall settings (even though the firewall is off). I'm not sure what be sure your mvdsv machine has access to internet through WAT but I am definately able to access the Internet via a USB dongle (Wireless Internet).
103 posts
Apr 2007
If the server is on a local machine, and You are trying to connect through the external IP (internet), You won't be able to. You have to connect through the internal (LAN) IP.
House of Fragenstein | FFA
13 posts
Mar 2009
The issue was my ISP blocking ports. Contacted the ISP and got it sorted