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General Discussion
2006-11-27, 16:01
171 posts

Jan 2006
I would like to buy this barebone system, AOpen MiniPC Duo MP945-VXR.

It has to be powerful enough to give me a stable fps in quakeworld if I'm gonna buy it

Would it be able to handle quakeworld with 24-bit textures in 1280x1024? Any hardware guru out there that would like to share his thoughts on this one?

The graphics chip is Intel GMA 950 and it supports Intel Core Duo 2 processors.

2006-11-27, 16:42
1101 posts

Jan 2006
Why shouldn't it?
It depends what you insert of course. And what other settings you are gonna use.
2006-11-27, 16:49
171 posts

Jan 2006
Well, the graphics doesn't seem like the best.

I use default graphics settings in ezQuake, independent physics, maxfps 144 @ 144hz, vsync off.

I am also about to buy a tft-monitor (vx922, any other ideas?) so I might lower the maxfps if high fps is useless with tft. (Is it?)

I'll post my config later.
2006-11-27, 19:03
171 posts

Jan 2006
Well here is some variables from my config. Can one assume that the computer above can give me well over 100fps?

//FPS and EyeCandy Settings
cl_deadbodyFilter "1"
cl_gibFilter "1"
cl_hidenails "0"
cl_hiderockets "0"
cl_lerp_monsters "1"
cl_maxfps "144"
cl_model_bobbing "0"
cl_muzzleflash "0"
cl_nolerp "0"
cl_physfps "0"
cl_r2g "1"
gl_detail "0"
r_drawentities "1"
r_drawflame "0"
r_explosionLight "0"
r_explosionLightColor "0"
r_explosionType "5"
r_flagColor "0"
r_grenadeTrail "1"
r_lerpframes "1"
r_lerpmuzzlehack "1"
r_lgbloodColor "225"
r_lightflicker "1"
r_powerupGlow "2"
r_rocketLight "0"
r_rocketLightColor "3"
r_rocketTrail "2"
r_telesplash "1"

//Particle Effects
gl_bounceparticles "1"
gl_clipparticles "1"
gl_part_blobs "0"
gl_part_blood "0"
gl_part_explosions "0"
gl_part_gunshots "0"
gl_part_inferno "0"
gl_part_lavasplash "0"
gl_part_spikes "0"
gl_part_telesplash "0"
gl_part_trails "1"
gl_particle_blobs "0.1"
gl_particle_blood "0"
gl_particle_blood_color "1"
gl_particle_blood_type "1"
gl_particle_deatheffect "1"
gl_particle_explosions "0"
gl_particle_fasttrails "0"
gl_particle_fire "1"
gl_particle_gibtrails "1"
gl_particle_gunshots "0"
gl_particle_gunshots_type "1"
gl_particle_muzzleflash "0"
gl_particle_shockwaves "1"
gl_particle_shockwaves_flat "0"
gl_particle_spikes "0"
gl_particle_spikes_type "1"
gl_particle_trail_detail "1"
gl_particle_trail_lenght "1"
gl_particle_trail_time "1"
gl_particle_trail_type "1"
gl_particle_trail_width "1"
gl_solidparticles "0"

gl_colorlights "1"
gl_coronas "1"
gl_coronas_tele "0"
gl_fb_bmodels "1"
gl_fb_models "1"
gl_flashblend "0"
gl_lighting_colour "1"
gl_lighting_vertex "1"
gl_lightmode "2"
gl_loadlitfiles "1"
gl_shaftlight ".8"
r_dynamic "1"
r_fullbright "0"
r_lightmap "0"
r_shadows "0"

//Turbulency and Sky Settings
gl_caustics "0"
gl_fog "0"
gl_fogblue "0.4"
gl_fogend "800.0"
gl_foggreen "0.5"
gl_fogred "0.6"
gl_fogsky "0"
gl_fogstart "50.0"
gl_surface_lava "0"
gl_surface_slime "0"
gl_turb_trails "0"
gl_turbalpha "1"
gl_turbfog "0"
gl_turbfogDensity "1"
gl_weather_rain "0"
gl_weather_rain_fast "0"
r_fastsky "1"
r_fastturb "0"
r_lavacolor "73"
r_novis "0"
r_skycolor "2 2 2"
r_skyname ""
r_slimecolor "53"
r_telecolor "30 0 150"
r_watercolor "36"

//Texture Settings
gl_ext_texture_compression "0"
gl_externalTextures_bmodels "1"
gl_externalTextures_world "1"
gl_lerpimages "1"
gl_lumaTextures "1"
gl_max_size "4096"
gl_miptexLevel "0"
gl_picmip "0"
gl_playermip "0"
gl_scaleModelTextures "0"
gl_scaleTurbTextures "1"
gl_subdivide_size "128"
r_drawflat "0"
r_floorcolor "10 55 55"
r_wallcolor "10 10 10"

//OpenGL Rendering
gl_affinemodels "0"
gl_buildingsparks "1"
gl_clear "0"
gl_clearColor "0 0 0"
gl_cull "1"
gl_cutf_tesla_effect "1"
gl_detpacklights "1"
gl_extratrails "1"
gl_finish "0"
gl_inferno_speed "1000"
gl_inferno_trail "3"
gl_lightning_size "1"
gl_motiontrails "0"
gl_motiontrails_wtf "0"
gl_nailtrail "1"
gl_nailtrail_plasma "0"
gl_nailtrail_turb "0"
gl_nocolors "0"
gl_smoothmodels "1"
gl_triplebuffer "1"
gl_ztrick "1"
r_farclip "4096"

//System Settings
sys_disableWinKeys "1"
sys_highpriority "0"
sys_inactiveSleep "1"
sys_yieldcpu "1"

//Video Settings
_vid_default_mode "0"
_vid_default_mode_win "3"
_windowed_mouse "0"
vid_config_x "800"
vid_config_y "600"
vid_flashonactivity "1"
vid_hwgammacontrol "1"
vid_mode "3"
vid_vsync "0"
2006-11-27, 19:04
1101 posts

Jan 2006
Oh I see now. You definitely should not use the built-in graphics adapter! You won't get nice framerates with that for sure.
Just get a Geforce 6600 or similar and you should be fine.
2006-11-27, 19:26
793 posts

Feb 2006
yup, integrated graphics is evil. half of the graphical features aren't available and the rest is awfully slow. i don't see you getting stable 77 fps with integrated graphics, no matter the cpu/ram.

/offtopic: login doesn't work with safari? can anyone confirm?
2006-11-27, 21:23
171 posts

Jan 2006
Ok, then this is not an alternative since it has no slots what so ever (miniPCI doesn't count). :cry:
2006-11-27, 22:39
1101 posts

Jan 2006

That's an older AOpen barebone (ey855). I can fully recommend it.
2006-11-27, 23:13
171 posts

Jan 2006
Well, I need a much smaller one tbh...
2006-11-28, 03:49
59 posts

Mar 2006
apa wrote:
Well, I need a much smaller one tbh...

What about a Mac Mini?
2006-11-29, 09:30
171 posts

Jan 2006
Mac Mini has crappy graphics as well hasn't it?
2006-11-29, 22:52
48 posts

Jul 2006
what about that:
2006-12-19, 21:15
384 posts

Dec 2006
apa wrote:
I use default graphics settings in ezQuake, independent physics, maxfps 144 @ 144hz, vsync off.

I am also about to buy a tft-monitor (vx922, any other ideas?) so I might lower the maxfps if high fps is useless with tft. (Is it?)

TFTs are pretty limited in refresh rates, most will not do higher than 75hz.

I'd be a bit worried about running 1280x1024 on a GMA950. Looking at some benchmarks, it only averages 30fps in Enemy Territory (oldest game I could find) at 800x600. OK so QW is going to run quicker but even so I doubt it could manage constant 75fps.
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